I am trying to check multiple conditions in for loop using robot framework but it never returns true.
:FOR ${RowIndex} IN RANGE 0 ${rowscount}
${ColumnText1} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[3]
${ColumnText2} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[4]
${ColumnText3} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[5]
${bStatus} | Run Keywords | Should Contain | ${ColumnText1} and ${ColumnText2} and ${ColumnText3} | ${VoucherNumber} and ${Voucherdate} and ${VoucherAmount}
Exit For Loop If ${bStatus}
${bStatus} Never returns true.
Try something like this
:FOR ${RowIndex} IN RANGE 0 ${rowscount}
${ColumnText1} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[3]
${ColumnText2} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[4]
${ColumnText3} Get Text //*[#id='RadSearchGrid_ctl00__${RowIndex}']/td[5]
${bStatus}= Run Keyword And Return Status Run Keywords Should Contain ${ColumnText1} ${VoucherNumber} AND Should Contain ${ColumnText2} ${Voucherdate} AND Should Contain ${ColumnText3} ${VoucherAmount}
Exit For Loop If ${bStatus}
I am not getting any output if I am doing this.
output=net_connect.send_command('show mac-address-table | inc mac_address')
print("Output of the switch ",output)
I am getting the desired output if I am doing this.
output=net_connect.send_command('show mac-address-table | inc abcd')
print("Output of the switch ",output)
What should I make change in the code so that I can use variable?
The closing quote in the first example is after mac_address, making that literal text, not a variable. I'm not sure how you append two strings, but something like:
output=net_connect.send_command('show mac-address-table | inc '+mac_address)
where the + is appending the literal string and the variable string.
I can”t understood, why I can print the value of rows, but not populate this to a tkinter entry.
My code:
cursor.execute(‘SELECT * FROM contacts;’)
print(‘row in table contacts:’,len(cursor.fetchall())) # prints 104
self.no_count.set(len(cursor.fetchall())) # populate 0
Any hint?
You should store the fetched data inside a variable and then access it through the variable. This is because a cursor is like a python generator, and once you use cursor.fetchall() the results will no longer contain the result again. So go for something like:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM contacts;')
data = cursor.fetchall() # Store in variable
print(f'row in table contacts: {len(data)}') # Used f strings instead of comma(can be ignored)
Or you could also go for the inefficient way of repeating your query each time, like:
cursor.execute(‘SELECT * FROM contacts;’)
print(f‘row in table contacts: {len(cursor.fetchall())}')
cursor.execute(‘SELECT * FROM contacts;’) # Repeat the query
self.no_count.set(len(cursor.fetchall())) # Fetch again
My web AUT has about 17 line of text in a table. I have already get each value to a temp variable. And now I want to add that string to the list.
I am getting the following error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'insert'
For example, I have the following text line:
Text Line 1
Text Line 2
Text Line 3
And I want to add them to the list like this:
#{mylist} = Text Line 1 | Text Line 2 | Text Line 3
Here is my code, in Robot Framework format:
#{list} Create List ${EMPTY}
${list position} Set Variable 0
${number of row} Get Matching Xpath Count //table[#class="GridView"]//tr
${i} Set Variable 2
: FOR ${i} IN RANGE 2 ${number of row}
${i} Convert To String ${i}
${item control} Replace String ${table profile name default value} rownumber ${i}
${item name} Get Text ${item control}
Append To List #{list} ${item name}
This is the problem line:
Append To List #{list} ${item name}
The problem is the use of #. You need to use $:
Append To List ${list} ${item name}
(you also seem to have the problem that you only have a single space between the last two arguments)
Using $ refers to the list as an object; using # expands the list as if you had typed them into individual cells in the test.
I want to declare and initialize integer variable in Decision Table. I created a sample rule in .drl file. It's working fine but i want that rule in drool spreadsheet. Anybody know How to do it?
Sample Rule code.
rule "GoodBye1"
salience 5
a : Message(count == 45)
int temp = a.getTemplatesFromDba("123");
System.out.println("-Raj--> "+temp);
You'll have to write it in to the Action part of your decision table. Here's one way to do it with a decision table. What suites best for your needs requires a bit more info on the details.
Condition | Action
a : Message |
$param | a.setPrio( a.getTemplate( $param) ); update(a);
count == 45 | "123"
If you need, you can add the System.out.prinln calls in the Action block as well. If you have a lot of operations to execute, it might be better to create a helper function for that.
I am creating scripts which will store the contents of pipe delimited file. Each column is stored in a separate array. I then read the information from the arrays and process it. There are 20 pipe delimited files and I need to write 20 scripts. The processing that will happen in each script after the information is stored in the array is different. The number of columns in each pipe delimited file is different (but in no case it would be more than 9 columns). I need to do this activity of storing the information in the array in the beginning of each script. The way I am doing it at present is given below. I want help from you to understand how can I write a function to do this activity.
cat > example_file.txt <<End-of-message
some text first row|other text first row|some other text first row
some text nth row|other text nth row|some other text nth row
# Note that example_file.txt will available. I have created it inside the script just to let you know the format of the file
while read -r first second third ignore
(( i=i+1 ))
done < example_file.txt
Here is a sort-of minimal change to your script that should get you further...
while read -r first second third ignore
(( i=i+1 ))
done < example_file.txt
proc0 () {
for j in "$#"; do
echo proc0 : "$j"
proc1 () {
echo proc1
proc2 () {
echo proc2
for i in 0 1 2; do
proc$i "${!t}"