Deleting demo rows in a 2sxc list (2sxc 8.5.6) - 2sxc

If a blank demo row (denoted as (0)), gets created in a list by mistake you are able to see it in the 'Manage content-item lists' window, but they have no edit icon or any way to delete them. Is there another way to get rid of these extra unwanted items? they also don't show in the admin area.

The reason you don't see it is because it doesn't really exist yet. It's just a slot / placeholder. So there is no item.
Basically you should only have this in situations where you have list-enabled, hit the round (+) for add another placeholder-item. I believe the (-) is missing on the first item, because that could cause side-effects.
There is a way to go into advanced admin to remove it, but it's hard as this is not a normal thing to do - when you have a list, you usually want to add content.
Since you have not added any data yet, I would simply remove the module and add another one - that's easier than going the advanced admin.


How to apply any style to FullCalendar cells

great people from Stack!
I'm having some issues working with Full Calendar I would like to get some help with.
First of all, Full Calendar is an amazing tool. Everything I have had any doubt with has been solved in a breeze just by taking a look at the docs or googling five minutes. However, there is a problem I'm dealing with and can't find (I'm starting to suspect it is virtually impossible, or at least it is for me to imagine how to do it) the way to get it solved.
I'm implementing this library in a project which is meant to be something like an appointments manager, among other things. A (simple) functionality I wanted to add is to open a modal when a calendar cell (agenda week would be the main view) is clicked with a form, allowing to create an appointment for the selected cell. To improve usability, I thought it would be nice if the cells had some kind of hover effect, so that you can feel there is 'something' behind clicking this element. The thing is, the calendar is composed by something like 2 separated overlapping tables, one with rows and the other with columns, that form the grid. The modal system is done and working, dayClick made the trick. Any way to do anything similar to what I am talking about, the hover stuff? (my idea was to make some kind of (+) button appear when hovering, but anything would work.
Thank you!
Edit: I noticed there is a 'selectable' directive which, given only to the AgendaWeek view, allows me to select cells. The selection is made by the JS code, adding an element just above the cell, with its dimensions. Wouldn't it be any way to call this from hovering a cell instead of just clicking it? I wonder that highlight cell is rendered from the position of the mouse at the time of the click and wouldn't be very efficient to check that all the time...

How do I dismiss an autocomplete suggestion in Atom?

When I'm writing Docstrings in Python3, I'm ending all of my sentences with periods and I see an autocomplete suggestion like this:
In this case it wants to replace the string "wager." with "wagerself."
If I press Enter or Tab the string replaces. I've messed around with all the logical buttons (Including adding an extra space which doesn't work), and nothing will allow me on my merry way to a newline.
This problem occurs both with and without the autocomplete-python package installed.
I do want to use auto-complete when I type a dot after an object, just not in the comments.
Is there a way to either:
Dismiss the autocomplete suggestion as they come up.
-- or --
Change the autocomplete to be aware of the context, i.e. not autocomplete dots when I'm in a string/comment.
From experimenting with different key combos, ctrl + enter will ignore the suggestion and allow you to go to the next line without altering what you've typed.
I haven't found any documentation around this, so I'm not sure if there's a similar key combo for tab or not. I couldn't find anything myself beyond alt + tabing to lose focus, which causes the suggestion to go away, then alt + tabing back to hit tab, which obviously isn't ideal.
I'm using Atom 1.44.0 on Windows and have found that shift + enter works to dismiss an autocomplete suggestion. No luck with tab on this platform though.
I use atom extensively, and have found that a quick left-right cursor move will leave the typed text in place and will NOT reactivate the suggestion list, unless more characters are typed. You can then type and move on to the next line.
I was actually searching myself for a way to exclude "then" from the autocomplete action, because I have text in other locations that has it as a commented "Then". I was hoping to find a way to exclude that word completely, but thought to share my work-around for that little bit, instead.
I am having the same problem where my text is getting replaced with cached words where if I wanted to type “manage” but if I have used “management “ before, I will get the text what I don’t want if I press enter. I went into preferences and followed the same steps mentioned in the below article and once the preferences are changed, I don’t see the word suggestions anymore. I felt so relieved.

Can't edit drupal block

I'm trying to add this block but can't see the content...
I have try to change the input type from filtered html to full and to php but still can't see the content to edit it...
Thank you
See image
Answer to the original question
From the limited details you provided, it "appears" to me that what you are trying to say is something like this: "I want to edit the content of some block, but the block is not shown anywhere (and therefor I cannot edit it either)".
If I'm correctly interpreting your problem, then I'm about sure that you should navigate to admin/structure/block within your site. Then select the TAB (near the top) that corresponds to the Drupal "theme" that you are using. Probably the very first tab to the left is what you need to be looking at. Scroll down to the bottom of that page, towards the set of blocks below "Disabled". There you should then see the block listed that you are looking for. Edit the selection list to the right of it, and select a "region" like left column, 1st column, or whatever other region you want (just NOT disabled). And hit the "save" button near the bottom of that list. Then verify if the block starts to show up.
If this is NOT what you are looking for, then consider editing your question to better explain what your problem really is.
Answer to the extra comment
The comment added to this answer seems to be a completely different question. This is what the coment looks like (slightly reformatted to enhance readability):
... I have a views that shows one post per category at and need to remove the 2 last ones (Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ). This views is showing like a block but when I tried to edit this block I can't see the content to edit. I just can't find a way to remove the 2 last categories.
Some things to address this:
this "block" (as you call it) is shown because you probably have nothing specified within "Site Information" (within configuration) as the relative path of your homepage. So therefor you use the default, which is relative path "Node", and which shows a list of "teasers" of nodes that have been marked as "promoted to the frontpage".
if you do not want to include any of these teasers of specific nodes (like the 2 nodes you mentioned with Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ), then for each of these nodes you have to edit them and uncheck the flag that says "promoted" to frontpage. After you do so, those 2 specific nodes will no longer be shown in the list of teasers of nodes promoted to the front page.
Curious to hear if this somehow helps ...
PS: the layout of that ticker-bar near the top of your page is way to long (at the right), and causes a terrible display of your entire site on (at least) my mobile device ... you may want to work on that as well ...

Different header in MigraDoc

I have been looking around and I cant find a way to do this as I want.
I have MigraDoc creating a PDF that can be one page or more, the header on the first page I would like to be different to every other page. E.g. First page has a logo and all others do NOT. So I need more then one header. This is something that I have found to do using
Section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
The problem that I have is that this also means that the footer (that will not change at all) does not show up on the first page. For the Footer I am using a table Section.Footers.Primary.AddTable.
I could use a "quick fix" by just copying the table (footer) and pasting it with it changed to section.Footers.FirstPage.AddTable but then I would have a ton of code that is just messy and not needed as the footer does not change, is there a way around this?
Any help would be great. I will continue to look around to see if i can find anything more on this.
You could also use
section.Footers.FirstPage = Section.Footers.Primary.Clone()
after calling AddTable().
Maybe it would be enough to just all section.Footers.FirstPage.AddTable - IIRC the first page footer will be used for all pages if you do not assign a special primary footer (but I could be wrong about this; I'll check this Wednesday or Thursday).
Well, as no one else can answer this the best way I found to "solve" this problem is to create a function that creates the table. Then I call the function and use it as Section.Footers.Primary and section.Footers.FirstPage
If anyone does have a better way please do feel free to give a comment or something.

How can I stop aptana Outline view automatically collapsing?

I'm using aptana to work on a web document with a fair bit of javascript that's organised into functions. I want to be able to easily jump around the functions, so I selected aptana for the document explorer / outline view panel. It works fine, but when I'm typing the document it collapses all by itself, which drives me bananas.
How can I stop it doing this?
Under the little arrow in the top right corner is an option to "Link with Editor". Turn this off and the Outline view should stay as you leave it rather than trying to match what you are doing in the editor.
I tried doing what Sarah suggested and I was unable to get the Outline View to NOT collapse when editing a .js file.
I looked through the documentation and tried different settings within the Outline tab without success. Expand All did expand all of the functions, objects, and variables, but when I edited one of the objects or functions, that one would then collapse in the Outline View. The problem is it would never expand itself even when I moved in to another section of the document.
I would think that after editing a section of the document, the Outline View should update to reflects the change without collapsing. If it does collapse, then it should expand once saved.
It either collapses and expands by itself (link with editor is "on") or only collapses by itself when you change anything in the document (link with editor is "off"). I don't think this behaviour is what most of us, users, would expect. I hope they change it soon. It's one of the very flaws this otherwise great piece of software has.
