Setting wordpress site to root folder on WAMP local install - wordpress

So I'm trying to set up a local test environment for a WordPress site I am planning to make. I currently have a few sites I plan to work on as a subfolder under /WWW/ but I'm trying to use a addon for multisites , My problems however is that I'm new and I installed the addon, but the addon wants my site to be in root. However root for wamp has a bunch of files used for wamp at the moment and I also have multiple subfolders in root for other sites i'm planning on having in that test environment.
I'm trying to figure out how to make wamp think my one site is the root folder, my attempts with the vhost files have failed me so far. My other option is to try and do the work of the plug in manually some how with the vhost files. Any help is appreciated


How to put Wordpress manually onto Bitnami on local computer?

I use:
Bitnami Wampstack 7.3.17-1
Wordpress 5.4
What I want to do is installing Wordpress manually onto Bitnami on my local PC. I am familiar with XAMPP and WAMPP, so I though what I need to do after unzip the wordpress file is only to put it on htdocs folder. But I couldn't found it on Bitnami, what I can see is apps folder.
Then, because when I tried to access phpMyAdmin I only need to go to:, I thought it will also work for the wordpress. But turns out it's not.
I don't want to use Bitnami-wordpress installer like bitnami-wordpress-5.4.1-0-windows-x64-installer.exe. Because in the future I want to do it for other php-based website I made.
Anyone know how to do it?
Hi Bitnami Engineer here, you can follow these steps to deploy a PHP application on top of WAMP:
Copy the installdir/docs/demo folder into the installdir/apps directory.
Add the following line to the end of the installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami-apps-prefix.conf file:
Replace the installdir placeholder with the full installation directory for your Bitnami stack.
Include "installdir/apps/demo/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
Restart the Apache server using the graphical manager tool.
You should now be able to access the demo application at http://localhost/demo. - You should see a “Hello world” message in your browser.
You can now replace the files inside the installdir/apps/demo/htdocs folder with the WordPress' ones to deploy that application.
You can learn more about this here

Problems with XAMPP and Wordpress Multiste

Hi i have a huge problem wth XAMPP and would appreciate any help,
I've installed XAMPP on Windows 10 and followed the instructions here: Moving WordPress Multisite from Live Server to Localhost Safely.
After following the tutorial the main domain works. However the mapped domains and subdomains don't.
I have a very complex Wordpress Multisite Network where i use three different topdomains on one install. All these topdomains also have their own subdirectories. Although they are all installed under the dtopdomain and visible in /sites directory.
Any advice on how to proceed in order to get this to work?

How do I open a locally installed wordpress on chrome

Super basic noob question here.
What would be the file to open up on google chrome if I want to preview the wordpress site I'm building locally? The default.html is completely blank, and I'm not seeing an index.html or anything I can open
EDIT: What would be the php file to open/edit if I want to adjust the home page of the site?
You would have to first install a local web server. If you're on a Windows machine, something like WAMP or XAMPP will fit your needs to install Apache. From there, you'll install Wordpress by moving the wordpress files into the web directory (usually it's www or public_html) and then you'll be able to view the site.
You need a local server to run wordpress or any php framework. I would recommend installing WAMP and upload your wordpress folder there, it should work
You need a local server to run WordPress. You can use XAMPP that will fit both windows and Linux. Move your WordPress folder into installed xampp folder, like: c:/xampp/htdocs/'WordPress'.
Then open your browser and type localhost/wordpress and install WordPress.
If you want to write new .php files then you have to write that inside a theme as a template.

Moving wordpress site from subdomain to domain with 1 caveat

I already have wordpress installed in my root, but I haven't built anything on it.
All these while I have been building on my subdomain, which is also using wordpress.
Now I have come to the conclusion to move everything I have from the subdomain to the root.
Are there anything I should take note of? Should I remove the wordpress installation that is in my root?
I'm using cpanel # hostgator
Remove the wordpress installation that is in your root directory, then copy all the files from the sub-domain's folder to your root directory. You should note that before moving the files, log into the existing Wordpress dashboard and under Settings -> General you need to change the URLs of your site first, otherwise you won't be able to log in once your site is moved. That's it.

Htaccess on XAMPP local server for testing

I finally got the XAMPP local Wordpress system working so now I can test things out.
If I want to mimic htaccess files to test redirect code and so forth - especially htaccess in the root - here would I put the htaccess file?
I'm thinking is the XAMPP folder considered the "root"? I've taken a snapshot of my directories to give you an idea. The checkmarks are there just to show you the general layout of the directories.
One other thing - suppose I wanted to create a sub-directory (like localhost/sub/index.php) to test in XAMPP. Is this possible? I noticed when I'm in local host there is no multi-site capability. Thoughts?
The .htaccess file should be in the root of your WordPress installation and you may use sub-directories to create more local sites. For example:
localhost/wordpress = xampp/htdocs/wordpress/index.php
localhost/anothersite = xampp/htdocs/anothersite/index.php
// More...
For the WordPress installation, put the .htaccess in the wordpress directory in example (At the same level where the index.php file is stored).
