How to see all the screen class engagements on firebase - firebase

I just integrated firebase to my android and ios app.
The dashboard has an engagement card where i can see the top 3 activities or viewcontrollers that the users engage in. The percentage only add up to 74%, and total engagement time is ~ 2 minutes while the average engagement time is 5 minutes.
As you can see from this image here
But how do I see the rest of screen classes? I am pretty sure my app contains more than 3 classes, and I am quite sure my QA people go through other parts of the application.

The issue was that i was using an old version of Firebase library. (9.8.0)
As you can see from this link here
The automatic screen tracking is only added in version 11.0.0
After I included that version, everything worked.
I setup my iOS using cocoaPod so it was never an issue.

The table generated by Screen Class is generated automatically by Firebase based on the most recent screens visited in your app.
You can manually track the desired screens in you app by having the setCurrentSreen method when the screen transition occurs. Those screens would appear when you will select ScreenName in the drop down.


Google One Tap is causing a Layout shift (>0.1) on mobile

I have used the chrome profiler to identify the Layout shifts on our website and discovered that the Google One Tap banner is causing a significant layout shift (> 0.1) on mobile (Image of profiler showing layout shift). I have also added a Performance Observer using layout-instability API to identify the component causing the CLS, and it also indicated the same.
I have tried changing the position of the one-tap using data-prompt_parent_id, but this is ignored on mobile web browsers as mentioned in the developers guide.
You might try to re-test, recent improvements have been made to reduce or eliminate layout shift and improve the CLS score for Core Web Vitals.

How to remove MainActivity and UIViewController from screen tracking in React Native Firebase Analytics?

I have successfully implemented screen tracking for a react native project that uses react-navigation with react-native-firebase/analytics.
Looking at the dashboard under events I see the following events (image below). As you can see the top 2 events are automatically tracked 1. MainActivity, 2. UIViewController and they take up most of the total. I would like to remove those screens from the tracking to only show the screens of the JS side of the app (react-navigation).
Is this possible? How can I achieve this?
Thank you in advance πŸ™ŒπŸ»β€οΈπŸ€ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
Analytics.setCurrentScreen(, ) will override the Screen class of the native MainActivity and UIViewController.
I recommend setting this as soon as possible when your app starts up, perhaps even on the splash screen. This way it will minimize the Avg. time spent on the native screens and over time they will go down to the bottom of the list.
There is currently no option to disable those screens from being tracked
You can stop automatic screen tracking through google_analytics_automatic_screen_reporting_enabled property of firebase.json file.
Please refer to the official documentation for more information.

iOS app with Gluon, get app in full screen and keep screen alive

I am making a simple iOS application with two Views using gluon. In one of the views I need to be able to keep screen alive indefinitely, prevent it from rotating and have it full screen without the status bar showing. The other View should have the default behaviour(rotating normally, let screen go off when there is no touch input by the user and status bar should be showing).
I have seen some tutorials on how to do this on Android binding an interface to native code. Is this possible to do in iOS? I have looked around everywhere online and no one seems to have done this. Any pointers ? Thank you.

Way to hide splash screen?

Is it possible to hide splash screen in MAF app and directly display some form/page to gather information from user at place of splash screen, and while user is being entering his values then initial loading process (which loads behind splash screen) can be continue at back-end?
The splash screen is of value to you as users know you app is loading. Its purpose is to load quickly as the rest of the app sets up.
Why would you want to move logic into this visual process? I want to caution you that I think it's a poor choice to reject industry standards. Work with the framework.

Google map not responding on android's native browser after 4-5 times zoom in and/or area navigation

I have developed a mobile site using Icefaces-mobile framework in that I want to search the things based on area zoomed in on the mobile screen, for this users can zoom in/out & navigates the area but the problem is after doing zoom in/out/navigations 4 to 6 times browser becomes unresponsive. I think it must be problem with browsers capability of handling/execute the javascript(correct me if I m wrong).
I have generated latest API key for map using some standers steps given by google on their forum.
Thanks in Advance.
The stock Android browser does suffer from serious limitations, and it could be device performance limitations, as the previous poster mentioned. But you should also be careful that you're not inadvertently causing a memory leak in your own JavaScript. Are there DOM updates from Ajax interactions being generated during this? Check the Android LogCat messages to see the ICEfaces/ICEmobile logging which will show the updates. Check to ensure that if you're custom function is being re-run that you're not causing a memory leak there. If not, I doubt there's an issue with the GMap code and it's likely just a device limitation. Perhaps also put your gmap code in a separate HTML page without ICEmobile and see if you still have the problem.
