have any way to change tag name dynamically in get query ? - ghost-blog

{{#get "posts" filter="tag:news" as |news_post|}}
{{#foreach news_post}}
How Can I Change "news" tag dynamically ?

By your question I suggest you want to base it on some that within your .. post perhaps ? You can use it within the {{post}} by using the {{tags.[0].slug}}
{{#get "posts" filter="tag:{{tags.[0].slug}}" include="tags" as |news_post|}}
{{#foreach news_post}}
- {{title}} - {{tags.[0].slug}}<br>


How to list pages in Ghost CMS?

I'm trying to show pages on my homepage.
In my home.hbs I have
{{!-- The tag above means: insert everything in this file
into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}}
{{#is "home"}}
{{#if #site.description}}
<header class="page-head">
<h2 class="page-head-title">{{#site.description}}</h2>
{{#get "posts" filter="page:true"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
<p>{{excerpt words="33"}}</p>
Nothing is listed on my homepage. This works for posts but not pages for some reason.
I have the article featured, and it has "Category" tag - is it possible to display these on the homepage?
You're almost there, try this:
{{#is "home"}}
{{#if #site.description}}
<header class="page-head">
<h2 class="page-head-title">{{#site.description}}</h2>
{{#get "pages" limit="all"}}
{{#foreach pages}}
<p>{{excerpt words="33"}}</p>
Hope this helps :)

Calling a Specific custom_field BigCommerce Stencil

Currently I can get custom fields all or none. Like this
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
{{ id }} : {{ name }} : {{ value }}
but what if i want to call just one of them by id or name like the below. Is there a way to do that with stencil or otherwise?
You can select a list item by id. {{product.custom_fields.id.4.name}}, however, if you want to select by name you'll need to implement a conditional as #alyss suggested.
See: How do I access an access array item by index in handlebars?
You can use the existing {{if}} helper to accomplish this
{{#if display_name '===' 'material'}}
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
{{id}} : {{name}} : {{value}}

how to get all posts on post.hbs page in ghost

I want all posts on post.hbs but it's not displaying any post list, I want check title with my string and display particular post on post.hbs.
Below code is not working in post.hbs
{{#foreach posts}}
Its not working on post.hbs page
Post.hbs is for displaying a specific post, so you are in {{post}} scope:
You can try something like this:
{{#get "posts" limit="all" as |allposts| }}
{{#foreach allposts}}

Passing through variable into partial and using an #is helper - Handlebars

I'm trying to pass a variable (tag name) into a Handlebars partial and use an #is block helper on the tag but for some reason it just won't play ball. This is my code:
Call to my partial and passing through the tag name.
{{> nav tagged='page' }}
In the partial itself I do the following (tagged is the variable name passed through):
{{#each tags}}
{{#is tag tagged}}
{{#each pages}}
// Do code here
If I just render the tagged variable it displays the variable value as expected so a bit confused as to why its not working.
The issue you have is that the tagged variable is in the parent context but you're trying to reference it within the #each tags loop.
You can reference the parent context with ../ so the working code would be
{{#each tags}}
{{#is tag ../tagged}}
{{#each pages}}
// Do code here

Handlebars index in array to render in href

I have an array of links that I need to render into hrefs in the html. Here is what I have, I am itterating through the array with {{#each shipUrl}}:
Now if I use this:
It will evaluate to this on the page
But if I put it in an href
<div href="{{shipUrl}}">Click</div>
This renders to [http:urlone.com] ...
What is the correct way to get the index of this object into an href?
The answer was to use {{this}}
<div href="{{this}}">Click</div>
