CENTOS 7 nginx issue - nginx

I am not a developer, but just know how to work with google, which means i lack a lot of knowledge. I work for an NGO here, and we have received free hosting to build the site on. I can build sites (wordpress) but have always worked through hosting like godaddy. Now we have cloud through a company called BMIT, and i am struggling to install
So far everything worked, created a different root etc, but when installing nginx this works, but when running
sudo systemctl start nginx I get an error and this is
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

inspect the log file located on /var/log/nginx/, there you can find error log file and reason


Android Chrome connects to wrong directory when using VPS server

I know that this can be silly question with a simple answer but I am new with hosting a VPS server and learning things, so forgive my ignorance. My problem is that I have set up a VPS server and I am hosting my own WordPress site and everything else seems to go smooth but when I am trying to see my webpage using phone it will show var/www/ directory instead of home/mydomain/public_html content like with windows any browser. I have checked my apache2 .conf file and the directories there seems to be right. Can't find anything similar by googling so do you have any ideas how to start to tackle this issue?

How to solve http 500 error in wordpress?

I am trying to open a website since yesterday but facing this problem
This page isn’t working https://www.indgovjobs.com/ is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
I searched on the net and tried all the method I could to solve the issue but wasn't able to solve it. I tried htaccess file method (but I don't have access to the admin panel due to the same issue), increasing php memory, disable plugin by renaming the folder. I have hosted the website via aws ec2 wordpress by bitnami instance.
Can you ssh your ec2 instance and access check the error logs? please post them here.
if you are having difficulty using ssh, check the following documentation by bitnami to troubleshoot AWS/WordPress issues.
Depending on OS or apache installation your location of the error log may be different. try following command
sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Wordpress website hosted on GCP

I'm new to GCP and using Bitnami I installed wordpress on GCP and redirected my domain to GCP. As I don't know much about cloud computing it worked and was working fine until a few days ago when anyone opens the website it takes some time to load and after that it shows:
I tried searching online but it's a common error and there is a lot of other information but nothing in regards to GCP. Now I don't know what to check in GCP to see if it's working but here is a screenshot of Compute Engine for the website:
Screenshot of Compute Engine
And the Cloud Platform Status seems to be fine too:
Screenshot of Cloud Platform Status
Comment if you need more info as I can't seems to figure out what to share here so that the thing causing this error can be identified.
Bitnami Engineer here. If the IP of your instance changed, you will need to change your DNS records to use that new one.
Regarding the default Apache's page, it seems you installed the apache system's package and that's why you see that page. You will need to stop and remove that service
sudo service apache2 stop && sudo service apache2 disable
and start the Bitnami's one again
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh start

WordPress Multisite Redirect Loop After Botched Plugin Update

So I've seen a bunch of questions like this, but many of them have no answers or the setup seems to be slightly different, so I thought I'd venture a new one.
I also apologize if some of this is vague and rushed, I'm sort of pulling my hair out trying to figure things out, but want to give as much detail as possible.
So I have a multisite WordPress installation on a Google Compute Engine instance. It was launched from the Cloud Launcher (https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/bitnami-launchpad/wordpress-multisite). I have three sites running, one at mydomain.com, one at dev.mydomain.com, and one at staging.mydomain.com. It's all been working great for the past several months, but this morning a colleague was updating a plugin (Beaver Builder in case that turns out to be significant), and perhaps simultaneously taking a backup with Updraft Plus. In the middle of the update/backup, the browser redirected to a long error saying the update failed, and from then on the site was showing a 500 Server Error.
I got in to work about half an hour later and noticed it was showing the "Apache2 Debian Default Page". I took a look at the httpd.conf, and noticed the DocumentRoot was pointing to the default Apache folder. I tried changing it to the WordPress install folder, and then was getting a different error related to permissions. I set the file permissions of the wordpress install to the recommended settings, and after that both subdomains worked. The root URL was kind of working -- it redirected from mydomain.com to http://IPADDRESS/wp-signup.php. I looked in the wp-config and saw that DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE was now set to the IP address, as well as the home and site url fields in the database. I changed them all to the domain name, and started getting a redirect loop error.
So for now I've left it as redirecting to the IP address, and added a NOBLOGREDIRECT setting to the wp-config to stop the wp-signup.php redirect. I am obviously not great at sys admin things, so I have no idea what to try next. I've ruled out the htaccess, plugins, and DNS settings (DNS hasn't changed).
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
If you got the Debian Apache page then it is highly likely that someone installed the Debian apache2 package, which conflicts with the apache bundled in the stack. I advise you to uninstall the Debian Apache:
sudo apt-get remove apache2
Then restart the server services:
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart

EC2 and Wordpress Times Out When Downloading Anything

I put up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance (Linux, micro). I couldn't get the install of WordPress using ssh command line because it would constantly time out. But I did get it working by Ftping the files to my server. Now, everything is working but when I try to install a new theme or plugin through the wordpess admin interface, I only get the timeout error.
I have no idea why I'm getting timeouts when I connect to the www.wordpress.com site (for the install or plugins or themes), but that seems to be the common denominator.
Does anybody know what might be going on here?
It turns out I forgot to include https for outbound connections in the security group.
