Google Analytics User-ID | Value for singed out users - google-analytics

I integrated the Google Analytics User-ID feature on our website today (in combination with Google Tag Manager). It's working great for logged in users.
I use the UID of our system for logged in users.
Logged in user example
However, I am not sure which value has to be used for users that are not logged in.
Currently, it's just blank if the userId value can not be set because the user is not logged in yet.
Logged out user example
Is it okay if its just blank? Or do I have to set the value to something specific?
I thought about:
setting a Default Value for the Data Layer Variable for userId in the GTM
using the clientId that is stored in the _ga cookie
But I just don't know which what the correct thing to do is here. I can't find a clear answer to this online, and the Google Guides and Documentations don't expressively say anything about it either that I've seen.
I would really appreciate any help with this. And thank you in advance for your suggestions and answers!

When a user is logged out, you should just totally skip pushing the userId onto the dataLayer. In this case, the GTM userId variable will resolve to undefined (because it will not find such a key on the dataLayer) and Google Analytics will ignore it altogether and the &uid query parameter will not be sent to GA.


Missing meeting organizer display name when getting events from Google Calendar API v3

When querying events via the Google Calendar API (V3), I am unable to see the display name of the organizer of the event. The email field is populated however there is no display name.
From previous research I can only find mentions that in order to get the display name to populate, the GSuite user must also activate Google+ on the user's account. Is this seriously the only way to do it? Or are there any other API calls I can use to maybe retrieve this data?
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
You can check Daimto's answer from this SO post.
Display name is only added via the web view if it is a gmail account
and google has some way of knowing what the users name is. This might
also work if the user organizer has said user in their google contacts
google might be able to grab it that way as well.

How to find ownership of a Google Calendar

Some time ago, I created a Google Calendar at using Chrome Browser, and made it public. This was a calendar in addition to the default calendar provided with every Google identity - let's call it calendarX. I then sync'd calendarX with my Thunderbird (Lightning) client, and am still using it today with Thunderbird, to create & view events.
I now need to know the address of calendarX, so that I can share the link with others. So I logged into with (what I thought were) the credentials of the calendar owner - but calendarX is missing, no reference to it at all.
So maybe I used some other Google identity to create the calendar?
The only clue I have is the calendar properties in Thunderbird (Lightning). It shows:
Doesn't MYEMAIL#MYDOMAIN imply the ownership of calendarX? That's the Google identity I have checked, and calendarX does NOT appear when I log into with that identity. The default calendar is there, but not calendarX.
So maybe it's owned by some other identity? How can I find out?
Or how can I find the address of calendarX?
Google Calendars can be found by simply logging in your CORRECT email address which was used to create it. There's no tricky process in that. Just make sure it's your email address and not a service account that was used.
As an Admin of the GSuite system, you can add any calendar to your own account. If you can find the calendar ID from a user who has access to the calendar by going into the calendar settings is the way I did it, you can just add the calendar to your account using the calendar ID URL, once it is in your account as a super admin you can see who created the calendar and you can change who has access and the rights. Very simple but not documented anywhere I could find.

Owner of Google Analytic account left company, how to retrieve?

The person responsible for a Google Analytics property has left our company and we have no way to contact them.
We know the UA code for the property identifier, but we don't know the email used to login to google.
Is there any way anyone is familiar with to get access to a GA property in this scenario?
Contact a local Google Analytics Certified Partner and if they are nice will put in a ticket for you to claim the GA account back. You'll need to upload a text file to the website with some text showing it is yours.

Google Analytics - Account name lost

Good afternoon,
I just started with a new company and need to remodel our website. Within the Code their is a tracking ID for Google Analytics, but unfortunately nobody can remember what the account names are. Is there any way that I could use my tracking ID, which includes my Account number according to my research, to get to my account name?
Thank you very much to everybody who is putting in some effort to help me.
You can use the Google Analytics Account Explorer to search for all accounts you have access to.
If you have access to this account, you'll be able to find the account name by searching with the tracking ID. If nothing shows up, find someone you know has access and have them search.

Change Google Analytics' uniqueness criteria

I am currently using Google Analytics in my Application, where most of the pages are after login. I found an issue with GA, around unique user count. The problem is that if the same user logs in from different machines, then he is tracked as a new user, and if two users login from the same machine, it is tracked as one user. I would like to change the uniqueness algorithm for GA, to use my own accountIds as the unique key. Is this possible? If not, how can I address this problem?
You can do that with Universal Analytics, the new version of GA by generating a unqiue client id per logged in user and passing it to the tracker when it's being created.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {
'clientId': '35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b'
(this is an example from Google UA Documentation, so while I haven't tested this yet I guess it should work).
did you try custom variables ? this may be suitable for your situation.
