Plugin Name check unique or not - wordpress

I am new in WordPress but I wanted to know how to check my plugin name is unique or not and how to upload this plugin in Please guide me how is it possible. ?

Simple enough, check whether the name you are going to use for plugin already exists in WordPress plugin repository. If not, then hurray... you can use the name and develop the plugin.
In case it exists, give your plugin a different name.
And to upload your WordPress plugin, please create an account and then follow the instructions


What permissions are needed to edit Elementor Hello templates in WordPress?

I would like to allow non-admins to edit templates.
As an administrator, I still have the "edit with elementor" option there:
I have installed the User-Roll-Editor and assigned the following permissions:
Permissions list
These permissions don't seem to be enough.
This is an built-in feature of Elementor. This means that you are not need an thirdy-party plugin or addition to achieve your goal.
Please, give some minutes and read the guide here:
Follow the link to Elementor Role Manager
Having fun! ;)

Nopcommerce 4.5 - Create a plugin to disable reward points for a specific customer role

I need to create a plugin to disable reward points for a specific customer role.
The plugin must give me the option in the reward points settings to give me something like this to select customer role(s).
Any clue on how I can do it?
No idea how since I am new to Nopcommerce.
The same plugin configuration has been used in Nop.Plugin.DiscountRules.CustomerRoles. You can get all the functions and code from that plugin.
Nop.Plugin.DiscountRules.CustomerRoles GitHub link
Before starting development of the plugin, you can see the source code and get ideas from default NopCommerce plugins
NopCommerce Default Plugins GitHub link

how to create wordpress updatble plugin?

Please let me know how can I create an updateable plugin. so users can update it when plugin update available.
I know how to create a plugin but I don't know how to provide new updates . and what update related function I need to add in my first version.
to create updates for your plugins just change its version at the beginning of the code and when you upload your changes in the wordpress directory all users will automatically receive the information that is out of date.
To learn more about creating plugins go to the documentation:
If you have any other questions let me know here, I will try to help you :)

Wordpress : Why Plugin name is unique?

I am new in wordpress. I have read lots of about the plugin creation and thier steps. Can any body explain me why the plugin name is unique? I have read that for avoiding conflict keep plugin name unique. My question is if I have created different or unique shortcode then whats the problem?
In case you publish it, it needs a unique name to display on the WordPress page (or wherever).
How would a regular user know which plugin is the right one if both have the same name? Less computer-savvy users wouldn't be able to check for the plugin code to differentiate them.
Also, the plugin files are named after the plugin name itself. And Wordpress uses this information internally. If two plugins that happen to have the same name were installed under the same Wordpress website, there might be conflicts on Wordpress representation.
A WordPress plugin identified on by its name only. So if plugin name is not unique, even on a local computer for testing, plugin might be overridden automatically by the next update from by a developer with the same app name published in
What happens when you upload manually a none unique name plugin to your WordPress blog? I guess it will be damaged or hacked by anyone who publishes plugin with the same name. That is why not only the name must be unique but you also have to publish it on to prevent anyone change it, or else you have to disable plugin updates.

wordpress restrict pulgin installation to those who have a unique code

i want to make an wordpress plugin, and to put it public, but i want that only the users that have a certain unique code to be able to activate it.
is there possible using the wordpress api to ask for a unique code at plugin activation (and to condition the plugin activation by this code)? I searched wordpress codex, but nothing found.
thanks a lot!
This sounds like the old akismet plugin which required users to register for an API token. You can as part of your plugin require users to enter settings and at this point prompt them to register for an API key.
See the WordPress codex for adding an options page.
Also see this example for a good example of hooking into the plugin activation:
