Symfony 3: Integrate Wordpress for FRONTEND NICE DISPLAY PURPOSE - wordpress

I am looking for solutions to integrate WordPress to Symfony 3.
My Symfony 3 project is running well with its own custom functionalities but the landing page looks lame compare to a WordPress landing page.
Now I want to update the visual of the landing page. Knowing that is something easy to do with a WordPress template, I am looking for this solution. (I might delegate the building of the WordPress site but need to be sure I can connect it with my existing Symfony 3 project.)
I found plenty of input on the subject, most of them are olds like: this one or that one.
There is also the EkinoWordpressBundle and symfony-wordpress-edition. But those seem to integrate Symfony within WordPress, and as I only require WordPress for display purposes I'd rather have it the other way around.
Any suggested direction to achieve that?

Follow these steps:
Place your wordpress installation into the /web folder e.g /blog
edit your symfony .htaccess file, then comment out this line.
DirectoryIndex app.php
Run your Wordpress as normal i.e


Rewrite Magento url to Wordpress page

I have a Magento site installed at the root of my domain and a Wordpress installed in a subdirectory. Currently I access my sites like this:
Magento: ""
Wordpress: ""
I would like to be able to use Wordpress Pages seamlessly, without the "/blog" subdirectory showing in the url, such as:
Wordpress Page-X: ""
Note that I do want to keep the "/blog" subdirectory showing normally for blog posts etc... I just don't want it for Wordpress Pages.
Could anybody help on how to set that up? I was think tweaking the .htaccess would've work, but I can't find out how. Other solutions are welcome too. Thank you.
Magento provides you with an option to create custom URL rewrites in the backend (admin) you can find it here. This way you should be able to create rewrites. Also if you want to automate the creation of rewrites you can refer to the core_rewrites table in magento's database. Also this is a good read if you want to do logic based rewrites on the fly.

using wordpress plugins in magento possible?

I just had a little doubt..
can i use wordpress inside Magento CMS..... I mean can I able to install wordpress plugins in magento... The reason iam asking about Magento because, Iam gonna use magento templates and besides I also need to use wordpress plugins in it.. I need BOTH..
So, is this possible..?
While my research, I found some links, BUT still iam not clear on this..
here are some links I found:
So, can anyone pls clarify on this..?
Answer:no. You can't use WordPress plugins, which are specifically made for WordPress (and based on its framework) directly in Magento.
No, you can't use WordPress plugins with Magento. They have wildly different architectures.
The integration articles you linked to are talking about using WordPress and Magento together on the same website.
You could theoretically write a plug-in for one that also manipulates the database used by the other, but that is likely a custom job, not something you can just go download somewhere.
If you want to use various Wordpress plugins inside Magento, short answer, as mentioned, is no.
With those link that you provide, you can achieve the following:
With wordpress plugin (link that you provided) you can have and then install Magento inside a folder, so Magento store would be available. for example, in and you can easily display any Magento block(top links, categories, layered navigation block etc.) from your store in you Wordpress site.
With Magento plugin (I'd go with FishPig you can have opposite: and than Wordpress blog/site inside blog folder of your Magento installation And there you'd be able to display footer and header of Magento in your wordpress site and display, for example, the latest blog post in Magento
agentoHope this help!
i think its impossible...because they have different backend architecture

Magento - Integrating Wordpress into Magento for the homepage

I currently have a Magento store where I'm using a CMS page as the homepage. I want to integrate my wordpress blog (hosted on the same server) into this CMS page. It would show the latest blog post and preferably have the comment function available on the front page. The first thing I considered was using the Wordpress Loop on the Magento CMS page, but it doesn't seem like it allows PHP.
One other thought I had was to create the homepage using modules or blocks. To be honest, I've never created a module or block so I'm not all that familiar with what is involved. The CMS page that I had created is simply an image slider/carousel (nivo-slider) and some photos with links. None of the content actually needs to be done with CMS, it just needs to be presented within my Magento theme/framework. All homepage updates will be handled by myself, so I can bypass the CMS system all together and just update modules if it turns out that the modules solution will allow me to have both the Wordpress blog and nivo-slider on the same page.
Any thoughts?
One thing you can try is setting wordpress as the main site and style it to match your magento styling. Then the visitor will have a streamlined experience from a UI standpoint. One gotcha would be if you want comments open on Wordpress then you'd have 2 accounts you'd have to reconcile for wordpress and magento.
I found the solution at Part 2 of the following link:
Here's a quick summary of the steps (for a full explanation, click the link above):
1) Create a bare-bones WordPress theme file that skips all of the styles, header, and footer and just displays content.
2) Create a page in WordPress that uses your new bare-bones template.
3) Create a template file in Magento to embed your newly created WordPress page into a Magento page.
4) Place the block based on your new template on the Magento CMS page you want the blog content to display on
The FishPig extension now supports this functionality so you achieve this by following these steps:
Upgrade to the latest version of FishPig's WordPress Integration
Login to your Magento Admin and go to WordPress > Settings Blog / Plugins
Find the Layout option and set 'Blog as Magento Homepage' to Yes
Save the page and voila, you have it: WordPress as your Magento homepage using your Magento theme in under 2 minutes
You will be wanting the Fishpig integration:
Not only is it free, it is also actively maintained.
You can also do an Apache redirect for the root/home page to a wordpress page of your choosing. In that way you don't have to have the problem of adding something to the Magento homepage and maybe have something fancy in Wordpress.
hopefully i've understood your question!
the following article may be of help to you (it outlines how to use the fishpig extension and to pull out the latest posts as part of a magento block on your homepage):
adding recent posts to magento homepage
You can also use blog extension of magento.
You can get it free form magento site

One WordPress in multiple /subfolders

Is it possible to have one WP instance run and while the rest of the site would be run by Zend Framework?
What you could do is setup a Wordpress MU site. have the install on and and then the rest of the site shouldn't cause any problems.
The only downside is that you basically have two sites for two sections of your site. I just did a Wordpress MU build and it got a little tricky but in the end it all worked and its pretty easy to update, just an extra click or two.
You can install Worpress in your root domain. Make the homepage of the Wordpress install the current homepage of your website with all of the links, layouts, and original site subfolders preserved. Then just have Wordpress take care of the other URLs that you defined above, making sure not to create any Wordpress directories that conflict with the current site directories.

Website with 2 separate WordPress blogs

I have a website, which runs an integrated wordpress blog, the wordpress was installed by my hosting company and it was a one click install. I then went into my FTP and took all the files from the original style and edited it to look like my website and still function. this is all well and good.
However, I would like to run another page on a separate wordpress blog (so there is basically two seperate archiving systems in place as one of the pages is a blog, and the other is articles which are produced monthly).
is there anyway to do this with the one click install, for example through the WP admin Control panel?
Thanks for your help in advance.
You can use Wordpress MU (Multisite) to accomplish this or just install another Wordpress instance.
Are the two instances you want running on the same domain? Different domains?
In regards to the one click install from your web host, I'm not sure which web host it is or if there are any options for this on there.
Please clarify if you have any further issues. :)
Yes you can use two blogs by the two methods
Install wordpress on SubDomain like
Install wordpress on SubDirectories like
And then you can use both of your site in one another according to your needs and requirements ...
