Does syslog-ng supports log forwarding to remote host in different a network namespaces?
Something similar to rsyslog omfwd::NetworkNamespace
Check out the syslog-ng documentation please but my best understanding is that the network() and syslog() destination drivers of syslog-ng provide roughly the same functionality.
The documentation for syslog-ng open source edition is published here:
I need to know, if it is possible to connect with Mikrotik script to TCP/IP Websocket to transfer some data e.g. with PC or PLC (which can provide server socket).
Thanks for any answer.
You can use /tool fetch to download files from remote server with http, https , ftp or tftp protocol. Then you can parse downloaded file to extract variables. see
There is no explicit websocket support, but as noted in the other answer, you have the ability to connect to a simple website, even do a POST. You could also do something clever with tftp. If none of this suits, you could probably use metarouter with something like busybox to achieve the connection.
Iur BizTalk appears received duplicated messages from the partner SFTP site, we are trying to find out if it is the partner's fault posted the duplicated files or if it is BizTalk magically introduced the duplication. Unfortunately the SFTP site log was purged. In FTP adapter, it has an option to configure a log path for this kind of purpose, but it seems not available for the BizTalk SFTP adapter.
Any thought?
answer is this is not yet implemented
Logging is not available in BizTalk 2013 R2, it will however be available in BizTalk 2016.
BizTalk Server 2016 What's New
SFTP adapter supports more SFTP servers, and has more encryption ciphers and logging. It also uses WinSCP to connect to SFTP servers.
I'm using the BlazeDS binary version with Apache tomcat 6.0. And it seems there's a developer mode active and it only allows 3 IPs to connect to the application (Server).
This is what the log says:
[BlazeDS]MessageBroker '__default__' rejected connection from address ''; Developer mode addresses already in use:,,
(IP addresses are masked with 'x' for privacy)
I have not added any special configuration to make developer mode active. I couldn't find any resources related to this scenario either. Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
If you install Livecycle DataServices without having a serial number you'll have this limitation. However that's not the case for BlazeDS. So please check again, I think you have installed LCDS instead of BlazeDS.
I need to know what is the protocol used in vmware ESXi vSphere client to connect to the remote console?
Is this protocol open source ?
Is their any vmware/third party applications enables VM Remote console connection other than vsphere client ?
If you're looking to connect to a ESX machine, without the heavy overhead of the vSphere client then you can use the VMware Remote Console.
While this isn't formally documented, one of the developers has kindly posted some fairly detailed information on the VMware Forums.
vmware-vmrc.exe command documentation
Depending what version of the plugin or vSphere client you have installed depends on the exact location of the plugin. Here is an example for what I have installed as part of vShpere 5
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\
VMware VMRC Plug-in\Internet Explorer\vmware-vmrc.exe"
-u user -p password -h esxi.localnet -d "[store1] Test/Test.vmx"
VMware's console access is indeed a closed protocol. However, they do have an embeddable web control called the Remote Console that implements this. It is an 'experimental' feature I believe, and won't be supported by them. But it's doable.
So while the protocol isn't implemented by anyone else I know of, there is an option to wrap the control at least.
See: Installing and Using the VMware Remote Console Plug-in
When creating apps that interface on various TCP protocols (apart from HTTP), we need to test our app and how it communicates with a real server.
Now typically with shared hosting you can't install any low level service to talk protocols like POP3, IMAP for email, SIP or XMPP and for instant messaging.
So are there "test" servers that exist (like that help you debug or test if you app is speaking that protocol correctly?
Or maybe its easy enough to install some email/IM protocol server on another local PC and then we can use Wireshark to test with that?
I think wireshark is probably your best bet. I have never heard of publicly available test servers, I would install a server on your LAN and use that for testing.
Windows Server comes with a built in SMTP server. Try here for some information
There is a list of XMPP servers here, I have personally used OpenFire on Windows.