missing ASP.NET Configuration. from website menu - asp.net

i try to make this tutorial:
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/879kf95c.aspx#Configuring Membership
but the first step is in the Configuring Membership to click ASP.NET Configuration on the website menu. But my VS2015 do not have this menu. Why?

That tutorial is more or less obsolete for VS2015/VS2017. There is a major difference between VS2015 and VS2010. Try tutorials on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/ instead. (I assume that is what you are trying to archive.)


Asp.Net Core MVC Movie App - Scaffolding Item not working properly

I am following the tutorial for Creating a Asp.net Core MVC App.
Asp.Net Core MVC Movie App
I am at the point where i am needing to scaffold the movie model.
I am right-clicking on Controllers --> then am going to Add --> New Scaffolded Item...
I click on it and it displays something completely different then what is expected. Here is what it is displaying:
How do i get the display to show what is showing in the tutorial? What am i not understanding? Thanks.
After going through the above suggestions, I still wasn't able to get the proper items to display for me. I then finally decided to uninstall Visual Studio 2017 and do a fresh install. I created my project, added the Entity Framework dependency, and now the proper items are displaying.

Browserlink CSS autosync not working ASP.NET Core 2.0

I cannot get the CSS to sync in ASP.NET Core 2.0.
Here's what I do:
Create brand new application using MS template
Launch the generated template (app.UseBrowserLink() is present)
Try to modify site.css by setting the background-color to yellow
Nothing happens
I have the CSS autosync enabled, in the browserlink dashboard I can see the connected browser and I can also use the Refresh button on the dashboard
Funny enough, when I create a new project using the classic old ASP.NET MVC template, CSS autosync does indeed work, however I cannot make it run on ASP.NET Core template
I've also tried installing the BrowserLink.Loader assembly and referencing thatone but to no avail...
Any help greatly appreciated
It looks like this is an open issue with Visual studio, and as of October "CSS Auto-Sync isn't supported on ASP.NET Core yet".
Something you could try is to use Chrome's "add folder to workspace" feature as suggested here and you can also try enabling browser link for static files which has helped some people to make it work.
You can also vote on this to encourage Microsoft to implement CSS autosync for ASP.NET Core.

ASP.net 5 Website Preview template missing

I am following an ASP.net Tutorial
Under ASP.net5 preview templates the tutorial video has website template
while my Visual studio shows Web application template
is there any solution to this issue
thanks in advance
The video is using older versions. So find an updated video, or muddle through and expect things to not work because namespaces have changed.

MVC5 templates not available in VS2013

I am trying to find the mvc5 templates for a new project. Others have asked the question but the answers keep saying we are selecting wrong options. That's not it. ..
I started with File> New> Project>
Templates> Visual C# > Web
then Select Asp.Net Web Application
click Ok
and the next screen only shows Empty, Web Forms and Azure Mobile Service
I also selected .Net Framework 4.51?
How can I get the mvc5 templates to show up? I don't think my VS2013 is corrupted either.
Most probably, MVC5 is not installed in your computer.

ASP.NET bug where to find?

Is there a place on Microsoft Connect where i can see ASp.NET 4 and ASP.NET MVC bugs? I would also like to know where to file bugs for ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Forums
OR here...
Visual Studio Feedback
In this blog post by Scott Guthrie(1) he says to log bugs for ASP.NET 4 and VS2010 here(2) on the Microsoft Connect site.
There is also an issue tracker on codeplex for ASP.NET, this includes ASP.NET MVC(3)
(1) weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/02/08/vs-2010-net-4-release-candidate.aspx
(2) http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio?wa=wsignin1.0 ( I think this is the one you are looking for? )
(3) aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic
I can only post one hyperlink :(
