I would like to track ad click in Google Analytics with the purpose of calculating ROI per specific source of traffic.
So let's say we have 3 banners on the page (banners run through DFP), this page is being shared across multiple social networks where each share has different parameters in URL for tracking (e.g. domain.com/utm_source=StumbleUpon&utm_campaign=post_share&utm_content=article_one).
I want to see the report where I can see that Traffic Source #1 did N amount of clicks on banners.
To clarify are you trying to track clicks on the DFP banners on your page or trying to see the clicks on the links that you've shared (e.g. domain.com/utm_source=StumbleUpon&utm_campaign=post_share&utm_content=article_one)
If you're on analytics 360 there is a DFP integration - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6183286?hl=en&ref_topic=6183302
Otherwise you could track clicks on the element containing the Ad units but you wouldn't get revenue back from DFP into your Analytics reports
I would like to track clicks of a specific button on my website of people who came from the Facebook/Instagram ads I created.
I implemented the Facebook pixel which triggers on pageview.
I also put gtag('send', 'event','apply btn') on the Apply button. This shows me reports on Google Analytics but it doesn't show if those people came from the ads I created.
Is there a view on google analytics where you can see the name of the campaign the user came from, or is there something specific I might be missing in the configuration of the campaign or the gtag?
You have to add parameters to URLs to identify the campaigns that refer traffic.
utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property, for example: google, newsletter4, billboard.
utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, for example: cpc, banner, email newsletter.
utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product.
There are also utm_content and utm_term.
I have managed to set up Google Tag Manager to fire off events to Google Analytics when links are clicked on different pages of my websites. I know it works as when I click the links, an alert shows up in Real Time --> Events section of Google Analytics.
I was wondering how to implement the following: For each page on my site I would like to see in Google Analytics the conversion which I define to be: Number of Relevant Links clicked on Page / Number of visits to Page. The numerator in this instance being whatever came from Google Tag Manager.
Thank you.
You are tacking about metric, not conversion. For conversion tracking you have to define exact value.
To track such metric you can use calculated metric with a formula X/Pageviews, where X is can be number of events (link clicks in your case).
We would like to advertise on Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, ..).
In the ads we link to a Clickfunnel Webinar Page.
The Webinar has a contact form that sends us an E-Mail.
I would like to track conversions from the different ads using Google Analytics.
I struggle how to correctly integrate GA.
So far I have figured out that, in the ads we need to use URL parameters linking to the Clickfunnel to figure out which ad is generating the most leads. (utmsource=linkedin, ..)
I have embedded the GA Tracking Code into my clickfunnels page. Which tracks good so far, but of course I cannot see the sources right now.
How do I track the conversions to see which ads generate the most sent contact forms?
I'd like to be able to create a report that shows how many times a banner on my website was viewed between certain dates. Is there a way to do this through Google Analytics? I looked into DoubleClick for Publishers but it doesn't look like what we need at all.
An example is I have an area at the bottom of my site that holds a banner ad. Some pages have this area, some don't, but most do. When the page loads javascript randomly selects 1 from several banner images to show. I need to know how many times each banner ad is seen by the user.
You could track the occurrence of each banner ad using events. To track events with Google Analytics, you can use the ga function that is included when you embed the Google Analytics script. You need to tell ga you want to send an event and submit a category, action, label, and value. In your case, I'd probably do something like this:
ga('send', 'event', 'bannerAd', 'impression', 'nameOfAd', 1);
For more details, see the google docs.
not sure how many people on Stack Overflow use google analytics however thought it might be worth asking the following.
We send out email campaigns as a business and using GA we can track when a user has clicked on a link in the email to come through to our site. We can therefore see how many people come to the site based on that individual email.
What we then want to be able to do is track the journey they take on the site before purchasing a product (or until they leave the site). How do we track this period between reaching the site and actually placing an order? If it is not possible to track actual individuals (I know it is a grey area within Google terms), is there a way of tracking all users that come in from that email as a group so for example we can say
'10 people from the email viewed x product page, then y product page then ordered but 5 people visited z product page and then left the site'.
Just to make things even more difficult if people are accessing the site from multiple IP addresses e.g. Phones, Internet Cafe etc is it possible?
If they do buy a product we can then track the status of their order from within our own CRM system.
I know Google as the 'Visitor Flow' feature but you do't seem to be able to isolate individuals or campaigns through it.
Thanks for any help!
I would create a different landing page for each of your campaigns. This is a good idea anyway (you want the landing page to be very relevant to your campaign message), and it makes it trivial to use Google Analytics' Visitor Flow feature to see the journey they took after leaving that page. This is an easy win for tracking at the campaign level.