Can't edit drupal block - drupal

I'm trying to add this block but can't see the content...
I have try to change the input type from filtered html to full and to php but still can't see the content to edit it...
Thank you
See image

Answer to the original question
From the limited details you provided, it "appears" to me that what you are trying to say is something like this: "I want to edit the content of some block, but the block is not shown anywhere (and therefor I cannot edit it either)".
If I'm correctly interpreting your problem, then I'm about sure that you should navigate to admin/structure/block within your site. Then select the TAB (near the top) that corresponds to the Drupal "theme" that you are using. Probably the very first tab to the left is what you need to be looking at. Scroll down to the bottom of that page, towards the set of blocks below "Disabled". There you should then see the block listed that you are looking for. Edit the selection list to the right of it, and select a "region" like left column, 1st column, or whatever other region you want (just NOT disabled). And hit the "save" button near the bottom of that list. Then verify if the block starts to show up.
If this is NOT what you are looking for, then consider editing your question to better explain what your problem really is.
Answer to the extra comment
The comment added to this answer seems to be a completely different question. This is what the coment looks like (slightly reformatted to enhance readability):
... I have a views that shows one post per category at and need to remove the 2 last ones (Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ). This views is showing like a block but when I tried to edit this block I can't see the content to edit. I just can't find a way to remove the 2 last categories.
Some things to address this:
this "block" (as you call it) is shown because you probably have nothing specified within "Site Information" (within configuration) as the relative path of your homepage. So therefor you use the default, which is relative path "Node", and which shows a list of "teasers" of nodes that have been marked as "promoted to the frontpage".
if you do not want to include any of these teasers of specific nodes (like the 2 nodes you mentioned with Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ), then for each of these nodes you have to edit them and uncheck the flag that says "promoted" to frontpage. After you do so, those 2 specific nodes will no longer be shown in the list of teasers of nodes promoted to the front page.
Curious to hear if this somehow helps ...
PS: the layout of that ticker-bar near the top of your page is way to long (at the right), and causes a terrible display of your entire site on (at least) my mobile device ... you may want to work on that as well ...


Deleting demo rows in a 2sxc list (2sxc 8.5.6)

If a blank demo row (denoted as (0)), gets created in a list by mistake you are able to see it in the 'Manage content-item lists' window, but they have no edit icon or any way to delete them. Is there another way to get rid of these extra unwanted items? they also don't show in the admin area.
The reason you don't see it is because it doesn't really exist yet. It's just a slot / placeholder. So there is no item.
Basically you should only have this in situations where you have list-enabled, hit the round (+) for add another placeholder-item. I believe the (-) is missing on the first item, because that could cause side-effects.
There is a way to go into advanced admin to remove it, but it's hard as this is not a normal thing to do - when you have a list, you usually want to add content.
Since you have not added any data yet, I would simply remove the module and add another one - that's easier than going the advanced admin.

Content region & block not being rendered in drupal 8

I created region for sidebar and render it but it wont show up any pages
i'm not sure where this issue belongs, but this seemed a good place to start.Thanks in advance
This is not a very good question since you did not provide any details on how exactly you created the region (should be defined in your or how you are trying to render it in your template (should be something along the lines of {{ page.region_name }}).
Since you have not provided example markup, I will assume that you did everything correctly and the region still does not show up anywhere (for example, when showing the region render preview or when trying to assign blocks to regions).
In that case, try clearing the cache (go to /admin/config/development/performance and click "Clear all caches"), then see if the region shows up. If it does not, try and activate a different theme, then reactivate your theme again.
If after performing these actions your region still, does not show up, see above: Please provide example code.

Need to center widgets

I have tried: I am a newbie and still learning. Nothing works. Even tried to no avail. It stays to the left!
I am using Cm4all and do the widgets manually in File Manager with Netfirms. They had me:
Log into the control panel with your account username and password.
Click on ‘FileManager’ under ‘Website’.
Click on ‘Settings’.
Check the checkbox ‘Use Richtext Editor’.
I also called the number you instructed and they said:
centering big groups of content, or centering groups of one specific object on your site can be done with divs and css.
Here are some hyperlinks to instructions/tutorials for common website operations like this.
They gave me three links but can't post the question with the links, says I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.
Nothing I do will make it leave the left side!!

Arrange fields in a view

Now after searching for 2 weeks afther a module to work on drupal 7.x version whatever, I took another way/module/guide/tutorial and yes finally i got somehow what i want without a error occures.
But now i want to make something very simple but i don't see it.
I have the module view and panel. And i want to list 3 fields in the next way:
**so you need 10 reputation for images, i'll try it to explain it like this:
(where "|" is the thumbnail and "-" are the title and the other "-" is the date.
Now it shows like this:
I see alot on the internet about , display suite, panels, view with rewrite output, ...
But this must be soooo simple and that is getting me crazy. If i know how i just could write it myself in php/html whatever i would do it.
But i can't see the forest for the trees
Please give me something to work with or a link of a tutorial whatever. I need a right direction for this.
Yes my english is bad and i hate drupal, but still , i think drupal can be great, but it is not for me.
You are talking about "theming" which is how your fields are displayed on the screen. By default Views emits some HTML that wraps them in elements like . The exact HTML depends on which type of display you are using.
The quickest way to achieve the layout you describe is not really about Views at all, but using CSS. Make the thumbnail float:left and ensure the other two are displayed inline (without line break).

Accessible navigation of large information trees

I am developing a public website which is the front end to information about medical conditions.
After the user does a search (questionnaire based) they are presented with the results which are categorised in to sections and sub-sections.
Information items can be assigned to both sections and sub-sections.
At the moment sections are represented by tabs across the top and the screen and sub-sections by links in a sidebar. The links in the sidebar change depending on which section is selected.
The problem is the section names are quite long (several words) and as a result the combined length of the tabs is too wide for a standard screen resolution (1024 x 768). Therefore they wrap and break the page layout. We will also have to add additional tabs in the future.
With this problem in mind and the fact our target audience is quite wide, this is a public medical website, what options are there for presenting this kind of information in a way which is accessible and easy to navigate for an average user.
How long are the subsection names? Will they fit in the space for tabs? You’re likely to get better user performance if you put the section links on the side bar menu and the subsection links in the tabs, rather than the other way around. See
The other alternative is to put everything on the side bar menu. Subsection links can appear indented under their section links. You can also consider putting the subsection links in a column of their own to the right of the section column. This makes the section menu stable, but takes a lot of horizontal space that’s perhaps better used for content. In either case, proper attention to visual design will show the current section, subsection, and the link between them.
There shouldn’t be a problem with accessibility as long as you’re using links to navigate to each section/subsection (perhaps generated programmatically for each page based on a database relating links to pages).
Just brainstorming some ideas:
Use combo boxes to allow the user to select the (sub)sections, then display the appropriate information items.
Create separate pages for each section-level and provide a bread-crumb control to show the user where he / she is in the page hierarchy.
Create some sort of fold-out menus that automatically hide when the user reads an information item.
In another question on SO, I came across a link to Quince, perhaps you can find some inspiration there as well.
You could try:
An iPod-style menu (in which subsections are hidden pages that fly in from the right):
Or as Daan has said:
Cascading drop-down boxes:
The downside with both of these (over a traditional tree view) is that the subsections aren't visible until you choose a section. If your users don't know the name of the subsection they're after, then either of these will be a good fit.
If, on the other hand, they do know the name of the subsection they're after, it's probably better to give them an auto-complete textbox so they can type a few characters and go directly to it.
