Problems with XAMPP and Wordpress Multiste - wordpress

Hi i have a huge problem wth XAMPP and would appreciate any help,
I've installed XAMPP on Windows 10 and followed the instructions here: Moving WordPress Multisite from Live Server to Localhost Safely.
After following the tutorial the main domain works. However the mapped domains and subdomains don't.
I have a very complex Wordpress Multisite Network where i use three different topdomains on one install. All these topdomains also have their own subdirectories. Although they are all installed under the dtopdomain and visible in /sites directory.
Any advice on how to proceed in order to get this to work?


Setting wordpress site to root folder on WAMP local install

So I'm trying to set up a local test environment for a WordPress site I am planning to make. I currently have a few sites I plan to work on as a subfolder under /WWW/ but I'm trying to use a addon for multisites , My problems however is that I'm new and I installed the addon, but the addon wants my site to be in root. However root for wamp has a bunch of files used for wamp at the moment and I also have multiple subfolders in root for other sites i'm planning on having in that test environment.
I'm trying to figure out how to make wamp think my one site is the root folder, my attempts with the vhost files have failed me so far. My other option is to try and do the work of the plug in manually some how with the vhost files. Any help is appreciated

Subdomains with Wordpress multisite and Amazon EC2

I have a a WordPress multisite install (using subdomains, not subfolders) running on EC2 (with Cloudflare for DNS). It is working good.
I am starting a new project that I want to setup a subdoamin for that is not using the multisite install. I have been trying for a few days to get it to work, but i cannot get it to stop sending trafic to wordpress (which is telling me there is not site set up (I hae set nothing up in wordpress as this project has its own site / code that I want to keep seperate)
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you?
After quite a while of banging my head agenst the wall I figgured it out.
How I got it to work was I went into the Apache config file (httpd.conf) and changed the server name to a fake address, then wet into vhosts.conf and created a virtual host for every site on the server, including the main one (that had been listed in the main conf) and the wildcard (for multisite).
I made sure the wildcard was listed LAST. After restarting the server it worded like a charm.

2 different wordpress cmses on one server, subdomain on younger blog redirects to the older one

I am currently running on the newest freebsd 64 bit server 9~
the problem is that I have:
2 seperate blogs on my server with two different domains
The older one was "" - works fine
The newer one "" has a subdomain multisite configured.
Lets cut to the chase. I do not have a dns wildcard ( * ) so I had to edit my namedb file After www I added subdomains for and so on.
www A
scary A
music A
fashion A
The problem is that when you go to everything is fine, - fine - you will get redirected to the "elder/1st" wordpress cms which runs under
I have no idea how to deal with the problem, and I thoroughly search wordpress forums for that.
The answer to that is to create an apache virtual host for the given subdomain :)

Where to install Wordpress in CPanel?

I'm a newbie on hosting blogs. I have a shared hosting account on HostGator that uses cpanel, and I want to install multiple wordpress sites.
I have my wp sites under /home/username/public_html/, so each site has its own directory under public_html. The problem is for my primary domain, the one I got from the hosting. It was installed under the public_html itself, so my other sites were accessible from the primary site, like http://www.primarysite/other-site. Is this the typical structure of hosting multiple wp sites on shared hosts?
Is it ok to have my other sites accessible under the primary site?
A detailed explanation would be very useful, or just point me to some good tutorials/articles. Thanks again!
you need to create different folders/directories for your other wordpress sites under public_html, and yes you can access your other site like only
Hostgator cPanel includes Softaculous or Fantastico Auto Installers and both of them include Wordpress MU (wordpress multisite/multiuser) Follow the instructions and you can install multiple wordpress sites in a single click ;)
yes you can acces your other sites under your primary domain. For that you have to install wordpress under different directories.
I think you may be aware of addon domain feature. Try using the addon domain feature in your cPanel.
You have two domains and
You want the two domains to be totally separate/independent websites.

Running multiple Wordpress sites on a single domain/web server

I have a rather general but very important question. I have built a main website and an eShop for a client. The main website is in Wordpress and I have to find a platform for the eShop, but let's say it's also a Wordpress theme.
Can I install 2 wordpress sites in my hosting server? So for example, the first one will be and the other being
Yes you can: Installing Multiple Blogs « WordPress Codex.
While all the previous answers are technically correcct - they will have you doing twice the work that is actually needed for your desired outcome (as in two installs, two upgrades, two sets of security checks, two databases, two admin panels... you get the idea - two times the work, all unnecessary).
Since Wordpress 3.0, the WordpressMU features have been integrated into the core. This allows you to run multiple Wordprsss 'sites' from a single install.
Sites can be served from their different domain, sub-domains, or in your case different sub-directories within the same domain and server.
Full information on how to achieve this is available from Wordpress Codex:
Create A Network
Just install one wordpress app in your root directory and create the other directory and install it there, there should be no problem.
Keep in mind that if you are routing around a port 80 blockade (aka using a different port to host your site) then Multi-site WILL NOT WORK. In such an instance multiple WP installations seem to be the ticket.
You can choose a directory relative to your root domain when installing wordpress on your site.
