Debugging FullCalendar to Google Calendar integration - fullcalendar

I was asked to implement FullCalendar for our company's web application to pull in a calendar from Google Calendar. I have imported and referenced the JS and CSS files to where I am getting the calendar to appear to appear on the page configured the way that we want, however, there no events showing up.
I saw on the FullCalendar site a note, "If you need to detect errors with the Google API ... You'll need to use the FullCalendar's googleCalendarError callback ..." But there was no examples and no documentation on how to perform this. I Googled for examples and found no code examples of how to do this so that I could debug what was happening and why the calendar appears structurally, but with no calendar data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Update: After playing with the gcal.html demo example that comes with FullCalendar, I was able to get my calendar to work and show event information in gcal.html. However, in my MVC .net application there is a JS error stating "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()" and it shows my MVC view page address on my local machine appended with the google calendar id, along with start and end dates. I am wondering where I go from here to get my calendar to appear in my MVC .net web application view page and pull event information from Google.


FullCalendar - Google Calendar - Invalid Credentials (401)

I am having trouble with an integration with FullCalendar on our websites. I am currently using version 2.4 (I know it's old, but it was new when I integrated it). All of our requests (all to public calendars) are being blocked with a 401 (Authorization, Invalid Credentials) error.
So, I downloaded the latest package from the website and loaded the "google-calendar.html" from the examples folder (which appears to use the public "Holidays" calendar), and it is having the same problem.
In addition, the demo on the website appears to suffer from the same error. You can see it here:
It appears that maybe something about the Goolge Calendar API changed, and has broken the functionality, but I wanted to see if it might be something I am doing wrong.
Thank you for the help,
After much research, this appears to be an error with Google Calendar API, and public calendars being able to be accessed by API key's.
Here is the main thread on it: Google Calendar API - no longer authorized for reads?
Here is the main bug report at Google:
It seems like it is a true bug, and is being fixed by Google.

Speech portal does not show the list of logs

I've created a custom speech model and deployed it. When I select the endpoint I can export the logs at the bottom of the page. Logging is enabled for this endpoint and it worked until 2 weeks ago. Now, when i click the "Export log" button, the spinner appears for a second or two but it does not show the list of logs. I took a look on the HTTP answer, which contained json data, telling me that there should be a lot of logs ready for download.
So my assumption is that this might be an error of the page? I've tried it using latest Firefox and Chrome browser. Edge does not work either. Deleting cookies and cache data does not work either.
There is a bug in the current UI of Speech Studio Portal, and thanks for reporting this, we will fix in our next release, which will come in this week.

Google Analytics Receiving Data -- but no analytics in view source

My client created a website and a google analytics account. The report indicates that the account is receiving data -- and yet, when we do a view-source of the pages of the site, there is definitely absolutely no analytics code there. How is this posssible?
It is possible that the Analytics code is added via Javascript, not appearing in the "View Source" page. It is also possible for it not to appear in the inspector either.
I do not know how this happens, but I have encountered scripts that exist and run although they are not displayed in either the source page or the live DOM inspector (in Google Chrome). This happened to me while loading a PHP template containing Javascript through an Ajax request.
If you have access to the source code of your website, search the entire project for for the Analytics ID (Here's how to find it:, and you'll locate your tracking code.
If your project is running on a Linux server, here's a post about how to quickly find a keyword (like the Analytics ID) in a folder: How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?

How do you activate Google Maps JavaScript API v3 service?

The tutorial doesn't say how to activate the Javascript API v3 service. It just says do it. My Google Developers Console screen doesn't match the screen they show in the written (probably out of date) tutorial.
There is no "Service" category for me to choose. I have a "Terms of service" category which, when chosen, allows me to read the terms for this particular API but there is no action to be taken in that window. I have an API key and I have entered the code in my web page and placed my API key in it.
I get the following error message when loading the web page: "This page was unable to display a Google Maps element. The provided Google API key is invalid or this site is not authorized to use it. Error Code: InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError" and I think it may be because I have not been able to "activate" API v3 for this project.
I have tried the following:
Regenerating a key and using it immediately so I know it isn't that the key is over 24 hours old
Double checked my referrals
Accurately entered the name of the site where I am trying to make this work.
You need to activate API from the Developer Console
click the 4^ and then click the "Enable API" blue button
I wasted my time just because of confusion so i am answering here with updated screenshots to help in a better way.

How to create google calender event from php backend

I want to create a google calender event whenever a user in my php site put an entry request.
Is it possible to create the event automatically from the server. If how to create it. Please help me to do.
Yes, look into Calendar API v3:
There are client libraries for php in the downloads section.
