How to solve http 500 error in wordpress? - wordpress

I am trying to open a website since yesterday but facing this problem
This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
I searched on the net and tried all the method I could to solve the issue but wasn't able to solve it. I tried htaccess file method (but I don't have access to the admin panel due to the same issue), increasing php memory, disable plugin by renaming the folder. I have hosted the website via aws ec2 wordpress by bitnami instance.

Can you ssh your ec2 instance and access check the error logs? please post them here.
if you are having difficulty using ssh, check the following documentation by bitnami to troubleshoot AWS/WordPress issues.
Depending on OS or apache installation your location of the error log may be different. try following command
sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log


Internal Error 500 when tring to aceess my website and wp-admin

i am trying to access my client's website and it is giving me internal error is done by google cloud console so I am not able to access my cpanel nor wp-admin? how to resolve this error.
What have you tried to fix the 500 error?
There are several solutions like:
Re-creating the .htaccess-file
Deactivating plug-ins (one at a time, for faulty plugins)
Locating issues by debugging the website on a local environment
Anyway, the only way to resolve the issue is by gaining access to /wp-admin or FTP.

EC2 and Wordpress Times Out When Downloading Anything

I put up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance (Linux, micro). I couldn't get the install of WordPress using ssh command line because it would constantly time out. But I did get it working by Ftping the files to my server. Now, everything is working but when I try to install a new theme or plugin through the wordpess admin interface, I only get the timeout error.
I have no idea why I'm getting timeouts when I connect to the site (for the install or plugins or themes), but that seems to be the common denominator.
Does anybody know what might be going on here?
It turns out I forgot to include https for outbound connections in the security group.

Scalable Wordpress on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 404 permalink issue

I installed a clean Wordpress on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Separate MySQL database on RDS and multiple EC2 instances (AWS Linux 64bit PHP 5.5)). I did some testing and was able to scale the system up to multiple servers and back down - everything was working beautifully. Problems started when I changed permalink settings in Wordpress from "Default" to "Post name", after which I tried to access Wordpress Hello world sample page again and got 404 error with an error message: The requested URL /hello-world/ was not found on this server. This only happens sometimes. If you keep clicking on the post link, many times it serves the page right (with the post name correctly in the URL), but sometimes it gives 404. I deleted the environment and started from scratch but got the same result.
Any idea how to fix this? Any other recommendations to consider when setting up auto-scalable Wordpress site on AWS?
Thanks for all the help and advice in advance.
Does apache have the permissions to rewrite the .htaccess file? Never used beanstalk but in AWS EC2 mostly this is the solution. In your console try this command
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
/* Change the directory, if your wordpress is installed somewhere else */

Wordpress: attempting to update plugins results in 503 error after several minutes

I'm using wp 3.4.2 on a hosting service. I can access the ftp server and make changes using a ftp client (ie I have the correct credentials). I inherited the website and I'm trying to update everything, but as a precaution I started with the plugins.
The problem
When I try to update a plugin using the admin dashboard, after clicking "update now", the page keeps loading for several (about/at least 5) minutes. Afterwards I get a Error 503 Service Unavailable error. FTP settings are hardcoded in wp-config.php. This happens with all the plugins.
I solved it already, answer below.
In case anyone happens to stumble upon this problem, in wp-config.php the ftp host should be set to localhost instead of
Another solution i have found on my webhost was that the database user the wordpress installation used lacked the permission to refrence and to delete. Solved by giving the DB user FULL access.

WAMP WordPress Google Calendar Events error

I am developing a WordPress site on my local computer using WAMP.
I get the following error:
"There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the
requested request. Please ensure your feed URL is correct."
I suspect this is a WAMP configuration problem.
Any suggestions?
You have a problem in your php.ini file.
Comment out the line ;extension=php_curl.dll and restart WAMP.
