Where is the mutability of Objects defined in ECMAScript? - standards

In this question about the passing of arguments in JavaScript functions, we learn that everything is passed by value in JavaScript.
In Mozilla documents, it is mentioned that the primitive types are immutable, and objects are. Although I came from the procedural and structured programming school, I was able to quickly pick up the concepts.
In the ECMAScript standard, it is defined that "An Object is 'logically' a collection of properties". The standard also defines how objects may be compared, but left out on what happens when an object goes through the GetValue() pseudo-function that converts references into values.
So, I gave an answer in the question basically saying that this area had been left undefined.
My Question
I feel that by "left undefined", I meant, it wasn't philosophically thoroughly clear, what the value of an Object is. The standard had gone through a few revisions, and its size is ever increasing.
In short, an object is a collection, but what is the value of the collection? Is it the makeup of its content? Or is it individuality? Or have I been missing out on some important texts?

In the ECMAScript spec, every object is defined to have certain 'internal methods', some of which (e.g., [[DefineOwnProperty]] and [[Put]]) can change the state of the object. Ultimately, the mutability of objects is defined via the use of such internal methods.

GetValue() doesn't leave out what happens to objects -- step #1 is:
If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
So it you pass it an object, you get back the same object.
(Which refutes one of your premises, but I'm not sure it resolves your question.)

See section 4.3.26 "property" of the 5.1 edition. The note says:
Depending upon the form of the property the value may be represented either directly as a data value (a primitive value, an object, or a function object) or indirectly by a pair of accessor functions.
We can take this as meaning a data value is one of the following:
Primitive Value: such as C language double, _Bool, ((void*)0), etc.
An object: which can be interpreted as a special C language structure containing the underlaying information about the object.
Function object: which is just a special case of 2, possibly the result of JIT compilation.
The reason this note for the definition of property is important, is because, everything - even function block scopes - are objects (or at least described in terms of one). Therefore, if we can determine that "the value of an object" is its individuality rather than its content makeup, then with the fact that every object accessible from a JavaScript program, is accessed as if its the property of some other object.
In section 4.2 "Language Overview", it says:
A primitive value is a member of one of the following built-in types: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String; an object is a member of the remaining built-in type Object; and a function is a callable object.
Although this is an informal section, it can be seen that an object differs from a primitive value in a significant way.
As an interpretation, let's consider the value of an object is the object itself as we can infer from the "GetValue()" pseudo function - the overview says "an object is a member of the ... type Object - therefore, the value is the membership to the Object type.
To use a physics analogy to explain the relationship between membership and individuality, we see too electrons. They are identical in content, they're both the members of the Universe, yet they are two different individuals.
Therefore, we infer that - the value of a JavaScript Object, is its individuality.
Finally as to the question as asked in the title.
The mutibility of individual objects is defined in terms of a series of specificational pseudo functions, and immutability of other types is defined using the definition of value membership of types and specification pseudo functions operating on the primitive type values.


Complex type checks in XQuery

I have a schema that has many complexType, some of which have subtypes (via xsi:type). I need to create an XQuery expression that checks that an element (MyPath) is a member of a parent type, but no others, I've tried an expression in the form below with no luck.
/MyPath[element(*,ParentClass) and not element(*,ChildClass)]
It appears element applies to all the children in the context it is called, but not itself (MyPath), which yields no results.
I also tried the instance of operator, but this appears to only work for simpleType.
You should use
. instance of element(*, ParentClass)
and not(. instance of element(*, ChildClass))
If this doesn't work please supply an MCVE
An alternative, using Saxon extension functions, is to test the type annotation directly: saxon:type-annotation(.) eq xs:QName('ParentClass')
Of course, there's a question about whether this is good practice. The whole point of defining a derived type is that it is supposed to be substitutable for the base type; everywhere you can use an instance of the parent type, you should be able to substitute an instance of the child type. You appear to be deliberately trying to contrive a query in which this is not the case.

The first formal parameter in an Ada procedure

From Ada2012 Reference Manual:
A selected_component that is not an expanded name shall resolve to denote one of the following:
A view of a subprogram whose first formal parameter is of a tagged type or is an access parameter whose designated type is tagged:
Why it is significant to have it only for the first formal parameter?
Please explain with examples.
The definition in 4.1.3 Selected Components, 9.1/2 provides for prefixed notation, which allows one to invoke the primitive operations of a tagged type without mentioning the enclosing package explicitly. A related example is seen here.

Multiple "default" properties/methods in a VB6 class?

I am trying to make a replacement VB6 class for the Scripting.Dictionary class from SCRRUN.DLL. Scripting.Dictionary has (among other things) a "Keys" method that returns an array of keys, and a read/write "Item" property that returns the item associated with a key. I am confused about this, because both of them seem to be defaults for the class. That is:
For Each X In MyDict
Is equivalent to:
For Each X In MyDict.Keys
Which to me implies that "Keys" is the default operation for the class, but:
MyDict("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict("MyKey")
Is equivalent to:
MyDict.Item("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict.Item("MyKey")
Which to me implies that "Item" is the default operation for the class.
I've never before created a VB6 class that had a default operation, so upon realizing this, I thought perhaps I could define multiple default operations as long as they all have different signatures, which they do: Keys is nullary, the Item getter takes a Variant, and the Item setter takes two Variants. But this doesn't seem to be allowed: When I use "Tools/Procedure Attributes" to set the Keys function to be the default, and then I use it to set the Item property to be the default, the IDE complains that a default has already been set.
So I think I'm misunderstanding something fundamental here. What is going on in the Scripting.Dictionary object that makes it able to act as if "Keys" is the default in some contexts, but as if "Item" is the default in others? And whatever it is, can I accomplish the same thing in VB6?
OK, answering my own question: I haven't tried this yet, but I gather that "Item" should be made the default, and that I should add an entirely new function called "NewEnum" that looks something like the following (slightly modified from an example in Francesco Balena's "Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0" book):
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = m_Keys.[_NewEnum]
End Function
(where "m_Keys" is a Collection containing the keys), and then use Tools/Procedure Attributes to hide NewEnum and to set its ProcID to -4.
What you are observing is the difference between the default member and a collection enumerator. A COM object (including VB6 classes) can have both.
You can identify the default property of a class by looking in the Object Browser for the tiny blue globe or the words "default member of" in the description (see Contents of the Object Browser). The Object Browser will not identify an enumerator method, but if you look at the class's interface definition using OLE View or TypeLib Browser (free but registration required) it's DispId will be 0xfffffffc or -4.
In your own class, you can mark the default property by setting the Procedure ID to "(default)" in the Procedure Attributes dialog (see Making a Property or Method the Default). You already listed the steps for setting up the collection enumerator in your own answer, but you can find this listed as well in the Programmer's Guide topic Creating Your Own Collection Class: The House of Bricks.
Scripting.Dictionary has a dirty secret:
It does not handle enumeration at all, it returns big ugly Variant arrays and your For Each loops iterate over those.
This is one of the reasons why a Dictionary can actually be far less efficient than a standard VB6 Collection.

What is main advantage of Tuple?

Can anyone tell me what is the main advantage of using tuple? In what scenarios do I need to use these?
I assume that you're talking about the Tuple<> type and not anonymous tuple classes.
Like an anonymous type, Tuple<> allows you to avoid declaring a new class just to group a few objects. Unlike anonymous types, tuple types have known names and thus can be used as method return and parameter values, etc.
Personally, I try to avoid heavy use of Tuple<> because it can make for difficult to understand code, expecially when used with primitive types (e. g. if you see a Tuple it's not obvious what each field represents).
One place I have found tuples to be very useful is as dictionary keys. Because Tuples implement Equals() and GetHashCode() (not ==, though!), they are perfect for things like private dictionaries that cache information based on a compound key.
It's used mostly to avoid declaring a class / struct with a few properties only for the sake of passing a group of objects around, where only one object can be passed.
Lets say I have a list of urls to go through and if i get an error (4xx or 5xx) I want to build a list and then either later display it to the user or just look at it in my debugger.
I'd catch the web exception and have a Tuple<string, int> (url, http error code) instead of creating a struct for one or two functions to use. Heck it might even be a foreach loop with a breakpoint on if the list has more then 0 items. Thats when it is useful.

Why is object returned from getDefinitionByName()?

In Actionscript 3, why does getDefinitionByName() return an Object when the docs say:
Returns a reference to the class object of the class specified by the name parameter.
Based on that, I would conclude that the returned object should be Class instead of Object. Can someone enlighten me why that is not the case?
getDefinitionByName can also return a Function, such as getDefinitionByName('flash.utils.getDefinitionByName').
This only works on namespace-level functions, though, not static class methods.
Despite the method signature, getDefinitionByName does return Class. I think the misleading signature is due to the method existing before the Class object (when it used to return an anonymous/extended object instance).
Perhaps Adobe considered that this function might return different values in a future version of Flash Player. For instance, ECMAScript, the standard on which ActionScript is based, has historically used Function objects with prototypes as the basis for class-like objects. During discussions of the newest versions of the ECMAScript standard, there has been sugestions for "freezing" function-based classes at run-time to make them into something like compile-time Class objects. What if you could also specify a definition name for them? Are they actually of type Class at this point, or are they still or type Function? Probably the later, in my opinion. Both 'Class' and 'Function' references can be generalized as Object, so that return type makes sense in this context.
Note: This explanation is purely speculation based on what I've read in the ECMAScript specification wiki and the blogs of various committee members.
