Minecraft Forge: Can the update emerald be activated by code? - minecraft-forge

You know that emerald icon that looks like the realms update icon? The one that appears when forge has an update? Does anyone know how to activate this with one's own mod?

Nevermind, found it:
P.S: Random words to go up to the limit.


Github.io image links

I have an issue with the image paths on github.io it seems that it can't display images from my github repository (yes I checked spelling with case sensitivity) and I'm kind of out of ideas maybe you'll spot my mistake. If you want to check the linking go to src/css/inc/variables.scss. Thanks for your help! Repo: enter link description hereWebsite: https://b0r3d.github.io/PDH/
Answered below
Ok apparently it took 1h to parse those images so they display. Answer to the problem with github images would be either you made some spelling mistakes (github is on linux which results in case sensitivity) or your images are beeing processed for quite a long time

popuponstart jailbreak tweak by ziph0n

Jailblog.co isn't opening since a week! Seems to have gone down. Anybody know how to create a preference pane for the popuponstart tweak by ziph0n in that blog?
This is the tweak.xm
There was a tutorial on the site on how to create the preference pane but unfortunately now it is not opening! Do help. Thanks!!
Do you want to create a tweak with an enable and disable switch. Look at this video for a simple preferable pane and how to make it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nBQuz7TvecA
Type $THEOS/bin/nic.pl in Terminal after logging in as root
The select 3 and fill out the info
Look in /var/mobile/whateveryounamedit

How to start with enyo.js on window OS

Now I have to work on enyo.js and echonest.I am new to this.So please anyone tell me in which IDE I should start working with enyo.js and how to start step by step. Thanks
The suggested/recommended IDE for enyo is ARES: github link for ares IDE
For initial usage guidelines you can refer this video demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQkzUDtiC-I
And for further details n commonly asked questions refer this : http://forums.enyojs.com/categories/ares, so that you can get some basic ideas about progress and all.
Any IDE that has a text editor will suffice :)
Start here:
Also, take a look at the Sampler app:

Action-Menu missing

I'm using Plone 4.0.1 and I have the problem, that the action menu is missing. When I want to change the state of a site or copy/paste via "actions...", I just get to the page which is linked at this button, which is folder_contents for "actions". So I can not use any of the actions.
When I investigate it with Firebug, I see this:
<dl id="plone-contentmenu-actions" class="actionMenu deactivated">
So I wonder, how can I activate the action-menu again? Sadly, I do not know what could have caused the problem.
Thanks for any help in advance,
The deactivated class is referred to the expansion state of the menu (when you expand the menu, that class is switched with activated via javascript). The problem here is that you miss all 'actions' inside that menu. I see these two options:
If you have the permission to access the zope managment interface then go to:
zmi -> portal_actions -> object_buttons and check if buttons are "visible".
if you do not have that permission probably someone has removed your roles/permissions to edit contents or you are not the owner of that content.
thank you very much for your help! I found the problem... and I'm quite ashamed I didn't think of this before. The script "dropdown.js" in portal_javascripts has to be activated for the actionmenu to work. I do not know why it was deactivated, but now everything works :)
Thanks to all of you!

Open source Dock kind of menu in flex 3

I want to create Mac Dock kind of menu for one of my application.
Please let me know, if there is any open source library or code.
Thanks in advance.
The one I remember from ages ago is the FishEye project. Not sure the status, but a simple google search gave this result:
Best of luck,
