ASP.NET bug where to find? -

Is there a place on Microsoft Connect where i can see ASp.NET 4 and ASP.NET MVC bugs? I would also like to know where to file bugs for ASP.NET?

ASP.NET Forums
OR here...
Visual Studio Feedback

In this blog post by Scott Guthrie(1) he says to log bugs for ASP.NET 4 and VS2010 here(2) on the Microsoft Connect site.
There is also an issue tracker on codeplex for ASP.NET, this includes ASP.NET MVC(3)
(2) ( I think this is the one you are looking for? )
I can only post one hyperlink :(


missing ASP.NET Configuration. from website menu

i try to make this tutorial: Membership
but the first step is in the Configuring Membership to click ASP.NET Configuration on the website menu. But my VS2015 do not have this menu. Why?
That tutorial is more or less obsolete for VS2015/VS2017. There is a major difference between VS2015 and VS2010. Try tutorials on instead. (I assume that is what you are trying to archive.)

ASP.NET 5 and Sitecore 8

I've created a new project in Visual Studio 2015 with ASP.NET 5. I've created a web application, now I want to add Sitecore to the project but I'm not able to find any documentation on this.
So my question is where I can find a guide how to implement Sitecore 8 and C#? Is this even possible?
UPDATE. My fault I understood your question incorrectly :)
As far as I know Sitecore doesn't support ASP.NET 5.0 yet. I checked the ASP.NET 5 road map (ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the new name) and it looks like the first version will be this year ( So I suggest to not use Sitecore with ASP.NET 5 until Sitecore will officially support it.
Some other guys asked same question on community:
I also added Sitecore Compatibility Table from the comments.

Asp to Aspx .net 4.0

can anyone tell me how to convert ASP project to web application.
I tried this url but was not able to convert it.
I am trying to convert asp application to .net 4.0 web application.
thanks in advance.
There is a tool provided by Microsoft to do such thing.
Anywyay, you might not be fully .Net 4.0 compatible at the end, you certainly will have to correct some issues manually.
unfortunately, in my experience, there is no easy way to migrate from 1 to the other, its a case of buying visual studio and creating a 4.0 solution in this context. then creating the functionality in the project
im sure this is NOT what you wanted to hear :(

Why can I not use Asp.Net DataAnnotation Validation with VS 2008

I have a problem. I am developing Asp.Net MVC2 Application with VS2008 very well, but now I want to use the amazing DataAnnotion Validation shipping with Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll. I can't find the DLL so I found it on the project Site #
I can't compile the Project. Is it a VS 2010 or .Net 4.0 thing ? Do I need VS 2010 or is there a way to use it within VS2008 ?
Thanks a lot guys, sorry about my bad English ;)
You don't need VS2010, you can use Data Annotations with VS2008 and .net 3.5
The example above actually works in VS2008. I just verified it.
Also the dll you mentioned above is the wrong dll for MVC2, instead of Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll, you want System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations which should be part of .net 3.5.
follow this guide:
maybe you just need to service pack your vs

Finding out the version for code?

Generally, how do you figure out which version of that an app is written in? The app in question is VP-ASP 6.5.
I'd just submit a request and ask.
Reading through the setup guide it looks like it is written in classic ASP and not ASP.NET
Yes, that's correct VP-ASP 6.5 is written in ASP. In fact all version (through the current 7.0) are in ASP. The publishers have stated that the next version will be in ASP.NET
