Webmaster Sitemap error - wordpress

I'm getting 1,509 errors reported for my sitemap in google webmaster tools.
The sitemap is generated by Wordpress plugin All in one SEO pack.
In order to rule out a problem with the plugin, I installed another plugin to generate the following sitemap:
When added to webmaster tools it also errors.
The error is in the below image.
It must be something I've done, but for the life of me i can't work out what. Can anybody see anything obvious??

Still not sure why it happened (or indeed why with 3 different sitemap plugins).
However editing the XML sitemap manually to sue full urls worked for google webmasters to accept it error free.


The URL submitted contains the noindex tag google

I have a few links that I do not want to be indexed by Google. But googleshows me the following statistics error.
The weirdest part is that I configured these links not to be indexed.
Like I set a similar rule in robots.txt for my website. But google still catches them to me like error. Can anyone help me how to solve this problem?
My site is on a Linux platform and CMS WordPress system.

Sitemap Generator detect Only Home Page and also screaming frog detects only homepage

I am trying to generate sitemap for my website but its detecting only homepage. The following generator I used https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
Even Yoast SEO plugin sitemap is not accepted in google webmaster tool where it says "
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead."
Anyone please help me to find the solution for this problem.
Keep using Yoast SEO plugin, it also generates XML sitemaps, just enable the option then upload them to google webmaster tool.
Here is how this can be done:
You might also want to make sure that only things that you want to be indexed in Google index are existing in the sitemaps, because Yoast SEO generates XML maps for all posts types, testimonies, bookings, etc... (This can be also customized)

Google listed a blog post with https and I don't know why?

Two days ago we posted a new blog on a site with the aim of being picked up for the search term "live comedy in chippenham". It’s been indexed by Google and we’re now 2nd in the results for the search query. The bad news is that for some reason the post has been indexed as a https URL so all browsers give a warning when the link is clicked.
Firefox gives this error:
The owner of www.neeld.co.uk has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
The host has confirmed that it's not a server config error and we have other posts and pages on the site that are being indexed correctly. We're using WordPress and the Yoast plugin. I can't see anywhere in Webmaster Tools that could be causing the problem.
Can anyone offer any advice please? If you search Google for "live comedy in chippenham" you'll see the issue (it's the link https://www.neeld.co.uk/live-comedy-in-chippenham/)?
It's a really strange one but something I've experienced before.
It has mostly likely been caused by an external link to the page using https protocol which Google has followed before indexing the page. Google are very keen to index https pages at the moment so we might start seeing this kind of issue more often.
There's not a lot you can do other than wait for Google to realise their mistake and list the correct URL in the SERPS. You can help speed this along with a canonical link (which I can see is there), XML sitemap (which you've got) and a server level redirect of https to http.
Do not try to remove the page in Webmaster Tools as this won't have the desired effect and will stop Google reindexing the page properly.
Hope this helps.

WORDPRESS - Plugin Analytics360

I have a problem when I try to link my Google Analytics to a website which is on WordPress. (The plugin I use is Analytics360.)
The trouble is that I get to give good access to the site but this one appears right after me:
Hmm. Went something wrong with your Google authentication! The error messages was: 403: Forbidden. If you're having trouble getting
up and running, you might try one of the Following resources
Do you have a solution? Or if someone has already fallen on this problem? :-)
No need to use a plugin for Google analytics, just edit the templates header.php file or use an advanced plugin such as yoast: http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

Node Alias issue in Google?

My website pages all show up in Google search results as *.com/node/#### instead of the alias name.
I need help fixing the naming convention to show up in Google via alias, as they are also listed in the sitemap.xml. I'm not sure if this needs to be fixed from Drupal or through NGINX.
Note that I don't have this issue in Bing.
The reason for this can be that Google bots have indexed your urls with node/nid formats.
But its weird that you don't have this issue in Bing. The only reason I can think of for this anamoly is that Bing crawled the right urls just by chance or Bing has a rule which says when there are aliases use more meaningful ones(which can't be true for Bing :P)
Anyways go ahead and install http://drupal.org/project/globalredirect module. This should solve your problems as it creates 301 redirects for all you aliased paths which is very SEO friendly.
It could be that google found your page while you had aliasses disabled, and Bing found it later when the aliasses were enabled.
If you want them removed you can go to google webmaster tools. http://webmaster.google.com
There you can upload a new sitemap and remove URL's that you no longer use.
