Declaration of mass variables in column headings in R - r

I cannot figure out how to assign the column headers from my imported xlsx sheet as variables. I have several column headers, for example DAY_CHNG and INPUT_CHG. So far, I can only run gls(DAY_CHG~INPUT_CHG) by first assigning the values as variables by X<-mydata$DAY_CHG. Is there some command to get these variables assigned automatically when I import?
I had horrible problems getting the program up and running, by the way, due to firewalls at the firm for which I'm working, wondering if that's causing some of the issue.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

attach(mydata) will allow you to directly use the variable names. However, attach may cause problems, especially with more complex data/analyses (see Do you use attach() or call variables by name or slicing? for a discussion)
An alternative would be to use with, such as with(mydata, gls(DAY_CHG~INPUT_CHG)

I would suggest using the $ in order to use the headers as variables and still be able to use other data sets. All that needs to be done is assign the data to an object such as your mydata and by putting a $ immediately following, you will be able to refer to your headers as variables.
As an example for your case, instead of creating a new object x, simply take what you assigned x to and put it directly into your command.
gls(mydata$DAY_CHG ~ mydata$INPUT_CHG)
when it becomes more complicated with more data sets this will allow you to have access to all of them still while not limiting yourself to the data set you attach()


How to make an R object immutable? [duplicate]

I'm working in R, and I'd like to define some variables that I (or one of my collaborators) cannot change. In C++ I'd do this:
const std::string path( "/projects/current" );
How do I do this in the R programming language?
Edit for clarity: I know that I can define strings like this in R:
path = "/projects/current"
What I really want is a language construct that guarantees that nobody can ever change the value associated with the variable named "path."
Edit to respond to comments:
It's technically true that const is a compile-time guarantee, but it would be valid in my mind that the R interpreter would throw stop execution with an error message. For example, look what happens when you try to assign values to a numeric constant:
> 7 = 3
Error in 7 = 3 : invalid (do_set) left-hand side to assignment
So what I really want is a language feature that allows you to assign values once and only once, and there should be some kind of error when you try to assign a new value to a variabled declared as const. I don't care if the error occurs at run-time, especially if there's no compilation phase. This might not technically be const by the Wikipedia definition, but it's very close. It also looks like this is not possible in the R programming language.
See lockBinding:
a <- 1
lockBinding("a", globalenv())
a <- 2
Error: cannot change value of locked binding for 'a'
Since you are planning to distribute your code to others, you could (should?) consider to create a package. Create within that package a NAMESPACE. There you can define variables that will have a constant value. At least to the functions that your package uses. Have a look at Tierney (2003) Name Space Management for R
I'm pretty sure that this isn't possible in R. If you're worried about accidentally re-writing the value then the easiest thing to do would be to put all of your constants into a list structure then you know when you're using those values. Something like:
Then when you need to access them you have an aide memoir to know what not to do and also it pushes them out of your normal namespace.
Another place to ask would be R development mailing list. Hope this helps.
(Edited for new idea:) The bindenv functions provide an
experimental interface for adjustments to environments and bindings within environments. They allow for locking environments as well as individual bindings, and for linking a variable to a function.
This seems like the sort of thing that could give a false sense of security (like a const pointer to a non-const variable) but it might help.
(Edited for focus:) const is a compile-time guarantee, not a lock-down on bits in memory. Since R doesn't have a compile phase where it looks at all the code at once (it is built for interactive use), there's no way to check that future instructions won't violate any guarantee. If there's a right way to do this, the folks at the R-help list will know. My suggested workaround: fake your own compilation. Write a script to preprocess your R code that will manually substitute the corresponding literal for each appearance of your "constant" variables.
(Original:) What benefit are you hoping to get from having a variable that acts like a C "const"?
Since R has exclusively call-by-value semantics (unless you do some munging with environments), there isn't any reason to worry about clobbering your variables by calling functions on them. Adopting some sort of naming conventions or using some OOP structure is probably the right solution if you're worried about you and your collaborators accidentally using variables with the same names.
The feature you're looking for may exist, but I doubt it given the origin of R as a interactive environment where you'd want to be able to undo your actions.
R doesn't have a language constant feature. The list idea above is good; I personally use a naming convention like ALL_CAPS.
I took the answer below from this website
The simplest sort of R expression is just a constant value, typically a numeric value (a number) or a character value (a piece of text). For example, if we need to specify a number of seconds corresponding to 10 minutes, we specify a number.
> 600
[1] 600
If we need to specify the name of a file that we want to read data from, we specify the name as a character value. Character values must be surrounded by either double-quotes or single-quotes.
> ""
[1] ""

How to get R to use a certain dataset for multiple commands without usin attach() or appending data="" to every command

So I'm trying to manipulate a simple Qualtrics CSV, and I want to use colSums on certain columns of data, given a certain filter.
For example: within the .csv file called data, I want to get the sum of a few columns, and print them with certain labels (say choice1, choice2 etc). That is easy enough by itself:
print colSums(firstqn); print colSums(secondqn)
The problem comes when I want to repeat the above steps with different filters, - say, only the rows where gender==2.
The only way I know how is to create a new dataset data2 and replace data$ with data2$ in every line of the above code, such as:
however i have 6 choices for each of 5 questions and am planning to apply about 5-10 different filters, and I don't relish the thought of copy/pasting data2 and `data3' etc hundreds of times.
So my question is: Is there any way of getting R to reference data by default without using data$ in front of every variable name?
I can probably use attach() to achieve this, but i really don't want to:
is there a command like attach() that would allow me to avoid using data$ in front of every variable, for a specified amount of code? Then whenever I wanted to create a new filter, I could just copy/paste the same code and change the first command (defining a new dataset).
I guess I'm looking for some command like with(data2, *insert multiple commands here*)
Alternatively, if anyone has a better way to do the above in an entirely different way please enlighten me - i'm not very proficient at R (yet).

convert period in stata to NA in r

I have a dataset in stata and I want to take it to R, but there are some missing values in state and they are represented using a period. I want to get the data into R which I do by loading the foreign package and then I use read.table() function. How do I convert the periods in state which are genuinely missing to NA in R?
If i understand you correctly, you first load the Foreign-Package for loading a .dta-File, correct?
Then you would read in your Data by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta")
You are asking for a way that the missing operator from Stata, often denoted by a dot ., is converted to the missing operator in R, NA, also correct?
One thing to know here is, that Stata handles missing values "behind the scenes" in multiple ways. There are actually about 27 different missing operators in Stata, which are usually not distinguishable for the user. You do not need to know them for you problem though, because read.dta() handles them itself.
To learn how you can tackle a simple problem like this yourself in the future, you always need to check the help file for your function first:
Here you see, that the function handles the extensive missing-data types from Stata automatically and correctly.
If you want to have information about which type of missing operator was recognized, you can set the argument missing.type=TRUE, by using:
myRFile <- read.dta(file="someStataFile.dta", missing.type=TRUE)
Then, according to the help file, the following will happen:
If missing.type is TRUE a separate list is created with the same
variable names as the loaded data. For string variables the list value
is NULL. For other variables the value is NA where the observation is
not missing and 0–26 when the observation is missing. This is attached
as the "missing" attribute of the returned value.

Creating different sets of variables, and assigning them using if else

I have a set of variables. And for different scenarios, I would like to use a different set. So I was wondering if there is a way of doing so without using the if-else statement? Below is what I am trying to achieve using the if-else approach:
else if(broker=="B"){
So in the end, I would just use the broker name and the variables will automatically be used for my computations. This would make trying different scenarios very easy.
My question is, is there a more efficient way of doing this, than by using the if-else loop?
This looks like what list variables are for. Assuming you have all your data available, create a list like mylist <- list('A'=c(aaaa,bbbbb,ccc),'B'=c(xxxxx,yyyy,zz)) and so on, with one list element for each broker. Then to retriev the data of interest, just mylist$B for broker "B" and so on.
Solution for a single broker and assignment to a single set of values
Depending on volumes, I would suggest a mapping table that allows you to retrieve the corresponding variables needed in each instance. You could then use get to retrieve the variable required.
Here is a short example in line with your code
#Setup of initial variables
#Production of your mapping table
#Use get on the corresponding variable name for the broker

Do you use attach() or call variables by name or slicing?

Many intro R books and guides start off with the practice of attaching a data.frame so that you can call the variables by name. I have always found it favorable to call variables with $ notation or square bracket slicing [,2]. That way I can use multiple data.frames without confusing them and/or use iteration to successively call columns of interest. I noticed Google recently posted coding guidelines for R which included the line
1) attach: avoid using it
How do people feel about this practice?
I never use attach. with and within are your friends.
Example code:
> N <- 3
> df <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(N),x2=runif(N))
> df$y <- with(df,{
> df
x1 x2 y
1 -0.8943125 0.24298534 -0.6513271
2 -0.9384312 0.01460008 -0.9238312
3 -0.7159518 0.34618060 -0.3697712
> df <- within(df,{
x1.sq <- x1^2
x2.sq <- x2^2
y <- x1.sq+x2.sq
x1 <- x2 <- NULL
> df
y x2.sq x1.sq
1 0.8588367 0.0590418774 0.7997948
2 0.8808663 0.0002131623 0.8806532
3 0.6324280 0.1198410071 0.5125870
Edit: hadley mentions transform in the comments. here is some code:
> transform(df, xtot=x1.sq+x2.sq, y=NULL)
x2.sq x1.sq xtot
1 0.41557079 0.021393571 0.43696436
2 0.57716487 0.266325959 0.84349083
3 0.04935442 0.004226069 0.05358049
I much prefer to use with to obtain the equivalent of attach on a single command:
with(someDataFrame, someFunction(...))
This also leads naturally to a form where subset is the first argument:
with(subset(someDataFrame, someVar > someValue),
which makes it pretty clear that we operate on a selection of the data. And while many modelling function have both data and subset arguments, the use above is more consistent as it also applies to those functions who do not have data and subset arguments.
The main problem with attach is that it can result in unwanted behaviour. Suppose you have an object with name xyz in your workspace. Now you attach dataframe abc which has a column named xyz. If your code reference to xyz, can you guarantee that is references to the object or the dataframe column? If you don't use attach then it is easy. just xyz refers to the object. abc$xyz refers to the column of the dataframe.
One of the main reasons that attach is used frequently in textbooks is that it shortens the code.
"Attach" is an evil temptation. The only place where it works well is in the classroom setting where one is given a single dataframe and expected to write lines of code to do the analysis on that one dataframe. The user is unlikely to ever use that data again once the assignement is done and handed in.
However, in the real world, more data frames can be added to the collection of data in a particular project. Furthermore one often copies and pastes blocks of code to be used for something similar. Often one is borrowing from something one did a few months ago and cannot remember the nuances of what was being called from where. In these circumstances one gets drowned by the previous use of "attach."
Just like Leoni said, with and within are perfect substitutes for attach, but I wouldn't completely dismiss it. I use it sometimes, when I'm working directly at the R prompt and want to test some commands before writing them on a script. Especially when testing multiple commands, attach can be a more interesting, convenient and even harmless alternative to with and within, since after you run attach, the command prompt is clear for you to write inputs and see outputs.
Just make sure to detach your data after you're done!
I prefer not to use attach(), as it is far too easy to run a batch of code several times each time calling attach(). The data frame is added to the search path each time, extending it unnecessarily. Of course, good programming practice is to also detach() at the end of the block of code, but that is often forgotten.
Instead, I use xxx$y or xxx[,"y"]. It's more transparent.
Another possibility is to use the data argument available in many functions which allows individual variables to be referenced within the data frame. e.g., lm(z ~ y, data=xxx).
While I, too, prefer not to use attach(), it does have its place when you need to persist an object (in this case, a data.frame) through the life of your program when you have several functions using it. Instead of passing the object into every R function that uses it, I think it is more convenient to keep it in one place and call its elements as needed.
That said, I would only use it if I know how much memory I have available and only if I make sure that I detach() this data.frame once it is out of scope.
Am I making sense?
