Flowrouter Subscriptions - meteor

This is how my flowrouter looks like,
I tried all three options shown below: but unable to subscribe
import {CompanySettings} from '../imports/api/companysettingsMaster.js';
// And imported the api also..
FlowRouter.route('/', {
name: 'home',
subscriptions: function() {
// 1.
return this.register('companySettings', Meteor.subscribe('companySettings'));
// 2.
this.register('CompanySettings', Meteor.subscribe('companySettings'));
// 3.
return Meteor.subscribe('companySettings');
action: function() {
var themeSettings = CompanySettings.findOne({
"companyId": 101
if (themeSettings) {
var scaleProcess = themeSettings.generalSettings.scaleProcess;
if (scaleProcess == 'retail')
BlazeLayout.render("retailMainLayout", {
content: "homepages"
else {
BlazeLayout.render("WSEmainLayout", {
content: "homepages"
} else {
console.log('no themeSettings');
But, not getting document at the end .. Any suggestions.. Thanks in advance

I got the answer for subscription in flowrouter which is as follows:
FlowRouter.route('/', {
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('companySettings');
Here companySettings is a name of collection in mongodb


Meteor subscribe is not loading data from the server

I am having difficulties with meteor 1.6. First, I have created a database instance and tried to subscribe in the client. through form, I am able to input the data into my database. But could not retrieve it through the subscribe. can anybody tell me what wrong have I done in my code?
import { Template } from "meteor/templating";
import { Notes } from "../lib/collection";
import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor";
// import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
import "./main.html";
Template.body.onCreated(function bodyOnCreated() {
this.state = new ReactiveDict();
}); */
notes() {
return Meteor.call('data');
"click .delete": function() {
"submit .formSubmit": function(event) {
let target = event.target;
let name = target.name.value;
Meteor.call("inputs", name);
target.name.value = "";
return false;
"click .userDetail": function() {
if (confirm("Delete the user Detail ?")) {
here is the code for publication :
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const Notes = new Mongo.Collection('notes');
inputs:(name)=> {
if (!Meteor.user()) {
throw Meteor.Error("Logged in");
name: name,
createdAt: new Date()
return Notes.find({});
Meteor.subscribe("notes"); should be in Template.body.onCreated lifycycle method. you need to write a
publish code seperately and not inside the Meteor.method. see below format,
Meteor.publish('notes', function tasksPublication() {
return Notes.find({});
Inside the helper just call the subscribed Collection a below,
notes() {
return Notes.find({});
**NOTE: ** Never use Meteor.call inside the helper method. helpers are reactive and real time.

how to waitOn data ready using iron-router and publish-composite

I have the following route :
this.route('groupPage', {
path: '/group/:_groupId',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe("groupPage", this.params._groupId);
data: function() {
var group = Groups.findOne({_id: this.params._groupId});
var members = Meteor.users.find({_id : {$in: group.memberIds}}); ******** ISSUE HERE******
return {
group: group,
members: members,
}; }});
and the following publication :
Meteor.publishComposite('groupPage', function(groupId, sortOrder, limit) {
return {
// return the group
find: function() {
var selector = {_id: groupId};
var options = {limit: 1};
return Groups.find(selector, options);
return ;
children: [
{ // return the members
find: function(group) {
var selector = {_id: {$in: group.memberIds} };
return Meteor.users.find(selector);
]}}) ;
Now my issue is that : when the related page renders for the first there is no problems but when i actualize the group Page view the line : var members = Meteor.users.find({_id : {$in: group.memberIds}}); gives me the error : undefined object don't have memberIds property. i guess it's because the subscription is not yet ready when doing group.memberIds , isn't it ? Please a hint.
The data function doesn't wait for the subscription to be ready. Further more, subscriptions in the router are considered an anti-pattern for the most part, and should be done in the template: https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/template-level-subscriptions/
I would pass to the template the groupId, and then get the group and members in the template, like so:
this.route('groupPage', {
path: '/group/:_groupId',
data: function() {
return {
_groupId: this.params._groupId,
and then in the template file:
this.subscribe("groupPage", this.data._groupId);
tempInst = Template.instance()
var group = Groups.findOne({_id: tempInst.data._groupId});
return Meteor.users.find({_id : {$in: group.memberIds}});
The general pattern of your route and publication are all solid. I suspect it's something simple such as:
There is no group with the _id you're using
You're not logged in when you load the route
Here's a version of your code that guards against the error. Note that the publication executes this.ready() instead of just returning if the user is not logged in.
this.route('groupPage', {
path: '/group/:_groupId',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe("groupPage", this.params._groupId);
data: function() {
var group = Groups.findOne({_id: this.params._groupId});
var members = group && Meteor.users.find({_id : {$in: group.memberIds}});
return { group: group, members: members };
Meteor.publishComposite('groupPage', function(groupId,sortOrder,limit) {
return {
find: function() {
if (this.userId) return Groups.find(groupId);
children: [
find: function(group) {
var selector = {_id: {$in: group.memberIds} };
return Meteor.users.find(selector);

Reactive Data Source in METEOR#1.3-modules-beta.6 and React

I am building a Chat app in Meteor 1.3, ES6 and React.
I have 3 collections:
1. People: Who has an array of conversations that the person are involved.
2. Conversations: That also have the people that are involved.
3. Messages: That has a conversation_id field to relate to second collection.
So I am using reywood:publish-composite package, to manage the reactive joins:
=> Get Conversations for this People (user)
=> Get the Messages of all the Conversations of this user
=> Filter messages according to the conversation selected (a react state)
I am also using the package React-Komposer from Kadira.
This is my code:
// publications.js
Meteor.publishComposite('compositeChat', function (people_id) {
return {
find() {
return Collections.People.find({_id: people_id});
children: [
find(people) {
return Collections.Conversations.find(
{_id: {$in: people.conversations }},
{sort: {'lastMessage.date': -1}}
find(people) {
return Collections.Messages.find(
{conversation_id: {$in: people.conversations }},
{sort: {date: 1}}
find(people) {
return Collections.People.find(
{_id: {$in: people.contacts }}
// AppContainer.js
import {composeAll, composeWithTracker} from 'react-komposer';
import AppWrapper from '../AppWrapper.jsx';
import * as Collections from '../../../../lib/collections/collections.js';
function composeChat(props, onData) {
let user;
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
user = 'qXSWv64qKaEPAu5yp';
} else {
user = Meteor.userId();
//console.log('Meteor.userId()', Meteor.userId());
chatSub = Meteor.subscribe('compositeChat', user);
if (chatSub.ready()) {
const chatData = {
Collections.People.findOne({_id: user}),
{_id: { $ne: user}}, { sort: { name: 1 } }
{}, { sort: { date: -1 } }
(function () {
return myFunctions.chat.noConversationContacts(
{_id: { $ne: user}}
{}, {sort: {'lastMessage.date': -1}}
(function () {
return myFunctions.chat.getTheOtherPeople(
(function () {
return myFunctions.chat.countUnreadedMessages(
console.log('chatData', chatData);
onData(null, {chatData});
export default composeWithTracker(composeChat)(AppWrapper);
The problem is: When new message is added, I am not getting the update in the UI, but the data is there (in Mongo), so if I refresh the page, I get the new messages...
In my previous version of the app (Meteor 1.2) this reactive joins worked perfectly.
What could be wrong?
Does publish-composite package not work with Meteor 1.3?
Does publish-composite can't be used with React-Komposer?
Do I have to mix them in other way?
Is there another option (with or without this packages) to manage reactive joins in Meteor 1.3?

iron-router except fails?

So i'm just getting started with iron-router, and I've been building a login system. It works via a .onBeforeAction hook before every route, checking if the user is logged in. However, there are a few routes I want public, so I've added an except option, as per the docs. Except the problem is it doesn't work :( can anybody see why?
Router.route('/new', function () {
name: 'new',
Router.route('/c/:_id', {
name: 'compPage',
data: function() { return Comps.findOne(this.params._id); }
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
name: 'embed',
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
function loginFunction(){
// all properties available in the route function
// are also available here such as this.params
if (!Meteor.user()) {
// if the user is not logged in, render the Login template
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise don't hold up the rest of hooks or our route/action function
Router.onBeforeAction( loginFunction, {
except: ['embed'] // this aint working
The problem seems to be in your route definition, the name param should be in the third param of Router.route(), like this (so your route actually didn't have a name, thus the except:['route.name'] doesn't work):
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
}, {
name: 'embed',
More info about named routes here: http://eventedmind.github.io/iron-router/#named-routes

Meteor + Iron-Router - how do I update my template's data context in response to events the user generates in my template?

So I have a route that sets my template
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
audit_obj = Audits.findOne({_id: this.params.audit_id});
lineitems = LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query));
return {
audit_obj: audit_obj,
lineitems: lineitems
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
Now, when my user takes certain actions on the page rendered by the audit template, I would like to update the audit object and also update the data context that the page is running with. Is this possible?
Something like:
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
current_context.audit_obj.something = 'new something';
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
onRun: function() {
Session.set('audit', Audits.findOne(this.params.audit_id));
Session.set('lineitems', LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query)).fetch());
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
return {
audit_obj: Session.get('audit'),
lineitems: Session.get('lineitems')
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
Session.set('audit', {..});
But you'll need to decide how to handle changes that come from the server, and may interfere with changes on the front end. So a better approach might be to leave the first part of the code (router) as is:
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
return {
audit_obj: Audits.findOne(this.params.audit_id),
lineitems: LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query))
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
and just change the front end to update the collection:
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
Audits.update( this.data.audit_obj._id, {..} );
Of course, that will update the data on the server, too.
