Difference between "$(shell ...)" and "$$(...)" in make - gnu-make

I am puzzled by the difference between the "shell" MAKE function and "$$". In the documentation I find:
The shell function accepts a single argument that is expanded (like all arguments) and passed to a subshell for execution. The standard output of the command is then read and returned as the value of the function.
I believed this was exactly what "$$" was doing as well, however in this small example:
a = $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "Makefile")
b = $$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "Makefile")
.PHONY: all A B
all: A B
A: $(a)
#echo "Target: $(#)"
#echo "Prereq: $(<)"
#echo "Var a: $(a)"
#echo "Var b: $(b)"
B: $(b)
#echo "Target: $(#)"
#echo "Prereq: $(<)"
#echo "Var a: $(a)"
#echo "Var b: $(b)"
the output is the following:
Target: A
Prereq: Makefile
Var a: ./Makefile
Var b: ./Makefile
make: *** No rule to make target '$(find)', needed by 'B'. Stop.
Note here that it says "No rule to make target '$(find)'", as if the argument has not yet been expanded. (I also tried to make the variable simply expanded, "b:=$$(...)", but this changed nothing).
I hope that someone has the knowledge to elaborate more on this, which to me seems like a subtle difference, but probably is much more profound than I can comprehend at this time.

$(shell ...) is a Make text function. Make will expand this, so in your example, a will expand, when substituted, to the result of the find command. (If you made it a simply-expanded variable, the shell command would be evaluated only once, of course).
$$ is just expanded to $, so in your example, b will substitute as the value $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "Makefile"). This will be the same whether b is defined with = or :=.
When you use $(b) in a command such as echo $(b), the shell running that command will see this as command substitution. In other words, you have echo $(find ...) as a shell command.
Using $(b) in a Make target or dependency will, as you have seen, perform no further evaluation.
Here's another example Makefile, which I hope demonstrates what's going on. We use single-quotes to show literally what the shell is given:
a = $$(echo true)
b = $(shell echo true)
echo '$$a: $a' = "$a"
echo '$$b: $b' = "$b"
.PHONY: print
This gives me
echo '$a: $(echo true)' = "$(echo true)"
$a: $(echo true) = true
echo '$b: true' = "true"
$b: true = true
showing that in the first case, the shell is given $(echo true) in its command, whereas in the second case, Make evaluates echo true and simply substitutes the result true into the command.


Loop over environment variables in POSIX sh

I need to loop over environment variables and get their names and values in POSIX sh (not bash). This is what I have so far.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Loop over each line from the env command
while read -r line; do
# Get the string before = (the var name)
eval value="\$$name"
echo "name: ${name}, value: ${value}"
done <<EOF
It works most of the time, except when an environment variable contains a newline. I need it to work in that case.
I am aware of the -0 flag for env that separates variables with nul instead of newlines, but if I use that flag, how do I loop over each variable? Edit: #chepner pointed out that POSIX env doesn't support -0, so that's out.
Any solution that uses portable linux utilities is good as long as it works in POSIX sh.
There is no way to parse the output of env with complete confidence; consider this output:
I can produce that with two different environments:
$ env -i "bar=3" "baz=9"
$ env -i "bar=3
> baz=9"
Is that two environment variables, bar and baz, with simple numeric values, or is it one variable bar with the value $'3\nbaz=9' (to use bash's ANSI quoting style)?
You can safely access the environment with POSIX awk, however, using the ENVIRON array. For example:
awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) {
print "Name is "name;
print "Value is "ENVIRON[name];
}' < /dev/null
With this command, you can distinguish between the two environments mentioned above.
$ env -i "bar=3" "baz=9" awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print "Name is "name; print "Value is "ENVIRON[name]; }}' < /dev/null
Name is baz
Value is 9
Name is bar
Value is 3
$ env -i "bar=3
> baz=9" awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print "Name is "name; print "Value is "ENVIRON[name]; }}' < /dev/null
Name is bar
Value is 3
Maybe this would work?
#!/usr/bin/env sh
env | while IFS= read -r line
indirect_presence="$(eval echo "\${$name+x}")"
[ -z "$name" ] || [ -z "$indirect_presence" ] || echo "name:$name, value:$(eval echo "\$$name")"
It is not bullet-proof, as if the value of a variable with a newline happens to have a line beginning that looks like an assignment, it could be somewhat confused.
The expansion uses %% to remove the longest match, so if a line contains several = signs, they should all be removed to leave only the variable name from the beginning of the line.
Here an example based on the awk approach:
for NAME in $(awk "END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print name; }}" < /dev/null)
VAL="$(awk "END { printf ENVIRON[\"$NAME\"]; }" < /dev/null)"
echo "$NAME=$VAL"

Optional argument in sh script

I wonder if there is any way to execute script with argument that can be optional.
For example
./script (optional parameter X) path
So typing ./script /Users/name/Documents would execute certain function (I assume that if statement will be crucial) and ./script X Users/mcichecki/Documents will execute another function.
I was trying to do it with optional arguments and it didn't work:
if [ "$1" = "X" ];
If the optional argument were last you could use default values. It doesn't work so well when it is first.
Use $# to check the number of arguments that were passed in.
case $# in
1) ARG1=-R; ARG2=$1;;
2) ARG1=$1; ARG2=$2;;
*) echo "Usage: $0 [parameterX] path" >&2; exit 1;;

How to quote strings in file names in zsh (passing back to other scripts)

I have a script that has a string in a file name like so:
filename_with_spaces="a file with spaces"
echo test > "$filename_with_spaces"
test_expect_success "test1: filename with spaces" "
run cat \"$filename_with_spaces\"
run grep test \"$filename_with_spaces\"
test_expect_success is defined as:
test_expect_success () {
echo "expecting success: $1"
eval "$2"
and run is defined as:
# make nice filename removing special characters, replace space with _
filename=`echo $# | tr ' ' _ | tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9_.'`.run
echo "#!/bin/zsh" > $filename
print "$#" >> $filename
chmod +x $filename
But when I run the toplevel script test_expect_success... I get cat_a_file_with_spaces.run with:
cat a file with spaces
The problem is the quotes around a file with spaces in cat_a_file_with_spaces.run is missing. How do you get Z shell to keep the correct quoting?
run cat ${(q)filename_with_spaces}
. It is what (q) modifier was written for. Same for run script:
echo -E ${(q)#} >> $filename
. And it is not bash, you don't need to put quotes around variables: unless you specify some option (don't remember which exactly)
command $var
always passes exactly one argument to command no matter what is in $var. To ensure that some zsh option will not alter the behavior, put
emulate -L zsh
at the top of every script.
Note that initial variant (run cat \"$filename_with_spaces\") is not a correct quoting: filename may contain any character except NULL and / used for separating directories. ${(q)} takes care about it.
Update: I would have written test_expect_success function in the following fashion:
function test_expect_success()
emulate -L zsh
echo "Expecting success: $1" ; shift
test_expect_success "Message" run cat $filename_with_spaces

How do I manipulate $PATH elements in shell scripts?

Is there a idiomatic way of removing elements from PATH-like shell variables?
That is I want to take
and remove or replace the /path/to/app/bin without clobbering the rest of the variable. Extra points for allowing me put new elements in arbitrary positions. The target will be recognizable by a well defined string, and may occur at any point in the list.
I know I've seen this done, and can probably cobble something together on my own, but I'm looking for a nice approach. Portability and standardization a plus.
I use bash, but example are welcome in your favorite shell as well.
The context here is one of needing to switch conveniently between multiple versions (one for doing analysis, another for working on the framework) of a large scientific analysis package which produces a couple dozen executables, has data stashed around the filesystem, and uses environment variable to help find all this stuff. I would like to write a script that selects a version, and need to be able to remove the $PATH elements relating to the currently active version and replace them with the same elements relating to the new version.
This is related to the problem of preventing repeated $PATH elements when re-running login scripts and the like.
Previous similar question: How to keep from duplicating path variable in csh
Subsequent similar question: What is the most elegant way to remove a path from the $PATH variable in Bash?
Addressing the proposed solution from dmckee:
While some versions of Bash may allow hyphens in function names, others (MacOS X) do not.
I don't see a need to use return immediately before the end of the function.
I don't see the need for all the semi-colons.
I don't see why you have path-element-by-pattern export a value. Think of export as equivalent to setting (or even creating) a global variable - something to be avoided whenever possible.
I'm not sure what you expect 'replace-path PATH $PATH /usr' to do, but it does not do what I would expect.
Consider a PATH value that starts off containing:
The result I got (from 'replace-path PATH $PATH /usr') is:
I would have expected to get my original path back since /usr does not appear as a (complete) path element, only as part of a path element.
This can be fixed in replace-path by modifying one of the sed commands:
export $path=$(echo -n $list | tr ":" "\n" | sed "s:^$removestr\$:$replacestr:" |
tr "\n" ":" | sed "s|::|:|g")
I used ':' instead of '|' to separate parts of the substitute since '|' could (in theory) appear in a path component, whereas by definition of PATH, a colon cannot. I observe that the second sed could eliminate the current directory from the middle of a PATH. That is, a legitimate (though perverse) value of PATH could be:
After processing, the current directory would no longer be on the PATH.
A similar change to anchor the match is appropriate in path-element-by-pattern:
export $target=$(echo -n $list | tr ":" "\n" | grep -m 1 "^$pat\$")
I note in passing that grep -m 1 is not standard (it is a GNU extension, also available on MacOS X). And, indeed, the-n option for echo is also non-standard; you would be better off simply deleting the trailing colon that is added by virtue of converting the newline from echo into a colon. Since path-element-by-pattern is used just once, has undesirable side-effects (it clobbers any pre-existing exported variable called $removestr), it can be replaced sensibly by its body. This, along with more liberal use of quotes to avoid problems with spaces or unwanted file name expansion, leads to:
# path_tools.bash
# A set of tools for manipulating ":" separated lists like the
# canonical $PATH variable.
# /bin/sh compatibility can probably be regained by replacing $( )
# style command expansion with ` ` style
# Usage:
# To remove a path:
# replace_path PATH $PATH /exact/path/to/remove
# replace_path_pattern PATH $PATH <grep pattern for target path>
# To replace a path:
# replace_path PATH $PATH /exact/path/to/remove /replacement/path
# replace_path_pattern PATH $PATH <target pattern> /replacement/path
# Remove or replace an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (e.g. PATH)
# $2 a ":" delimited list to work from (e.g. $PATH)
# $3 the precise string to be removed/replaced
# $4 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace_path () {
replace=$4 # Allowed to be empty or unset
export $path=$(echo "$list" | tr ":" "\n" | sed "s:^$remove\$:$replace:" |
tr "\n" ":" | sed 's|:$||')
# Remove or replace an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (e.g. PATH)
# $2 a ":" delimited list to work from (e.g. $PATH)
# $3 a grep pattern identifying the element to be removed/replaced
# $4 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace_path_pattern () {
replacestr=$4 # Allowed to be empty or unset
removestr=$(echo "$list" | tr ":" "\n" | grep -m 1 "^$removepat\$")
replace_path "$path" "$list" "$removestr" "$replacestr"
I have a Perl script called echopath which I find useful when debugging problems with PATH-like variables:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# "#(#)$Id: echopath.pl,v 1.7 1998/09/15 03:16:36 jleffler Exp $"
# Print the components of a PATH variable one per line.
# If there are no colons in the arguments, assume that they are
# the names of environment variables.
#ARGV = $ENV{PATH} unless #ARGV;
foreach $arg (#ARGV)
$var = $arg;
$var = $ENV{$arg} if $arg =~ /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$/;
$var = $arg unless $var;
#lst = split /:/, $var;
foreach $val (#lst)
print "$val\n";
When I run the modified solution on the test code below:
replace_path xpath $xpath /usr
echopath $xpath
replace_path_pattern xpath $xpath /usr/bin /work/bin
echopath xpath
replace_path_pattern xpath $xpath "/usr/.*/bin" /work/bin
echopath xpath
The output is:
This looks correct to me - at least, for my definition of what the problem is.
I note that echopath LD_LIBRARY_PATH evaluates $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. It would be nice if your functions were able to do that, so the user could type:
replace_path PATH /usr/bin /work/bin
That can be done by using:
list=$(eval echo '$'$path)
This leads to this revision of the code:
# path_tools.bash
# A set of tools for manipulating ":" separated lists like the
# canonical $PATH variable.
# /bin/sh compatibility can probably be regained by replacing $( )
# style command expansion with ` ` style
# Usage:
# To remove a path:
# replace_path PATH /exact/path/to/remove
# replace_path_pattern PATH <grep pattern for target path>
# To replace a path:
# replace_path PATH /exact/path/to/remove /replacement/path
# replace_path_pattern PATH <target pattern> /replacement/path
# Remove or replace an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (e.g. PATH)
# $2 the precise string to be removed/replaced
# $3 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace_path () {
list=$(eval echo '$'$path)
replace=$3 # Allowed to be empty or unset
export $path=$(echo "$list" | tr ":" "\n" | sed "s:^$remove\$:$replace:" |
tr "\n" ":" | sed 's|:$||')
# Remove or replace an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (e.g. PATH)
# $2 a grep pattern identifying the element to be removed/replaced
# $3 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace_path_pattern () {
list=$(eval echo '$'$path)
replacestr=$3 # Allowed to be empty or unset
removestr=$(echo "$list" | tr ":" "\n" | grep -m 1 "^$removepat\$")
replace_path "$path" "$removestr" "$replacestr"
The following revised test now works too:
replace_path xpath /usr
echopath xpath
replace_path_pattern xpath /usr/bin /work/bin
echopath xpath
replace_path_pattern xpath "/usr/.*/bin" /work/bin
echopath xpath
It produces the same output as before.
Reposting my answer to What is the most elegant way to remove a path from the $PATH variable in Bash? :
# convert it to an array
unset IFS
# perform any array operations to remove elements from the array
# output the new array
echo "${t[*]}"
or the one-liner:
PATH=$(IFS=':';t=($PATH);unset IFS;t=(${t[#]%%*usr*});IFS=':';echo "${t[*]}");
For deleting an element you can use sed:
NEW_PATH=$(echo -n $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | sed "/foo/d" | tr "\n" ":")
will delete the paths that contain "foo" from the path.
You could also use sed to insert a new line before or after a given line.
Edit: you can remove duplicates by piping through sort and uniq:
echo -n $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | sort | uniq -c | sed -n "/ 1 / s/.*1 \(.*\)/\1/p" | sed "/foo/d" | tr "\n" ":"
There are a couple of relevant programs in the answers to "How to keep from duplicating path variable in csh". They concentrate more on ensuring that there are no repeated elements, but the script I provide can be used as:
export PATH=$(clnpath $head_dirs:$PATH:$tail_dirs $remove_dirs)
Assuming you have one or more directories in $head_dirs and one or more directories in $tail_dirs and one or more directories in $remove_dirs, then it uses the shell to concatenate the head, current and tail parts into a massive value, and then removes each of the directories listed in $remove_dirs from the result (not an error if they don't exist), as well as eliminating second and subsequent occurrences of any directory in the path.
This does not address putting path components into a specific position (other than at the beginning or end, and those only indirectly). Notationally, specifying where you want to add the new element, or which element you want to replace, is messy.
Just a note that bash itself can do search and replace. It can do all the normal "once or all", cases [in]sensitive options you would expect.
From the man page:
The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname expansion. Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string. If Ipattern begins with /, all matches of pattern are replaced with string. Normally only the first match is replaced. If pattern begins with #, it must match at the beginning of the expanded value of parameter. If pattern begins with %, it must match at the end of the expanded value of parameter. If string is null, matches of pattern are deleted and the / following pattern may be omitted. If parameter is # or *, the substitution operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with # or
*, the substitution operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.
You can also do field splitting by setting $IFS (input field separator) to the desired delimiter.
OK, thanks to all responders. I've prepared an encapsulated version of florin's answer. The first pass looks like this:
# path_tools.bash
# A set of tools for manipulating ":" separated lists like the
# canonical $PATH variable.
# /bin/sh compatibility can probably be regained by replacing $( )
# style command expansion with ` ` style
# Usage:
# To remove a path:
# replace-path PATH $PATH /exact/path/to/remove
# replace-path-pattern PATH $PATH <grep pattern for target path>
# To replace a path:
# replace-path PATH $PATH /exact/path/to/remove /replacement/path
# replace-path-pattern PATH $PATH <target pattern> /replacement/path
# Finds the _first_ list element matching $2
# $1 name of a shell variable to be set
# $2 name of a variable with a path-like structure
# $3 a grep pattern to match the desired element of $1
function path-element-by-pattern (){
export $target=$(echo -n $list | tr ":" "\n" | grep -m 1 $pat);
# Removes or replaces an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (i.e. PATH)
# $2 a ":" delimited list to work from (i.e. $PATH)
# $2 the precise string to be removed/replaced
# $3 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace-path () {
replacestr=$4; # Allowed to be ""
export $path=$(echo -n $list | tr ":" "\n" | sed "s|$removestr|$replacestr|" | tr "\n" ":" | sed "s|::|:|g");
unset removestr
# Removes or replaces an element of $1
# $1 name of the shell variable to set (i.e. PATH)
# $2 a ":" delimited list to work from (i.e. $PATH)
# $2 a grep pattern identifying the element to be removed/replaced
# $3 the replacement string (use "" for removal)
function replace-path-pattern () {
replacestr=$4; # Allowed to be ""
path-element-by-pattern removestr $list $removepat;
replace-path $path $list $removestr $replacestr;
Still needs error trapping in all the functions, and I should probably stick in a repeated path solution while I'm at it.
You use it by doing a . /include/path/path_tools.bash in the working script and calling on of the the replace-path* functions.
I am still open to new and/or better answers.
This is easy using awk.
if($i == REM)
print REP;
print $i;
Start it using
function path_repl {
echo $PATH | awk -F: -f rem.awk REM="$1" REP="$2" | paste -sd:
$ echo $PATH
$ path_repl /bin /baz
$ path_repl /bin
Inserts at the given position. By default, it appends at the end.
if(IDX < 1) IDX = NF + IDX + 1
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if(IDX == i)
print REP
print $i
if(IDX == NF + 1)
print REP
Start it using
function path_app {
echo $PATH | awk -F: -f app.awk REP="$1" IDX="$2" | paste -sd:
$ echo $PATH
$ path_app /baz 0
$ path_app /baz -1
$ path_app /baz 1
Remove duplicates
This one keeps the first occurences.
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if(!used[$i]) {
print $i
used[$i] = 1
Start it like this:
echo $PATH | awk -F: -f rem_dup.awk | paste -sd:
Validate whether all elements exist
The following will print an error message for all entries that are not existing in the filesystem, and return a nonzero value.
echo -n $PATH | xargs -d: stat -c %n
To simply check whether all elements are paths and get a return code, you can also use test:
echo -n $PATH | xargs -d: -n1 test -d
echo $PATH
If you want to remove /lib/jvm/java-1.6.0/bin/ do like as below
export PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed 's/\/lib\/jvm\/java-1.6.0\/bin\/://g')
sed will take input from echo $PATH and replace /lib/jvm/java-1.6.0/bin/: with empty
in this way you can remove
Order of PATH is not distrubed
Handles corner cases like empty path, space in path gracefully
Partial match of dir does not give false positives
Treats path at head and tail of PATH in proper ways. No : garbage and such.
Say you have
and you want to replace
Then it correctly replaces "/some/path" but
leaves "/some/path/dir1" or "/some/path/dir2", as what you would expect.
function __path_add(){
if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
local D=":${PATH}:";
[ "${D/:$1:/:}" == "$D" ] && PATH="$PATH:$1";
export PATH="${PATH/%:/}";
function __path_remove(){
local D=":${PATH}:";
[ "${D/:$1:/:}" != "$D" ] && PATH="${D/:$1:/:}";
export PATH="${PATH/%:/}";
# Just for the shake of completeness
function __path_replace(){
if [ -d "$2" ] ; then
local D=":${PATH}:";
if [ "${D/:$1:/:}" != "$D" ] ; then
export PATH="${PATH/%:/}";
Related post
What is the most elegant way to remove a path from the $PATH variable in Bash?
I prefer using ruby to the likes of awk/sed/foo these days, so here's my approach to deal with dupes,
# add it to the path
export PATH=$(ruby -e 'puts ENV["PATH"].split(/:/).uniq.join(":")')
create a function for reuse,
mungepath() {
export PATH=$(ruby -e 'puts ENV["PATH"].split(/:/).uniq.join(":")')
Hash, arrays and strings in a ruby one liner :)
The first thing to pop into my head to change just part of a string is a sed substitution.
if echo $PATH => "/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/pkg/games:/usr/pkg/X11R6/bin"
then to change "/usr/bin" to "/usr/local/bin" could be done like this:
## produces standard output file
## the "=" character is used instead of slash ("/") since that would be messy,
# alternative quoting character should be unlikely in PATH
## the path separater character ":" is both removed and re-added here,
# might want an extra colon after the last path
echo $PATH | sed '=/usr/bin:=/usr/local/bin:='
This solution replaces an entire path-element so might be redundant if new-element is similar.
If the new PATH'-s aren't dynamic but always within some constant set you could save those in a variable and assign as needed:
# commands ... ; \n
# commands etc... ;
Might not be what you were thinking. some of the relevant commands on bash/unix would be:
ls # maybe l -1A for single column;
which # could confirm that file is where you think it came from;
..and all that and more have some bearing on PATH or directories in general. The text altering part could be done any number of ways!
Whatever solution chosen would have 4 parts:
1) fetch the path as it is
2) decode the path to find the part needing changes
3) determing what changes are needed/integrating those changes
4) validation/final integration/setting the variable
In line with dj_segfault's answer, I do this in scripts that append/prepend environment variables that might be executed multiple times:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ld_library_path}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
Using this same technique to remove, replace or manipulate entries in PATH is trivial given the filename-expansion-like pattern matching and pattern-list support of shell parameter expansion.

Quoting command-line arguments in shell scripts

The following shell script takes a list of arguments, turns Unix paths into WINE/Windows paths and invokes the given executable under WINE.
#! /bin/sh
if [ "${1+set}" != "set" ]
echo "Usage; winewrap EXEC [ARGS...]"
exit 1
for p in "$#";
if [ -e "$p" ]
p=$(winepath -w $p)
ARGS="$ARGS '$p'"
CMD="wine '$EXEC' $ARGS"
echo $CMD
However, there's something wrong with the quotation of command-line arguments.
$ winewrap '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe' -smt /tmp/smtlib3cee8b.smt
Executing: wine '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe' '-smt' 'Z: mp\smtlib3cee8b.smt'
wine: cannot find ''/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program'
Note that:
The path to the executable is being chopped off at the first space, even though it is single-quoted.
The literal "\t" in the last path is being transformed into a tab character.
Obviously, the quotations aren't being parsed the way I intended by the shell. How can I avoid these errors?
EDIT: The "\t" is being expanded through two levels of indirection: first, "$p" (and/or "$ARGS") is being expanded into Z:\tmp\smtlib3cee8b.smt; then, \t is being expanded into the tab character. This is (seemingly) equivalent to
echo $Z
which yields
and not
zy yz
UPDATE: eval "$CMD" does the trick. The "\t" problem seems to be echo's fault: "If the first operand is -n, or if any of the operands contain a backslash ( '\' ) character, the results are implementation-defined." (POSIX specification of echo)
bash’s arrays are unportable but the only sane way to handle argument lists in shell
The number of arguments is in ${#}
Bad stuff will happen with your script if there are filenames starting with a dash in the current directory
If the last line of your script just runs a program, and there are no traps on exit, you should exec it
With that in mind
#! /bin/bash
# push ARRAY arg1 arg2 ...
# adds arg1, arg2, ... to the end of ARRAY
function push() {
local ARRAY_NAME="${1}"
for ARG in "${#}"; do
eval "${ARRAY_NAME}[\${#${ARRAY_NAME}[#]}]=\${ARG}"
PROG="$(basename -- "${0}")"
if (( ${#} < 1 )); then
# Error messages should state the program name and go to stderr
echo "${PROG}: Usage: winewrap EXEC [ARGS...]" 1>&2
exit 1
for p in "${#}"; do
if [ -e "${p}" ]; then
p="$(winepath -w -- "${p}")"
push EXEC "${p}"
exec "${EXEC[#]}"
I you do want to have the assignment to CMD you should use
eval $CMD
instead of just $CMD in the last line of your script. This should solve your problem with spaces in the paths, I don't know what to do about the "\t" problem.
replace the last line from $CMD to just
wine '$EXEC' $ARGS
You'll note that the error is ''/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program' and not '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program'
The single quotes are not being interpolated properly, and the string is being split by spaces.
You can try preceeding the spaces with \ like so:
/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft\ Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe
You can also do the same with your \t problem - replace it with \\t.
