My websites is hacked and IP is on a Spam Blacklist - wordpress

I created a wordpress blog few months ago and left updating it, because i was busy in other things. Today when i tried to log in to my wordpress i received a message
Your IP is on a Spam Blacklist.
When i visited my blog i saw a anchor text link right under my logo and i never put it there.
Now i can't log in to my WordPress and my Ip is added to spam list.
I,m worried, what should i do to remove the anchor text link and to clear the spam allegation. Your help will be highly appreciated thanks in advance and sorry for bearing my bad English.
My blog: trueinfoforyou(.)com

I'd suggest getting the support e-mail off of the host providing your WordPress site, either yourself if possible or through another means. Once you've got it, contact them and just explain the situation. I'm sure once you've explained it they'll be happy to resolve the problems you're facing; as at the end of the day, it's commonplace for things like this to occur nowadays.
No host wants to lose business. I'm positive they'll be happy to oblige in removing you from any blacklist.


My website is showing an error related to in console

I have a WordPress website, and I use Adsense. However, for a couple of days, I have noticed these errors in the console, and I don't know what they mean.
All of them are related to this URL:
The errors are saying:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
I don't know what it is, please clarify this to me.
I was able to figure this out. It was not the plugin, but rather an Ad Network on Google Adsense. All I had to do was go into the Google Adsense >> Blocking Controls >> Content >> Ad Networks. Then type in Gemius and disable all ads from their network. The problem goes away and you get to work with Adsense again.
I don't have the best answer, but ... I noticed my site is doing this too. It's a pretty simple site, with just a few tools some people use. If I disable Google's ads, the error goes away. If I re-enable them, they come back. I double checked ad content, and they're all legitimate.
The requests aren't being generated by my pages. They are only generated by Google's ads.
My site is hand coded, not WP or another CMS, so it can't be a hack or anything. I literally read every line of code related to that page while trying to diagnose it. It wasn't hard, because there aren't many lines of code. :)
So, to make the error go away, you'll need to turn off Google's ads for a while. It really isn't necessary though.
The good news is, that error means nothing was sent to the gemius page. It is simply unreachable right now, for whatever reason. I guess Google will fix it eventually. I don't care enough to open a trouble ticket with them. I'm just considering it a curiosity and annoyance on my otherwise error free pages.
screenshot with googlecm.hit.gemius errors
I believe this is related to the plugin Google Ad Inserter. Took me a while to figure out and I'm still trying to clean it up. After removing the plugin a lot of the redirect errors went away and Google was able to index my URL. After going into Chrome developer though I noticed that there was still some redirect errors happening on some resources left behind by Ad Inserter. Once I figure out how to get rid of them I'll post an update. Had a huge impact on my blog though. Almost lost 30% of my page views for the past couple days...

Wordpress Site Is Blank - Only Links Showing For Homepage

Just an FYI, I'm an amateur blogger who doesn't know much about coding.
I've been facing a problem recently and I don't know what to do.
My website homepage shows up blank, with just links (
I've tried to check for any errors in my backend but all seems to be working fine!
I've also uninstalled all plugins to check, but that didn't make a difference.
Please let me know how to go about this! I'm happy to provide any specific additional information needed. Also, since I'm not very well versed in coding, I apologise for my use of lay-man terms in advance!
If I get to your website, most content is not coming from your domain, but is loaded from
Also your own site is not using SSL (https), but insecure http.
Many browsers and most anti spamer browser plugins like privacy badger or uBlock Origin will refuse to load this.
Another point may be that you are using canvas data, but also this is blocked by default in modern browsers.
Maybe take a look in the wordpress server site settings and check your servername.

Spam emails strange wordpress site

I'm receiving strange emails can't stop them even using re-captcha in my site where it says they're comming from.
My answer to you is that you should redirect your question to
You're not giving us any information for your WordPress configuration to help determine what might be happening. I am guessing, but this looks like your form has been exploited. My suggestion would be to disable your forms to see if that stops the traffic. I also suggest you look at your WordPress configurations and disable comments or any other way someone can contact you, since that could be the other issue.
Good luck.

WORDPRESS: Where do I delete my site?

I've looked absolutely everywhere for an answer to this, and so far have not gotten any that have solved my problem. It seems like it should be simple, but Im either getting answers that tell me to press a "Delete Account" button in my dashboard that simply IS NOT there, or someone says "look it up on Google" or something else that is not at all helpful. I've looked and am getting very frustrated. So, here's my question(s):
If I cancel the hosting (Blue Host), will it automatically cancel all payments relating to the site? That is, is signing up on WordPress free, with the hosting being the part that is paid? I can't find statements or anything related to the WordPress part of it, so I'm hoping that the hosting is the only part I'm paying for (this site was started a few years ago, and I just don't have time for it, so I don't remember anymore.)
Can a account/site actually be deleted? I've emptied all the contents as stated in the documentation, but when it comes to actually pressing "Delete Account," the button is no where to be found in my dashboard! As long as I'm not paying for it to just sit there, I guess I can leave it, but I'd prefer to delete it altogether, if possible.
Thank you to anyone who offers constructive advice on this topic. I know others have asked about this, but none of those solutions have worked, so I'm asking again. (It also doesn't help that WordPress doesn't offer direct support, only forums, so if you happen to know of a good resource outside of their own documentation--which, as stated, hasn't helped me--I'll appreciate the referral.)
if you want to delete your site just delete all the file for this site in public_html folder. or if you want delete hosting for this site contact with your hosting provider. you can do it if you want to do.
But I think you can sell your domain, if your domain age is above 5 years may be your domain has SEO domain authority (DA) . you can sell it .

Spam text showing under site URL in search results

I'm not a coder, so please keep responses understandable. ;)
I have a WordPress site with a GoDaddy registered domain. Recently my site has dropped off the search rankings. When I performed a search for my site today, I noticed that under the site URL spam text is now appearing as lines of text instead of cached site results. A search of my WP files and plugins reveals nothing, so I don't know how to solve this? The text is spam and pointing to another URL that is totally unaffiliated to my site. I suspect hackers have somehow embedded code somewhere to show this text when my site URL appears in Google Search.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Check your header.php. They most likely got access to your site and then added the links in the header. You should see a bunch of the links as soon as you open it up. If you need help cleaning it out I could take a look at it for you but they should be right there. It's a common thing with wordpress. After you clean the spam out, you need to make sure your wordpress site stays updated and then install a security plugin like this one.
Hope this helps
