Add App_Start folder to ASP.NET Application (Empty Template) -

So I have a asp web application (I chose empty template) and I'm trying to add the App_Start folder but I can find it, the option doesn't come up when I try to add an ASP.NET Folder. Any other way to do this than start all over again?

I"m not sure there is one. Check (or add) the Global.asax file for a place to add code on app start.


Adding global.aspx file

I am currently using IIS to host a simple website, and would like to know how to enable the 'Global.aspx' file? I need to know where I would define it, as all the tutorials talk about using Visual Studio, which I am not using.
File Global.asax should be placed on the root directory of your site. There is nothing else to do besides adding required code, you put it there and just work.
Just right-click on the project name displayed in the Solution Explorer, and choose Add New..., then choose Global.asax from the list displayed in the new popup window. It goes to the root of your application.
Here is further information: Where is the Global.asax.cs file?

How to add global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project?

In my project the Global.asax file is removed. I want add a global.asax file to my projet.
But in Add New Item dialog the Global.asax not exist.
Just in case you may have missed the item even though it may actually be there for you I'll post this answer.
In Visual Studio 2013
Open Solution Explorer.
Right-click on the project.
Add New Item.
VB or C#
Global Application Class.
Create an empty new project.
Go to that folder and copy the Global.asax file.
Go to your project and in solution explorer paste it on root.
Open Global.asax file and change namespace match to your namespace.
In solution explorer right click on Global.asax and pick View Markup and change inherits match to your namespace.
Any problem doing this:
Create a new empty project and get it from there (drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer to Visual Studio works fine), or
Add, say aspx page or any item, then rename accordingly (to get the code behind file, add and rename another item); in this case, they'll obviously be empty.

ASP.NET MVC 4 IncludeDirectory from a another referenced project

I'm facing out a strange problem while using ASP.NET MVC 4.
I have 2 "Web Site" projects:
The first named "MyWebSite"
The second named "MyWebSite.Support"
I need to include the scripts under MyWebSite into MyWebSite.Support, so i thought to create a bundle in MyWebSite.Support and to reference that directory (MyWebSite/Scripts) inside that bundle by using "IncludeDirectory"
The problem is that i didn't found a way to correctly do that. It simply doesn't work because the starting path for the IncludeDirectory should be "~", which is the project virtual root path.
PS: If you have another solutions they are welcome!.
I don't even know if it's a good solution (i usually am not a everything_related_microsoft developer)
You could add the scripts as a link to the other project. This will assure you that they are copied when you deploy and you can use them in bundles. To do that, right-click on your scripts folder and select "Add existing item". In the dialog box select the files you want to add. Instead of clicking "Add Item", click on the little arrow next to it and select "Add as a link".
This will not actually copy the files, but include them as a linked file.
This has several advantages:
Files are shared between projects at Design time
You only need to share the files you want, not everything
You don't need any IIS configuration
You can easily edit the same file from each project (without copying it)

How can I make a copy of a folder in a website?

I have a couple of web pages in a folder, and want to copy the folder to have a set of similar pages (with only a couple of changes).
However, when I simply copy and paste it in Visual Web Developer I get errors:
Type 'WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1' already defines a member
called 'Page_Load' with the same parameter types
The type 'WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1' already contains a
definition for 'form1'
So how do I make a copy, where the namespace or class name isn't exactly the same - Is there a way to let Visual Studio do it for me? If not - What should I change to have it work but not break the code?
Here's what I did:
New project web application
Added folder to project
Added webform to folder
Folder right-click copy
Project right-click paste
Got errors
In the copied folder, you have to change a few things.
in the copied version WebForm1.aspx.cs code behind, change the namespace to something new. From namespace WebApplication1.Folder1 to namespace WebApplication1.NewFolder1
in the markup of WebForm1.aspx of the copied file, you need to change the "inherits" property of the page. It should change from Inherits="WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1" to Inherits="WebApplication1.NewFolder1.WebForm1".
you should change the namespace in any of file that was copied over as well, but if you just have an empty webform, then the first 2 steps should get you going.
There might be an automatic way to do all of this, (find and replace could work, or some other VS feature) , but i don't know about it.

How do I use Global.asax files in ASP.NET applications?

How do I use a Global.asax file in my ASP.NET code?
Is there some kind of include statement, sort of like <script type="text/javascript" src='xxx.js'></script>?
You mean global.asax right? Just add it to your project. The code you put in there will be picked up by the ASP runtime and executed as expected.
It's a file. It goes in your application folder (the same folder your files go in.)
You'll use Global.asax for asp.NET, and Global.asa for classic ASP.
Right-click your project folder, add new item, pick global.asax from the options, and you're there.
(Which is to say, you don't have to make a reference to it in your .aspx pages like you do for javascript or css, etc. The events that global.asax handles are global (hence the name...), not page-specific.)

