Downloading Ngrok on Mac - ngrok

So i downloaded Ngrok on my windows machine it was pretty straight forward unzipping and running.
Now I want to run it on my mac I am faced with all sorts of problems.
I downloaded Ngrok from
However it doesn't seem to download as a zip file?
This is where my Ngrok is kept
What do i have to type in my terminal in order to get this to work? It doesn't seem to be zipped as mentioned.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

When using ngrok on Mac, be sure you're running the command from the directory where the ngrok binary resides.
So for your installation, you downloaded ngrok to /Users/Jay/Downloads, so the binary is probably in a directory called /Users/Jay/Downloads/ngrok/bin.
You can use ./ngrok help to test that this works.
So the command to try this from a terminal might look like this:
./Users/Jay/Downloads/ngrok/bin/ngrok help
Or cd directly into that /bin directory and try ./ngrok help from there.
Note that the initial period/full-stop (".") is needed.
Also, do yourself a favor by adding it to your root directory so you can just call the command from a new shell with just ./ngrok help.


No such directory or file - Mac

I'm pretty rookie to this, but I managed to get this code running when I had a PC.
Now I want to get this working on my MacBook.
I'm using Rclone to sync to Jottacloud, and I want to make a clickable file, just as a .bat file in windows.
This is my simple code:
cd /
cd /Applications/rclone
rclone copy /Users/windsvendsen/Pictures/Billedebank Jottacloud:Billedebank
Running it in Terminal, without the #!/bin/bash, it works as it should.
But when I save it as a file, without extension, and running chmod 744 on it, it returns with the error "No such file directory"
And here does my knowledge end.
It is probably a pretty simple problem, but I do not manage to get the essence out of my google searches.
Thanks in advance!
Can you do ls on the directory and see if the file actually got created

Where is server.conf file kept openCPU ubuntu

Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, or requires a trick.
I have installed openCPU on an ubuntu xenial-16.04 instance. I'd like to lengthen the value as instructed in the /etc/opencpu/server.conf file. Trouble is I can't find it.
ubuntu#ip-x-x-x-x:/usr/lib/opencpu$ ls -a
. .. library rapache scripts
Maybe please check again to see if you don't find /etc/opencpu/server.conf in the expected directory - i.e. because, as above in your output of ls -la /etc/opencpu/, the server.conf file is listed being there. Note though the owner is root so take that into account when you try to open+edit the file.

'wp' is not recognized, but wp-cli works fine on Windows 10

I've installed wp-cli and expect to have the 'wp' command working. I have done this installation process on a near-identical machine just fine. When I enter 'wp' into Command Prompt (Admin), I get 'wp' is not a recognized as an internal or external command. I have PATH variables set to c:\wp-cli and c:\xampp\php for Admin and the System Variables. I can't seem to run "npm run setup" until this happens, so I would appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
This is fixed. Make sure to name you wp-cli.bat file wp.bat instead. My other Windows machine was more discerning, apparently.

Where is the Rserve Config file located on Windows?

I'm using a Windows 7 x64 machine with R-3.1.0. I installed the Rserve package through Rstudio.
The start of Rserve is successful with the following code in Rstudio:
I got the following output:
Starting Rserve...
My problem is that I couldn't locate the configuration file. Apparently it can't be "/etc/Rserv.conf".
I did come across a webpage saying that the config file is Rserv.cfg in the working directory (unless changed at compile-time). But which working directory? I have checked the working directory of the current R project as well as the Rserve library directory, but it was not there...Could someone help me with this please? Thank you.
Rserve does not automatically come with a config file, you must make one. Best steps for doing so:
Navigate to the file where you just installed Rserve.exe (C:\R\R-31~1.0\library\Rserve\libs\x64\R, based on the message you copied here)
Find Rserve.exe, Reserve_d.exe, and Rserve.dll there. Copy these files.
Navigate to where R.dll is on your computer. This is probably C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.3\bin\x64, but may be different depending on where you installed R to.
Copy the 3 files mentioned above to this location.
Create a text file here named "Rserv.cfg" with the arguments you are looking for, such as port 6312 or library(mvoutlier). Yes, I know that this is different from the documentation, but if you start Rserve_d.exe you will see that this is the file it is looking for. I have not had success naming it anything else.
You can start Rserve by specifying the location of the config file. In R instead of just Rserve() try the following:
Rserve(args="--RS-conf C:\\folder\\Rserv.cfg")
If path is more complicated you need to massage it a little bit:
Rserve(args="--RS-conf C:\\PROGRA~1\\R\\R-215~1.2\\library\\Rserve\\Rserv.cfg")
Look in the $RHOME/bin directory
If you can't find it here is a different way to approach it:
Download Rserve at [], and save it in your desired directory
Run R CMD INSTALL Rserve_.tar.gz
This allows you to leave Rserve where you want it.
After looking at the Rserve source code and making some test I found that on Windows platform Rserve try to load the configuration file from the current working directory. Also pay attention because on Windows the file name is RServ.cfg and not Rserv.conf as documented.
The current working directory depends of the process, for example using RStudio by default it is your Documents and Settings folder:
but can be changed in the "Global Options" of the IDE
So you can create an "RServ.cfg" text file in that directory with your needed options and starting RServe in the usual way in RStudio
will load your configuration.

Varying Vagrant Vagrants switching wordpress-trunk to git

I am trying to convert Varying Vagrant Vagrant's wordpress-trunk (or development) site to be provisioned via git instead of svn.
There seems to be a script (I presume it is a script even though it has no file extension) as part of the VVV project that will switch after the machine has been provisioned:
And the author told me that running the following from command line should do it:
vagrant ssh -c "develop_git"
but when I run that I get the following error:
Unknown cipher type 'develop_git'
There appears to be some code in the provision script that mentions git, but I have no idea what I am looking at.
So, does anyone know how to run/implement that script? Or otherwise convert the www/wordpress-trunk folder to git? Are there options somewhere to direct VVV to provision the trunk folder from git in the first place?
Contrary to the Vagrant-Documentation of vagrant ssh the -c option is delivered to the ssh command and therefore interpreted as the cipher-specification.
I would suggest you to try vagrant ssh -- "develop_git", since everything after "-- (two hyphens)[is] passed directly into the ssh executable".
