How to remove characters before matching pattern and after matching pattern in R in one line? - r

I have this vector Target <- c( "tes_1123_SS1G_340T01", "tes_23_SS2G_340T021". I want to remove anything before SS and anything after T0 (including T0).
Result I want in one line of code:
SS1G_340 SS2G_340
Code I have tried:
gsub("^.*?SS|\\T0", "", Target)

We can use str_extract
str_extract(Target, "SS[^T]*")
#[1] "SS1G_340" "SS2G_340"

Try this:
[1] "SS1G_340" "SS2G_340"
Why it works:
With regex, we can choose to keep a pattern and remove everything outside of that pattern with a two-step process. Step 1 is to put the pattern we'd like to keep in parentheses. Step 2 is to reference the number of the parentheses-bound pattern we'd like to keep, as sometimes we might have multiple parentheses-bound elements. See the example below for example:
[1] "SS1G_340" "SS2G_340"
Note that I've put the T0.* in parentheses this time, but we still get the correct answer because I've told gsub to return the first of the two parentheses-bound patterns. But now see what happens if I use \\2 instead:
[1] "T01" "T021"
The .* are wild cards by the way. If you'd like to learn more about using regex in R, here's a reference that can get you started.


Regex to find words from list, when specific words not appear 3 words before

I want to find all matches of specific words from list, but when specific another words not appears in the range of 3 words before.
For example:
Find all the times that the words "good|best|better" appears in the text, but the words "no|not|none" not appears 3 words before.
I tried something like that:
But it's not working.
You may be able to use this PCRE regex in R with perl=TRUE option:
RegEx Demo
In your R code use:
gregexpr("\\b(?:not?|none)(?:\\s+\\S+){0,2}\\s+(good|best|better)\\b(*SKIP)(*F)|\\b(?:good|best|better)\\b", mystr, perl=TRUE)
In PCRE, verbs (*SKIP)(*F) are used to fail and skip a match that we don't want to match.
If we would be only looking to fail no and other derivatives of that, we would be starting with a simple expression such as:
Then, we would add word boundary if necessary, and we would expand that to:
Demo 1
and finally we would add our desired words using:
Demo 2
RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

How to search for strings with parentheses in R

Using R, I have a long list of keywords that I'm searching for in a dataset. One of the keywords needs to have parentheses around it in order to be included.
I've been attempting to replace the parenthesis in the keywords list with \\ then the parentheses, but have not been successful. If there is a way to modify the grepl() function to recognize them, that would also be helpful. Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
data<-c("brown dog","black bear","salmon (fish)","red fish")
patterns2<- paste(patterns,collapse="|")
I would like salmon (fish) to give TRUE, and red fish to give FALSE.
Thank you!
As noted by #joran in the comments, the pattern should look like so:
The \\s will tell R to read the parentheses literally when searching for the pattern.
Easiest way to achieve this if you don't want to make the change manually:
patterns <- gsub("([()])","\\\\\\1", patterns)
Which will result in:
[1] "dog" "cat" "\\(fish\\)"
If you're not very familiar with regular expressions, what happens here is that it looks for any one character within the the square brackets. The round brackets around that tell it to save whatever it finds that matches the contents. Then, the first four slashes in the second argument tell it to replace what it found with two slashes (each two slashes translate into one slash), and the \\1 tells it to add whatever it saved from the first argument - i.e., either ( or ).
Another option is to forget regex and use grepl with fixed = T
rowSums(sapply(patterns, grepl, data, fixed = T)) > 0

Removing part of strings within a column

I have a column within a data frame with a series of identifiers in, a letter and 8 numbers, i.e. B15006788.
Is there a way to remove all instances of B15.... to make them empty cells (there’s thousands of variations of numbers within each category) but keep B16.... etc?
I know if there was just one thing I wanted to remove, like the B15, I could do;
sub(“B15”, ””, df$col)
But I’m not sure on the how to remove a set number of characters/numbers (or even all subsequent characters after B15).
Thanks in advance :)
Welcome to SO! This is a case of regex. You can use base R as I show here or look into the stringR package for handy tools that are easier to understand. You can also look for regex rules to help define what you want to look for. For what you ask you can use the following code example to help:
testStrings <- c("KEEPB15", "KEEPB15A", "KEEPB15ABCDE")
gsub("B15.{2}", "", testStrings)
gsub is the base R function to replace a pattern with something else in one or a series of inputs. To test our regex I created the testStrings vector for different examples.
Breaking down the regex code, "B15" is the pattern you're specifically looking for. The "." means any character and the "{2}" is saying what range of any character we want to grab after "B15". You can change it as you need. If you want to remove everything after "B15". replace the pattern with "B15.". the "" means everything till the end.
edit: If you want to specify that "B15" must be at the start of the string, you can add "^" to the start of the pattern as so: "^B15.{2}" has a info on different regex's you can make to be more particular.

Match everything up until first instance of a colon

Trying to code up a Regex in R to match everything before the first occurrence of a colon.
Let's say I have:
time = "12:05:41"
I'm trying to extract just the 12. My strategy was to do something like this:
grep(".+?(?=:)", time, value = TRUE)
But I'm getting the error that it's an invalid Regex. Thoughts?
Your regex seems fine in my opinion, I don't think you should use grep, also you are missing perl=TRUE that is why you are getting the error.
I would recommend using :
stringr::str_extract( time, "\\d+?(?=:)")
grep is little different than it is being used here, its good for matching separate values and filtering out those which has similar pattern, but you can't pluck out values within a string using grep.
If you want to use Base R you can also go for sub:
sub("^(\\d+?)(?=:)(.*)$","\\1",time, perl=TRUE)
Also, you may split the string using strsplit and filter out the first string like below:
strsplit(time, ":")[[1]][1]

remove/replace specific words or phrases from character strings - R

I looked around both here and elsewhere, I found many similar questions but none which exactly answer mine. I need to clean up naming conventions, specifically replace/remove certain words and phrases from a specific column/variable, not the entire dataset. I am migrating from SPSS to R, I have an example of the code to do this in SPSS below, but I am not sure how to do it in R.
"Acadia Parish" --> "Acadia" (removes Parish and space before Parish)
"Fifth District" --> "Fifth" (removes District and space before District)
SPSS syntax:
COMPUTE county=REPLACE(county,' Parish','').
There are only a few instances of this issue in the column with 32,000 cases, and what needs replacing/removing varies and the cases can repeat (there are dozens of instances of a phrase containing 'Parish'), meaning it's much faster to code what needs to be removed/replaced, it's not as simple or clean as a regular expression to remove all spaces, all characters after a specific word or character, all special characters, etc. And it must include leading spaces.
I have looked at the replace() gsub() and other similar commands in R, but they all involve creating vectors, or it seems like they do. What I'd like is syntax that looks for characters I specify, which can include leading or trailing spaces, and replaces them with something I specify, which can include nothing at all, and if it does not find the specific characters, the case is unchanged.
Yes, I will end up repeating the same syntax many times, it's probably easier to create a vector but if possible I'd like to get the syntax I described, as there are other similar operations I need to do as well.
Thank you for looking.
> x <- c("Acadia Parish", "Fifth District")
> x2 <- gsub("^(\\w*).*$", "\\1", x)
> x2
[1] "Acadia" "Fifth"
^ Start of pattern.
() Group (or token).
\w* One or more occurrences of word character more than 1 times.
.* one or more occurrences of any character except new line \n.
$ end of pattern.
\1 Returns group from regexp
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see why you can't simply use conditionals in your regex expression, then trim out the annoying white space.
string <- c("Arcadia Parish", "Fifth District")
bad_words <- c("Parish", "District") # Write all the words you want removed here!
bad_regex <- paste(bad_words, collapse = "|")
trimws( sub(bad_regex, "", string) )
# [1] "Arcadia" "Fifth"
dataframename$varname <- gsub(" Parish","", dataframename$varname)
