How to make a field unique in Ninja Forms 3.1? - wordpress

I have an event registration form in my ninja forms WordPress installation. I want to have the email field as unique so that a person who's registered with an email address can't register again with the same email address.

As of version 3.1.7 you can select a field to be validated as unique under the Advanced tab of your form (choose Restrictions)


How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email (i.e account number)?

So basically, the title. How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email, my client wants to use an account number that the users type in the registration form. So the login would be Account Number/password.
Thank you in advance
You can use "Wp membership plugin" and in registration page username field, you can customize and add new field like Account No.

Password field in register page on WooCommerce

I instaled WooCommerce, but on register page, on the form I have only one field (e-mail), but I need and password field on the page.
How to create a field with the password on this page?
#Asking: Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Accounts & Privacy -> Account creation
Uncheck -> When creating an account, automatically generate an account password
This will enable the password field on Register Page.

registration form into billing wooccommerce

How to add registration form above billing in woocommerce. Username/logi, password etc. All form must be submited by Place order button. Can you help me with that?
Wocommerce plugin in wordpress already has provided an option to allow user to register ... a password option is provided in the billing form which will create a new user.
You only have to set that option goto Woocommerce->settings->checkout , and disable guest checkout option.

how to enable registrations after admin approval in C#?

I have three types of Registrations
1.Doctor Registration
2.Patient Registration
3.Agent Registration
Now the admin has to approve & enable the Doctor & Agent registrations...
After approval of Admin only the the user can login into his profiles
I am assuming you have created an User Table having login details of Doctor and Agent users.
So in same table have a column of type bit field and its name can be IsApproved.
In admin section provide form where admin can see the details and change the status of IsApproved.
In login form check whether username and password are matching with the record and if yes then its IsApproved columns's value shouold be true.If not then show appropriate message.

Drupal 6 user token creation?

In one of my project,client requirement was to send an email to registered user. and user name should be first and last name.
user first/last name token is unavailable in user setting page.
Drupal 6
Install the content profile module.
This module allows you to add fields to the user profile. It also includes a registration module which allows you to add extra fields to the registration form.
Drupal 7
You can achieve this in one of two ways:
Go to admin/config/people/accounts/fields and add two fields, one for first name and the other for the last name
Install the Real Name module.
