Want to create a menu in wordpress exactly likes http://www.bienvillecapital.com/ - wordpress

I want to create a vertical menu exactly like http://www.bienvillecapital.com/. I have tried few themes having vertical menu and also tried SuperFly menu plugin to get the result. Can anyone help me to get this?
Thank you.

Navigation bars are nothing more than HTML and CSS code aligned properly. I'm not really sure how well you know CSS and HTML, but this can be done with those, and understanding the concept is very direct. Please refer to this page for example: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_navbar.asp


Center Navigation in Wordpress Theme 'adamos'

I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong to center my navigation on desktop view.
I've used an existing wordpress theme called 'adamos', but then I noticed that the top menu wasn't exactly in the center, so now I'm having trouble fixing it.
If anyone could tell me what I'm overlooking or doing wrong, that would be great! :)
You can check the website here!
Use an inline-block on the navigation instead of the float:left.

Zurb Foundation Top Bar 'min-height" wrong

I am in the process of using Foundation to create a website, and I have come across a problem that I can't seem to find the solution too. I have noticed that when expanded, some of my drop-downs get cut off in the Mobile Version of the Top Bar, and I was wondering if anyone had come across this issue, or had a fix for it. Did I do something in the CSS that made the JS no longer count all of the elements correctly?
You can see what I am saying here.
Just try this by adding in css.
.jScrollPaneDrag {
I think the link is break in theme
Update the link from
Figured out that if I add a List Item at the end of the main top bar section in "mobile" mode, and added a clearfix class to it, the js kicked in and started calculating the height correctly.
Thanks guys,

Unable to get navigation bar inline with logo

I'm trying to get my navigation bar on my html page inline with my logo however it wont budge. I assume its because its following the flow of the html page, I dont really want to use absolute positioning, i did try and use the 'left' and 'top' properties in css however it didnt like it. Please could you advise where I'm going wrong?
Please see example here:demo of problem
P.s. The red was just to help me see what was going on.
There are quite a few errors with your HTML structure, some unclosed tags, and odd placement of elements. I have reworked the code for you to see an example that works for modern browsers. It's not the cleanest code but it should get you on the right path. http://jsfiddle.net/Lj9yn/18/

Highlighting two navigation items with <body id>

I've read through the forums and have not been able to find a question similar enough to mine for me to fix my website, so I hope someone can help.
I'm building a website for my local school which has a top navigation and a left side navigation. I've written the top navigation as a list and styled in CSS and use Body ID to highlight the navigation item of the page I'm on, that all works great and I'm going to move that to an include in PHP so I've only got one file to update for that.
On each of the sub categories though, I have a side navigation, which is currently manually programmed and manually highlighted, but I'd like to be able to do the same as the top navigation, have a list navigation and have something like Body ID which automatically highlights the left navigation item when it knows it's on the right page. I've tried adding two Body IDs and this didn't work. Is there a smarter way to do it?
Here's my test site which is work in progress at the moment.
Thanks very much, I appreciate any help I can get.
You can only have one ID for each element.
However, you can use that <body id=" "> when setting the left nav.

magento - change the colour of the footer links text

hoping somebody might be able to help me.
I am currently using a hellothemes theme.
I would like to change the colour of the footer links text. Any ideas on how to?
Also can anyone explain the differences between the CSS's on Boxes.css:
Mage_CSS_B Common Elements
Mage_CSS_E Shop Pages
Mage_CSS_F Overrides
This question is similiar to your other question..
If you use Firebug for Firefox, you can inspect the Footer link text, and see the line of CSS that is deciding the color. It's much easier than trying to guess what each line of CSS is trying to do.
