FullCalendar - Google Calendar - Invalid Credentials (401) - fullcalendar

I am having trouble with an integration with FullCalendar on our websites. I am currently using version 2.4 (I know it's old, but it was new when I integrated it). All of our requests (all to public calendars) are being blocked with a 401 (Authorization, Invalid Credentials) error.
So, I downloaded the latest package from the website and loaded the "google-calendar.html" from the examples folder (which appears to use the public "Holidays" calendar), and it is having the same problem.
In addition, the demo on the website appears to suffer from the same error. You can see it here: https://fullcalendar.io/docs/google-calendar-demo
It appears that maybe something about the Goolge Calendar API changed, and has broken the functionality, but I wanted to see if it might be something I am doing wrong.
Thank you for the help,

After much research, this appears to be an error with Google Calendar API, and public calendars being able to be accessed by API key's.
Here is the main thread on it: Google Calendar API - no longer authorized for reads?
Here is the main bug report at Google: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/160190541
It seems like it is a true bug, and is being fixed by Google.


Goolge Signin stuck on loading page

Some users stuck on loading when they use Google sign-in in recent day.
This issue seems to depend on the account because I use the same device and tried to use different accounts to sign-in, this issue only happened on a part of accounts.
Below is my setting:
implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:17.0.0"
Below is my setting:
implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:17.0.0"
I tried to downgrade play-services-auth version, but it still not working.
Do you request additional scopes like "/auth/youtube" or google drive?
I believe it tries to show you this warning https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/7454865?hl=en, so maybe you need to verify your app.
Google says it is their bug and have corresponding issue filed in github
You need to pass the verification process for the youtube scope anyway.
This issue is from google's side but for now, remove the consent screen from the test state and publish it. And It will work

Debugging FullCalendar to Google Calendar integration

I was asked to implement FullCalendar for our company's web application to pull in a calendar from Google Calendar. I have imported and referenced the JS and CSS files to where I am getting the calendar to appear to appear on the page configured the way that we want, however, there no events showing up.
I saw on the FullCalendar site a note, "If you need to detect errors with the Google API ... You'll need to use the FullCalendar's googleCalendarError callback ..." But there was no examples and no documentation on how to perform this. I Googled for examples and found no code examples of how to do this so that I could debug what was happening and why the calendar appears structurally, but with no calendar data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Update: After playing with the gcal.html demo example that comes with FullCalendar, I was able to get my calendar to work and show event information in gcal.html. However, in my MVC .net application there is a JS error stating "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()" and it shows my MVC view page address on my local machine appended with the google calendar id, along with start and end dates. I am wondering where I go from here to get my calendar to appear in my MVC .net web application view page and pull event information from Google.

fullcalendar google integration returns a 403 error?

I'm experiencing a 403 forbidden error when trying to retrieve a google public calendar feed using fullcalendar. I notice the problem also exists on fullcalendar's demo is this a change from google?
Google has deprecated and shut down Calendar API v1 and v2. The "public/full" URL is no longer available.
FullCalendar is being updated to support API v3. Once released you will be able to use a v3 style URL. First create an API key in Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com). Then use the following for the URL in FullCalendar, substituting your calendar ID and API Key:
The developer commented in the issue that the changes should be released tomorrow (Nov 19th). You can find more details and track the progress in this issue:
Type Status Milestone Summary Stars
The problem is with the Google Calendar API JSON Output. FullCalendar converts feeds like
in gcal.js on line 49
url: sourceOptions.url.replace(/\/basic$/, '/full') + '?alt=json-in-script&callback=?',
There does not seem to be any indication that the specs have changed. So, I assume that there is a problem somewhere in Google.
More info here
Adam updated the plugin to support the new Google Calendar API.
See the documentation here:

Google clientLogin authentication url responds - 302 The document has moved

I am transferring videos from my web server to youtube.
Everything was working great.
The authentication was by clientLogin with my google username & password but now, all of a sudden the url (https://www.google.com/media/accounts/ClientLogin) is returning 302:
302 MovedThe document has moved
I saw some, but not a lot, of similar issues but nothing that solved this bizarre issue.
At first I thought that the authentication method was deprecated, but it doesn't seem so.
it is just advised not to use it.
I'm searching all day long and I'm still clueless.
Thank you all very much.
We have a big pilot in 5 days and it's a really big problem..
If anyone know of another method of programmatically uploading videos to youtube through an API, the clientLogin is not a problem anymore ;)
The above https://www.google.com/media/accounts/ClientLogin is not valid.
It should be https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin (without the 'media')
or with a google service name (like 'youtube' in my case.)
Now I know 302 really well

Can I use google analytics on vkontakte?

I want to use Google Analytics on my Vkontakte application (written with Flex). Vkontakte does not support naturally in Google Analytics (not as Facebook) which means I can't even put the Google Analytics JS at the bottom of the page (or even use JS for that matter). What I can use is the AS3 library of Google Analytics, but for some reason it reports of failed gif requests every time I use it to report on an event.
Is it even possible to use Google Analytics on the described environment?
If so, what could be the reason of the failed gif requests? Is it debugable?
Update #1:
After debugging the "Google Analytics for flex" source code, I got this error: Error #2035: URL Not Found.
Update #2:
It turns out to be a known bug as suggested here. It works perfectly on IE.
Update #3:
It works on FF when I disable the "ABP Tracking Filter (by rick752)" filter at the "AdBlock Plus" extension.
It's possible, the problems I've experienced were due to FF problem as stated in the question.
One potentially relevant way to debug this: install a network monitor like Fiddler, and look at the requests going over the wire. Do you see the right GIF get downloaded? If so, you're good. If not, you'll see what's going on on the network.
Here's some info from Google on debugging the gif requests. What do you mean when you say it failed?
