class: Memcache
- [ addServer, ['%memcached_host%', '%memcached_port%'] ]
This is current code I use in config.yml how can I specify that Memcache not cache data on memcache->set() method on dev envirioment and to works normally on production.
Is there is some kind of flag that can turn off Memcache ?
I'm not familiar with Memcache but common approach to cases like this is using separate config.yml per environment:
Move your current memcached entry from config.yml to config_prod.yml (in production environment memcached will work as before)
In config_dev.yml add similar memcached entry but with another class - you might need to create such class, it will probably need to extend Memcache class and override methods you want to behave differently (i.e. set()).
In this config you will have different Memcache classes for different environments and in dev environment your Memcache class will be "dummy", meaning not doing anything.
This is regular config.yml.
class: Memcache
- [ addServer, ['%memcached_host%', '%memcached_port%'] ]
I had add this lines in config_dev.yml
class: Memcache
- [ addServer, ['%memcached_host%', '%memcached_port%'] ]
- [ flush ]
You will notice that below is added - [ flush ] method
It is not kill memcache proccess but clear all stored data making them like expired.
How can I completely disable the cache in Symfony 5.2?
I use PHP config file (services.php) and not the yaml ones.
In the docs, I cannot find anything matching.
Try configuring the two pools that are always enabled by default to use the Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\NullAdapter
app: cache.adapter.null
system: cache.adapter.null
class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\NullAdapter
arguments: [~] # small trick to avoid arguments errors on compile-time.
I would like to exclude fields when exposing my API from my user class that extends FOSUser.
I've setup JMS Serializer on the global config file and created a FOSUB config to only expose the fields I need.
Global Config:
namespace_prefix: "FOS\\UserBundle"
path: "#AppBundle/Resources/config/serializer/fos"
FOS config file:
exclusion_policy: ALL
expose: true
expose: true
expose: true
This config is working perfectly on my local machine however it doesn't work when deployed on prod. Both use same stack, my guess is that on prod somehow the serializer can't find FOS config file.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The issue was somehow related to the naming of the config file.
While in local (macos) the file name Model.user.yml was working, in production (centos) it didn't work. So I had to rename the file to Model.User.yml then it worked fine on both.
I tried to find some documentation related to this issue but couldn't find any.
Take away: Make sure that the config file name represent exactly the entity you want to override.
I am migrating from symofony 2.7 to symfony 4.0. With success I migrated one bundle. Now I am migrating the second bundle and the error message is coming up. I don't get at all what symfony 4.0 wants from me.
If I turn on autowire: true this error message is coming up.
Cannot autowire service "App\Kernel": argument "$environment" of method "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::__construct()" must have a type-hint or be given a value explicitly.
Can somebody help me?
If I turn it off, no message is coming up.
I registered my bundle only in bundles.php
App\Backend\AccountBundle\BackendAccountBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Usually the Kernel is added to the Service Container as a so called synthetic service, meaning it's not generated by the DI-container from configuration. Rather the id is set and then the previously configured service is just added to the container. It seems rather odd that your bundle's container wants to create a new kernel here. So I would check where and how you want to access the kernel in any of the bundle's services and whether you actually want to pass in the kernel and not something else. If you do you might want to check the Service Container-documentation on synthetic services.
As to the error itself. Symfony's autowiring often falls flat when you have services that require parameters like with the Kernel:
public function __construct(string $environment, bool $debug) {...}
In these cases you have to either have a parameter defined in your services.yaml that matches the name of the parameter:
# config/services.yaml
environment: prod
debug: false
or you have to tell the configuration which parameters you want to have in those places.
$environment: prod
$debug: false
This will tell the autowiring that only the 2 arguments named environment and debug should be overwritten with the values you provide, but the rest is done via autowiring. This way you can skip the arguments: part of the definition and you can also skip all arguments you know are correctly set via autowiring.
For example if you have a service like this:
class MyService {
public function __construct(OtherServce $service, string $someParameter) {}
# config/services.yaml
autowiring: true
$someParameter: 'someValue'
This is the same as explicitly writing:
class: MyService
- '#OtherServce'
- 'someValue'
Background: we're using Symfony 3.1 + Doctrine 2.5.5 + symfony doctrine bundle.
While trying to enable second level caching for our entities, we have encountered the following issue. If we use NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, everything works fine. However, when we tried to use READ_WRITE, we got the following error
Type error: Argument 2 passed to Doctrine\ORM\Cache\Persister\Entity\ReadWriteCachedEntityPersister::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\ORM\Cache\ConcurrentRegion, instance of Doctrine\ORM\Cache\Region\DefaultRegion given, called in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Cache/DefaultCacheFactory.php on line 133
As far as I understood, we need to actually implement our own version of ConcurrentRegion and CacheFactory to make it work (FileLockRegion does not suit us due to its usage of file system to handle cache locks). So I wrote those implementations, but the main issue now lies in following: I cannot find where to put my custom factory class' name in the configuration. We have tried the following locations in config:
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
default_entity_manager: master
class: AppBundle\Cache\MyCacheFactory
This fails due to
Unrecognized option "second_level_cache" under "doctrine.orm"
even though in our other project using Symfony 2.8 option "second_level_cache" does not throw any errors.
So we went to doctrine bundle code and found the following node description (vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php:492)
So we decided we should try this config in our master entity manager section:
type: memcache
enabled: true
log_enabled: true
factory: AppBundle\Cache\MyCacheFactory
lifetime: 3600
However, even though this config is considered valid, when we actually try to access the entity with configured caching, we get the error 0), which makes us think that this option is being ignored by doctrine/symfony.
Is there any way to do it via .yml config at all? Doctrine docs only propose to implement CacheFactory and provide a PHP code example, but it's still quite unclear where should this PHP code go, even if we decide to abandon the idea of putting our class in .yml config and go the PHP way.
Use type - filelock for configurate FilelockRegion
type: service
id: 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\RedisCache'
lifetime: 3600
type: filelock
I followed the guideline on how to expose a semantic configuration for a bundle and configured it in my app/config.yml (through parameters.yml).
My bundle also contains some console commands. Right now this command either uses the dev or prod configuration, which is fine.
But how can I make the console commands use an additional configuration file that sets some things different than in config.yml?
- { resource: parameters.yml }
view_mode: %view_mode%
view_mode: 1
How can I make it e.g. use a different parameters.yml
view_mode: 2
when called through the console? A new environment is not what I want here.
I think you need to create a custom environement
You just have to create a config_console.yml in your app/config folder and override the configuration you need.
- { resource: config_dev.yml }
view_mode: 2
Then in your application, just run
php app/console --env=console
This will run your application with default configuration of dev and with foo.view_mode = 2
You may want to note that it will create a new cache folder named console