CellCache renders unexpectedly in TableView with tornadoFX - javafx

I just puzzled by the cellCache funtion usage in TornadoFX with Kotlin. The render is always strange and unexpected, what happens with that? The code is here:
data class Person(var name : String, var age : Int, var sex : Boolean)
class MyView: View()
val list = listOf<Person>(
Person("Name A", 20, false),
Person("Name B", 22, false),
Person("Name C", 21, true),
Person("Name D", 30, true),
Person("Name E", 35, true)
override val root = stackpane {
vbox {
tableview(items = list) {
column("Name", Person::name)
column("Age", Person::age)
column("Sex", Person::sex).cellCache{
isSelected = it
setOnAction {
println("Selection: $isSelected")
I expect all the rows will render with a checkbox in column "Sex", but the code above will just display two: one selected and another unselected, what the hell is going on with cellcache?
I also find changing the data class with the one below, and it is all right:
data class Person(var name : String, var age : Int, var sex : SimpleBooleanProperty)
However I must change a lot with the data class properties in this way, I also don't know why.
Help me, and thanks in advance!

The cellCache creates a unique cell per item in your list. If your items does not implement meaningful equals and hashCode functions you will run into trouble with cellCache since the same cell will be used for multiple underlying items.
Adding equals and hashCode implementation that ensures each item is unique should solve the problem. It seems that the default implementation in a Kotlin data class doesn't cut it :)
If you can't or won't provide equals and hashCode implementations I would suggest using cellFormat instead, which doesn't rely on object equality to produce a unique cell.
I'm sorry this isn't made clear in the guide, I will update the TableView part with more information and a warning about the use of cellCache.


X++ assign Enum Value to a table column

I am trying to pull the Enum chosen from a dialog and assign the label to a table's column.
For example: Dialog opens and allows you to choose from:
These are 0,1,2 respectively.
The user chooses OutOfSpec (the label for this is Out Of Spec), I want to put this enum's Name, or the label, into a table. The column I'm inserting into is set to be a str.
Here's the code I've tried, without success:
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SDILF_ScrapReasons));
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SDILF_ScrapReasons),"Scrap Reason");
if (!dialog.closedOk())
// For now, this will strip off the order ID from the summary fields.
// No longer removing the Order ID
batchAttr = PdsBatchAttributes::find(itemId, invDim.inventBatchId, "OrderId");
orders = SDILF_BreakdownOrders::find(batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue, true);
if (orders)
orders.BoxProduced -= 1;
// Adding a batch attribute that will include the reason for scrapping
select forUpdate batchAttr;
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribId = "ScrapReason";
//batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = any2str(dictEnum.index2Value(reason.value()));
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = enum2str(reason.value());
batchAttr.InventBatchId = invDim.inventBatchId;
batchAttr.ItemId = itemId;
Obviously this is not the whole code, but it should be enough to give the issue that I'm trying to solve.
I'm sure there is a way to get the int value and use that to assign the label, I've just not been able to figure it out yet.
To add some more information about what I am trying to accomplish. We make our finished goods, sometimes they are out of spec or damaged when this happens we then have to scrap that finished good. When we do this we want to keep track of why it is being scrapped, but we don't want just a bunch of random reasons. I used an enum to limit the reasons. When the operator clicks the button to scrap something they will get a dialog screen pop-up that allows them to select a reason for scrapping. The code will then, eventually, put that assigned reason on that finished items batch attributes so that we can track it later in a report and have a list of all the finished goods that were scrapped and why they were scrapped.
I'm not entirely sure of your question, but I think you're just missing one of the index2[...] calls or you're not getting the return value from your dialog correctly. Just create the below as a new job, run it, make a selection of Open Order and click ok.
I don't know the difference between index2Label and index2Name.
static void Job67(Args _args)
Dialog dialog = new dialog();
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SalesStatus));
DialogField reason;
SalesStatus salesStatusUserSelection;
str label, name, symbol;
int value;
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SalesStatus), "SalesStatus");
if (dialog.closedOk())
salesStatusUserSelection = reason.value();
// Label
label = dictEnum.index2Label(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Name
name = dictEnum.index2Name(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Symbol
symbol = dictEnum.index2Symbol(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Value
value = dictEnum.index2Value(salesStatusUserSelection);
info(strFmt("Label: %1; Name: %2; Symbol: %3; Value: %4", label, name, symbol, value));

Kotlin Map<String, List<Object>> values are changed after toSortedMap call

I got such a map
Map<String, List<Object>>
when I use
and comparing values by keys I got sorted map but amount of objects in each value list is also changed (reduced). It's super strange. Under the hood toSortedMap method creates TreeMap with the given comparator, I don't know TreeMap internals but I assume that any map should not change values but only manipulate with the keys. Is this something that is ok for TreeMap or is it a bug in Kotlin library?
Code I get this issue on:
val categoriesKeys = listOf("key1", "key2", etc)
val categoriesKeysOrdersMap = mapOf("key1" to 0, "key2" to 1, etc)
val model = listOf(MyModel(..), MyModel(..), etc)
val categoryKeyToModelsMap = categoriesKeys
.map { key ->
key to model.filter {
it.categories?.contains(key) == true
.filter { it.second.isNotEmpty() }
.toSortedMap(compareBy { categoriesKeysOrdersMap[it] })
On toMap step I have the map I want but not sorted, but after toSortedMap my data is messed up. Comparator compares by int value from categoriesKeysOrdersMap using key from category.

Java equals string and object from ObservableList

I have a big problem. My code:
TablePosition pos = (TablePosition)
Object item = tableView.getItems().get(pos.getRow());
Object e = ((List<ObservableList>) item).get(0);
String new_status = "textExample";
and how can I use equals ? new_status.equals(e) ? I don't have any idea on how to convert this.
p.s. in console e = "textExample".
I need this to update a sql row.
If you want to get selected items, you can just use getSelectedItems() (or getSelectedItem() if you only want the latest selection). You don't need to work with selected cells, table positions and rows.
Assuming a TableView<ObservableList<String>> (which you may or may not have). Code to retrieve the value of the first element of the selected row (probably the value represented in the first column), would be as follows:
final String NEW_STATUS = "textExample";
final TableView<ObservableList<String>> tableView = new TableView<>();
final ObservableList<String> selectedItem =
if (selectedItem != null
&& !selectedItem.isEmpty()
&& NEW_STATUS.equals(selectedItem.get(0))) {
// do work here.
As your type definitions may be different you may need to adapt the code above to fit your situation as required. If you still can't work it out, you will need to edit the question to provide an mcve to get further assistance.

Flex-Sorting on ArrayCollection

I have an ArrayCollection(neList) of Objects(neObj). Each neObj has several fields like ipAddress,TID,etc.. In most cases neObj will be have values of both TID and ipAddress, rarely it will not have TID but have ipAddress... After adding Objects(neObj), I need to sort the ArrayCollection whose behaviour must be similar to array.sort() which has got strings only..(i.e nos first followed by strings in alphabetical order)
Things I have tried:
1)Using neList.source.sort() and neList.refresh.. but it did not work as neList.source has objects not straight forward things like strings
2)I think i cannot use sortOn function of ArrayCollection as it can be done on only 1 field
My Requirement:
Use Case1:- Objects in ArrayCollection have both TID and IP
neObj1.TID="RAPC" neObj1.ipAddress=""; neObj2.TID="RAPA" neObj2.ipAddress=""
O/P after sorting should be
neObj2 neObj1
Use Case2:- 1 of the objects does not have TID
neObj1.ipAddress=""; neObj2.TID="RAPA" neObj2.ipAddress=""
O/P after sorting should be
neObj1 neObj2
As hinted in the comments, you'll need to use a sort compareFunction to decide how the items will be sorted.
I do like to point out that sorting a combination of letters and numbers is tricky in the sense that there is no natural order by default. e.g. when sorting, 1, 2 and 11, the order will be 1, 11, 2. You can however solve this using the naturalCompare method in the AS3Commons Lang project.
Here's a code sample for your case. The sort is implemented as a subclass of the Sort class so that you can easily reuse it in other collections:
package {
import mx.collections.Sort;
import org.as3commons.lang.StringUtils;
public class NaturalSort extends Sort {
public function NaturalSort() {
compareFunction = function (a:Object, b:Object, fields:Array = null):int {
var stringA:String = (("TID" in a) ? a.TID : "AAAA") + a.ipAddress;
var stringB:String = (("TID" in b) ? b.TID : "AAAA") + b.ipAddress;
return StringUtils.naturalCompare(stringA, stringB);
To apply this:
var collection:ArrayCollection;
collection.sort = new NaturalSort();

Dynamic properties in Scala

Does Scala support something like dynamic properties? Example:
val dog = new Dynamic // Dynamic does not define 'name' nor 'speak'.
dog.name = "Rex" // New property.
dog.speak = { "woof" } // New method.
val cat = new Dynamic
cat.name = "Fluffy"
cat.speak = { "meow" }
val rock = new Dynamic
rock.name = "Topaz"
// rock doesn't speak.
def test(val animal: Any) = {
animal.name + " is telling " + animal.speak()
test(dog) // "Rex is telling woof"
test(cat) // "Fluffy is telling meow"
test(rock) // "Topaz is telling null"
What is the closest thing from it we can get in Scala? If there's something like "addProperty" which allows using the added property like an ordinary field, it would be sufficient.
I'm not interested in structural type declarations ("type safe duck typing"). What I really need is to add new properties and methods at runtime, so that the object can be used by a method/code that expects the added elements to exist.
Scala 2.9 will have a specially handled Dynamic trait that may be what you are looking for.
This blog has a big about it: http://squirrelsewer.blogspot.com/2011/02/scalas-upcoming-dynamic-capabilities.html
I would guess that in the invokeDynamic method you will need to check for "name_=", "speak_=", "name" and "speak", and you could store values in a private map.
I can not think of a reason to really need to add/create methods/properties dynamically at run-time unless dynamic identifiers are also allowed -and/or- a magical binding to an external dynamic source (JRuby or JSON are two good examples).
Otherwise the example posted can be implemented entirely using the existing static typing in Scala via "anonymous" types and structural typing. Anyway, not saying that "dynamic" wouldn't be convenient (and as 0__ pointed out, is coming -- feel free to "go edge" ;-).
val dog = new {
val name = "Rex"
def speak = { "woof" }
val cat = new {
val name = "Fluffy"
def speak = { "meow" }
// Rock not shown here -- because it doesn't speak it won't compile
// with the following unless it stubs in. In both cases it's an error:
// the issue is when/where the error occurs.
def test(animal: { val name: String; def speak: String }) = {
animal.name + " is telling " + animal.speak
// However, we can take in the more general type { val name: String } and try to
// invoke the possibly non-existent property, albeit in a hackish sort of way.
// Unfortunately pattern matching does not work with structural types AFAIK :(
val rock = new {
val name = "Topaz"
def test2(animal: { val name: String }) = {
animal.name + " is telling " + (try {
animal.asInstanceOf[{ def speak: String }).speak
} catch { case _ => "{very silently}" })
// test(rock) -- no! will not compile (a good thing)
However, this method can quickly get cumbersome (to "add" a new attribute one would need to create a new type and copy over the current data into it) and is partially exploiting the simplicity of the example code. That is, it's not practically possible to create true "open" objects this way; in the case for "open" data a Map of sorts is likely a better/feasible approach in the current Scala (2.8) implementation.
Happy coding.
First off, as #pst pointed out, your example can be entirely implemented using static typing, it doesn't require dynamic typing.
Secondly, if you want to program in a dynamically typed language, program in a dynamically typed language.
That being said, you can actually do something like that in Scala. Here is a simplistic example:
class Dict[V](args: (String, V)*) extends Dynamic {
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
private val backingStore = Map[String, V](args:_*)
def typed[T] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
def applyDynamic(name: String)(args: Any*) = {
val k = if (name.endsWith("_=")) name.dropRight(2) else name
if (name.endsWith("_=")) backingStore(k) = args.first.asInstanceOf[V]
override def toString() = "Dict(" + backingStore.mkString(", ") + ")"
object Dict {
def apply[V](args: (String, V)*) = new Dict(args:_*)
val t1 = Dict[Any]()
val t2 = new Dict("foo" -> "bar", "baz" -> "quux")
val t3 = Dict("foo" -> "bar", "baz" -> "quux")
t1.bar // => Some(quux)
t2.baz // => Some(quux)
t3.baz // => Some(quux)
As you can see, you were pretty close, actually. Your main mistake was that Dynamic is a trait, not a class, so you can't instantiate it, you have to mix it in. And you obviously have to actually define what you want it to do, i.e. implement typed and applyDynamic.
If you want your example to work, there are a couple of complications. In particular, you need something like a type-safe heterogenous map as a backing store. Also, there are some syntactic considerations. For example, foo.bar = baz is only translated into foo.bar_=(baz) if foo.bar_= exists, which it doesn't, because foo is a Dynamic object.
