Wordpress doesn't always load css - css

My site is running with the last version of Wordpress and 15zine as a theme.
Sometimes when I surf through the pages Wordpress doesn't load the CSS correctly so I can see only the simple HTML page without the right formatting.
I've found out that these kinds of problems are usually caused by bad use of minimization and merging of cache plugins.
I would suggest to first disable both and start enabling only the minification. If it correctly works, I would go ahead with merging. With HTTP/2 merging is less needed

I have checked your website multiple times and while some of the css (file: 822cc.css) does take a while to load, it does in fact load every time.
The issue may be on your side. Maybe open developers tools go to settings, under network click "Disable cache" and then reload the site a couple of times and see if the problem still exists.
Remember to keep developer tools open when doing this. You can even click the Network tab and then select the CSS button, hit f5 and see the files loading.


How do I optimize the speed of my Wordpress, Elementor, and WooCommerce website on Litespeed server?

I'm trying to optimize a website (gntac.com) but not sure how to proceed further. It's hosted on Litespeed server and I'm using the Litespeed Cache Plugin for Wordpress. I have enabled webp images, combined and minified javascript, minified css, and enabled quick.cloud CDN. I'm also using Modernizr for webp replacement in css but Insights doesn't seem to recognize the change.
There are also a lot of DOM elements (presumably due to Elementor). Some of the theme elements are hidden with css on mobile. I tried to use Mobile_Detect to only load those elements for desktop but the cache seems to be static and is either generated for mobile OR desktop but not both so the Mobile_Detect code is useless. None of this seems to have made any difference in Pagespeed Insights with tests still at around 11 for mobile and 42 for desktop.
Could anyone please provide some pointers on where to go from here? I know a little web development and SEO/optimization but this is beyond me at the moment.
You can try to deactivate the cache, do the Lighthouse Check again, try to get ride of the unused script and styles and activate the cache tool again.
You should combine your css to, not only js.
The Front Page is well cached, but te product are loading up to 6 secs - which is way to long. Maybe yout server is to slow and you should upgrade.
Webpage speed optimization is an art itself. On advanced levels, we look into every piece of code for optimization.
At the beginner level, I would suggest you to use Cloudflare CDN (Free Subscription) and configure Cache and Speed settings.
Second, instead of using PageSpeed Insights, use Solarwinds Pingdom to check the speed of the website.
Third, make sure that all the unnecessary plugins and themes are deleted. Clean up as much as you can. WordPress themes are the usual culprit of a slow website, use the lightest possible theme which is regularly updated and optimized.
Make sure to address Render Blocking Elements (inline critical elements or deffer) and Server Response Time (better web hosting).

How do I update my website cached version on Google cachedview?

I am developing a website and I faced an issue today on my site, I will try to briefly explain the scenario hoping anyone could give a proper explanation for it.
My website is a WordPress website and I have the coming soon page activated so users will be redirected to it.
Two days ago I turned that plugin off by mistake and users were able to see my page. Today I turned it back on, and that's where the issue arises.
In full web (desktop) the coming soon page is visible and working fine, but when I hit the responsive view on my chrome browser the page is still available and the welcome page is not. In the sources tab, I can see the hosted directory being loaded so I went to the hosted directory (public_html) and I hid the folder that contains all the assets (renamed it to .foldername).
I hit refresh still loads the old page when I hit ctrl+shift+r I get the new version. On Firefox the scenario isn't reproducible it just happens on responsive view on Google Chrome browser.
Can anybody explain to me what's happening I assume it has something to do with Google caching my webpage and never updating it. But if like to hear a more professional explanation Thanks.
Have you tried clearing your Cache in Google Chrome? Also, Have you enqueued any Scripts or Styles in your functions.php file? If so, increase their version number. This will force the browser to download the Scripts and/or Styles again rather than loading any Cached copies.
Hope this helps to resolve your problem(s).

WordPress cache on the backend side

I have the same problem on different WordPress based websites.
I developed some of them, while others are made by someone else.
They don't have that much in common: completely different websites, different themes/plugins and so on.
Recently in these websites, I've been experiencing this problem: WordPress is caching the backend in a really tough way and, after saving any edits, I have to force a refresh with ctrl+f5 to actually see the edits I made before.
After some digging I can assure that:
it doesn't seem to depend on the webserver (same problem on nginx and on apache)
it doesn't depend on varnish or wp caching plugins (it happens also on website without any cache solutions)
it happens just in some new wp releases, I'm not experiencing this problem on older websites
it doesn't depend on my pc/browser configuration because my colleagues are experiencing the exact same problem on their pc
Anyone who had the same problem and was able to find a solution?
EDIT: It actually happened also on a fresh WordPress installation. Once I created a page, I went back to the page list by clicking on the menu item and I couldn't see the page in the list. After forcing a page refresh the newly created page was there as it was supposed to be before.

Can't open or move widgets after Wordpress update

I recently updated my WordPress site http://www.yourwhiteknight.com/ to 4.1.5 and found that I can't move or open any widgets on the widgets page. If I try to add one, I don't get the menu to add it to a widget and I can't drag and drop on into a sidebar. I can't click the down arrow on any widgets or on any sidebars that are not open in order to edit their contents.
I believe the version I was working with before was 3.5.2. I even tried to go to the customizer but it just gets stuck constantly trying to reload the page, some sort of redirect loop.
Has anyone had this problem before and can point me in the direction of a solution?
I am at a complete loss, other than uploading the older version of wordpress. If I do that, I don't know if the database will still work due to any changes in the DB from the upgrade. I can't revert to the old database because the client has already made a lot of changes.
What you need to do is look for Javascript errors in the WordPress admin area using Dev Tools. The inability to move widgets or use other javascript functions in admin is common and a characteristic of Javascript conflicts with plugins or low-quality themes and the Javascript libraries that WordPress loads be default.
Use the developer tools in Firefox (or Firebug) or Chrome or Safari or IE to see what scripts are loading on your site - I can see from my end that there are a lot of them - and look in the console to see if there are errors. See Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors.
If there are errors, deactivate plugins one by one and look for a theme update. It can take some time to find the cause of Javascript errors, and in some cases, you may need to debug yourself.

Drupal 6 website is very slow

I've made this website for someone a while ago, using Drupal 6. The problem is that it's getting incredibly slow... When I optimize the database it seems to go faster for a while and then it's slow again... I tried almost everything that I found on Google, and nothing seems to work. Maybe someone here knows a bit more than Google? :p
One thing I noticed using PageSpeed, is that some of your images on this page (http://heuvelfolies.be/CMS/Producten) are resized using HTML and CSS, rather than displaying thumbnails. Not related to your db issues, but overall it will help with page loading.
Example output:
http://heuvelfolies.be/img/Producten_Netten.jpg is resized in HTML or CSS from 360x360 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 74.7KiB (92% reduction)
Are you using other caching techniques such as Memcached? Drupal caching would be step one, which you mentioned you did, but the next step would be an intermediate caching system. I've had great luck with it.
UPDATE: Doesn't look like your host provides VPS so this would be something to do if you ever moved to a VPS. Having said that, being on a shared server has its limitations. Not knowing what the "other guys" on the server are running that may be slowing the whole thing down, is one of those limitations.
Are you using Drupal's built-in caching?
If not, turn it on -- it can make a big difference.
You may also want to look into a server-based caching solution such as Varnish.
What modules are you using?
It's possible that you're using a module with known issues. Google for speed problems related to the various modules you're using.
Are you displaying any dynamic content on every page?
This can slow things down, as dynamic pages can't be cached. Consider using AHAH or AJAX to load the dynamic parts of the page via Javascript after page load, so they are separated from the main page content, which you can then cache properly.
I can't event ping that server. Maybe you should consider changing a hosting?
Other things worth checking are cache enabled, JS and CSS file merging enabled. If layout consists of many graphics, consider using CSS sprite. Also make sure that connection to your DB is fast.
Before trying to improve anything, check the "Recent Log Entries" on the admin page.
There are so many reasons for a site being slow, first try to make sure that there's no errors.
I've just had a look at your site, it wasn't particularly slow, nor fast. Pages didn't seem to hang but thumbnails were not loading so quickly.
Check your site's health, check your hosting provider, look into caching, for solutions like Varnish, you will need Pressflow or Drupal 7 as well as root access, meaning at least a VPS...
