Can I download a copy of a wordpress site to upload onto a new server? - wordpress

I have a website hosted on and I want to move it over onto a godaddy server.
Is there any way for me to transfer everything (theme, customized text, images, etc) over to my new host?

Yes you can transfer all your posts and images to a new hosting. Sign in to your account and go to your blog’s Dashboard. Click on Export under Tools menu.
Select “All Content” and press the Download Export File button. An XML file will be downloaded in your computer which will contain all of your posts, pages, images, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, navigation menus and other information.
Then To import your old content from to your new site, you need to click on Tools » Import option in your self-hosted dashboard.
More details with images can be found here

1)You can donwload you all files from ftp and download database from server or from admin using this plugin
2)And upload files in new server and setup the database and go to the
wp-config.php in root and change the database details
3) Check your .htaccess file
4) Login in admin section and go to the settings tab and change the olde site URL with new one


How to Transfer Edited theme on Local Host to Azure?

I have to transfer my Local host edited WordPress theme to Azure WordPress.
I have edited a WordPress theme on my Local Xampp Server. After that, I got to know that to transfer my theme, I need to install a WordPress plug-in called Duplicator. I have installed and downloaded the generated files. Now, I want to transfer that theme to my newly made Azure Account WordPress
but I'm unable to do so and there is no descriptive video or post that I can find.
I can not find Azure WordPress root directory.
How to Move Your WordPress Site to Microsoft Azure: Step by Step Guide
Backup your WordPress Site with cPanel
Choose the “Full Backup” option which will include all your files and databases
Backup your WordPress Site with a Plugin
Install and activate the plugin and you will see a new menu item under “Tools” named “Backups”,click the “Settings” link and choose the “Database and Files” option.
Export Your Site Content
“Tools” > “Export” and choose “All Content” and download the Export file.
Move WordPress Content to Azure
Now you have your site backup, the content you will need to set the site up on Azure is as follows :
The /wp-content folder – This contains any uploaded images and files, your plugins and your themes
The Export file – This contains all your blog posts, comments, pages and any other content.
Upload Content Via FTP
Login to Azure portal and choose your website from the “Websites” link on the left-hand side, click your site name and the “Dashboard” and you will see a link on the bottom right named “Setup Deployment Credentials”
Enter a username and password in the popup box and these will be your FTP login credentials
Import Content- Download and import file attachment
To import your content, in the new Azure installation visit “Tools” > “Import” and select the WordPress importer from the list
Setting the Permalinks
“Settings” > “Permalinks” and choose your option there. For instance, choose “Post Name” and WordPress will create a “web.config” file for you ( on PHP hosting, the file is .htaccess )
You can follow this steps.
You can get the more details by

I need to transfer post from my wp site to another wp site with the help of a plugin

I want to migrate specific content of one wp website to another wp site. With the help of a plugin. i used importeer wordpress plugin but the media didnt came with the posts. I tried different plugins like all-in-one migration but that replaced the hole database and theme. I dont have access to ftp so thats also not a option.
Follow below steps
On site 1 (say old site)
Login to WordPress Dashboard and Go to tools-> Export
On next screen click Media [2A]
Press export and download export file
On site 2 (Say new site)
Login to WordPress Dashboard and Go to tools-> Import {you will need to install wordpress importer first}
Browse the file you have downloaded in above steps.
Click import and following on screen steps.
All your media has been imported to new site.
Now follow above steps again. But this time select Posts while exporting content in above steps [2A]

How to deploy a wordpress site to live server?

I made the WP site(used OpenServer as a local server) and I'd like to deploy it on a live server.Actually I have already tried it by using a Duplicator plugin for WP, but instead of a real site I saw a WP admin area on the live server. Could you please tell me how to manage it and deploy the real site on the real live server?
I'd recommend first of all get access to the sql server and save the database by going to PHP my admin > Click on the database from the left hand side > Click export from the top menu > Click Save.
Next get access to the FTP server and get into the public_html folder and download everything to a folder on your local machine.
Then connect to the new server via FTP and upload the contents of your local copy of the website and drag and drop everything into the new server.
While that uploads login to php my admin on the new server and upload the database by going to the import tab from the top menu.
Once imported click on the database and select thee table called 'wp_options' from the left hand side look for the url fields at the top of the list and change them to the new url of the site you are moving to then click return to save the field entry.
Once uploaded go to wp-admin and click on the options tab > permalink structure > click save without changing the options this will rebuild the permalinks to the new url.
You are now done and have migrated well done :)

Wordpress Admin is broken due to error, how can I download a wordpress site from FTP to local?

As I understand it, the normal process for copying a live wordpress site to local is done through the Wordpress Admin panel, unfortunately this is broken and giving me an error.
How would a person download a wordpress site to local the hard way by copying the files over FTP?
I am not the site owner, and am being brought in as a favor to the site owner, the site has been live for years and suddenly broke (probably the plugins)
Step1 if you have live website FTP or control panel then
open it and create a zip file from Cpanel of the live site WordPress directories . if you have FTP then connect the FTP and select all files and drag it to the right to left into the new folder on the left side
Step 2 when files will move to your system then start your localhost control panel, into ht docs folder move directories of WordPress here which one you recently downloaded from FTP of control panel make sure if you download zip folder from control panel it should be extracted first.
Step 3 open you PHPMyAdmin and then create a database the name whatever you would like to .Then into ht docs WordPress folder open wp-config.php files and change the name of the database , the username will be root and password will be blank.
Step 4 now go to your live site control panel and open PHPMyAdmin, open the corresponding database you can find the database name from the live site wp-config.php file. Now export it to the folder on desktop or you can direct put it to the desktop.
Step 5 extract your live site database and edit it with a text editor something like notpad++. now press ctr+f and then select find and replace tab.Into finding input paste your live site name something and into replacing tab paste the localhost directory which one hold the files of WordPress you recently moved something like localhost/yoursite.Hit the replace all tab.
Step 6 Now create a zip file again of the database which one recently open in text editor, go to you PHPMyAdmin localhost and open the database which one you create for the local website. Click on the import tab and then import your live database which one you created the zip from the text editor.
Step 7 on your localhost/yoursite/wp-admin enter the username and password of your live website login and it will open the wp-admin dashboard click to visit site , if it is reidrecting to the live site then goto your localhoset/phpmyadmin select the corresponding database and the select the table wp-option table and change the url from live to you localhost directory
That's it

WordPress - How to replace all shortlinks?

I have a website which is hosted at and I want to transfer this one to an own hosted environment. The current website on includes a ton of links which are shortened with and have been used to link from a page to another page/post.
I want to change the internal links to "normal" links, because otherwise the links are directing still to the site at How can I do that? Is there a way to do this (semi-)automatically? Any chance to get a table that shows the permalink and the corresponding shortlink?
you can use this script, I think it's the best for wordpress migrations.
Create a new folder in the server root directory
Upload the files in to that directory
Type the correct url www.yoursite/yourdirectory
Enter the current url in your DB and the new Url
Click in dry run and then live run
Remember to download a copy of the DB.
