R: conditional aggregate based on factor level and year - r

I have a dataset in R which I am trying to aggregate by column level and year which looks like this:
City State Year Status Year_repealed PolicyNo
Pitt PA 2001 InForce 6
Phil. PA 2001 Repealed 2004 9
Pitt PA 2002 InForce 7
Pitt PA 2005 InForce 2
What I would like to create is where for each Year, I aggregate the PolicyNo across states taking into account the date the policy was repealed. The results I would then get is:
Year State PolicyNo
2001 PA 15
2002 PA 22
2003 PA 22
2004 PA 12
2005 PA 14
I am not sure how to go about splitting and aggregating the data conditional on the repeal data and was wondering if there is a way to achieve this is R easily.

It may help you to break this up into two distinct problems.
Get a table that shows the change in PolicyNo in every city-state-year.
Summarize that table to show the PolicyNo in each state-year.
To accomplish (1) we add the missing years with NA PolicyNo, and add repeals as negative PolicyNo observations.
df = structure(list(City = c("Pitt", "Phil.", "Pitt", "Pitt"), State = c("PA", "PA", "PA", "PA"), Year = c(2001L, 2001L, 2002L, 2005L), Status = c("InForce", "Repealed", "InForce", "InForce"), Year_repealed = c(NA, 2004L, NA, NA), PolicyNo = c(6L, 9L, 7L, 2L)), .Names = c("City", "State", "Year", "Status", "Year_repealed", "PolicyNo"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
repeals = df %>%
filter(!is.na(Year_repealed)) %>%
mutate(Year = Year_repealed, PolicyNo = -1 * PolicyNo)
# City State Year Status Year_repealed PolicyNo
# 1 Phil. PA 2004 Repealed 2004 -9
all_years = expand.grid(City = unique(df$City), State = unique(df$State),
Year = 2001:2005)
df = bind_rows(df, repeals, all_years)
# City State Year Status Year_repealed PolicyNo
# 1 Pitt PA 2001 InForce NA 6
# 2 Phil. PA 2001 Repealed 2004 9
# 3 Pitt PA 2002 InForce NA 7
# 4 Pitt PA 2005 InForce NA 2
# 5 Phil. PA 2004 Repealed 2004 -9
# 6 Pitt PA 2001 <NA> NA NA
# 7 Phil. PA 2001 <NA> NA NA
# 8 Pitt PA 2002 <NA> NA NA
# 9 Phil. PA 2002 <NA> NA NA
# 10 Pitt PA 2003 <NA> NA NA
# 11 Phil. PA 2003 <NA> NA NA
# 12 Pitt PA 2004 <NA> NA NA
# 13 Phil. PA 2004 <NA> NA NA
# 14 Pitt PA 2005 <NA> NA NA
# 15 Phil. PA 2005 <NA> NA NA
Now the table shows every city-state-year and incorporates repeals. This is a table we can summarize.
df = df %>%
group_by(Year, State) %>%
summarize(annual_change = sum(PolicyNo, na.rm = TRUE))
# Source: local data frame [5 x 3]
# Groups: Year [?]
# Year State annual_change
# <int> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2001 PA 15
# 2 2002 PA 7
# 3 2003 PA 0
# 4 2004 PA -9
# 5 2005 PA 2
That gets us PolicyNo change in each state-year. A cumulative sum over the changes gets us levels.
df = df %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(PolicyNo = cumsum(annual_change))
# # A tibble: 5 × 4
# Year State annual_change PolicyNo
# <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 2001 PA 15 15
# 2 2002 PA 7 22
# 3 2003 PA 0 22
# 4 2004 PA -9 13
# 5 2005 PA 2 15

With the data.table package you could do it as follows:
measure.vars = c(3,5),
value.name = 'Year',
value.factor = FALSE)[!is.na(Year)
][variable == 'Year_repealed', PolicyNo := -1*PolicyNo
][CJ(Year = min(Year):max(Year), State = State, unique = TRUE), on = .(Year, State)
][is.na(PolicyNo), PolicyNo := 0
][, .(PolicyNo = sum(PolicyNo)), by = .(Year, State)
][, .(Year, State, PolicyNo = cumsum(PolicyNo))]
The result of the above code:
Year State PolicyNo
1: 2001 PA 15
2: 2002 PA 22
3: 2003 PA 22
4: 2004 PA 13
5: 2005 PA 15
As you can see, there are several steps needed to come to the desired endresult:
First you convert to a data.table (setDT(dat)) and reshape this into long format and remove the rows with no Year
Then you make the value for the rows that have 'Year_repealed' to negative.
With a cross-join (CJ) you make sure that alle the years for each state are present and convert the NA-values in the PolicyNo column to zero.
Finally, you summarise by year and do a cumulative sum on the result.


Can you use a dataframe to assist with "find and replace" in R

I am trying to clean some Census data where all the States are given a FIPS code instead of the state abbreviation. I want to run something to go through the column with the FIPS code and convert them to the state abbreviation. Find all the 1's and convert them to AL, all the 2's to AK and so one. I know i can do this with ifelse statement but was wondering if there was a more efficient way with out writing 51 ifelse statements. Thank you all for your assistance.
Here's a try. I'll use data from https://www.census.gov/library/reference/code-lists/ansi/ansi-codes-for-states.html for valid FIPS codes, and make a fake "bad data" frame.
FIPS <- read.table("https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/reference/state.txt",
sep = "|", header = TRUE, colClasses = "character")
# 1 01 AL Alabama 01779775
# 2 02 AK Alaska 01785533
# 3 04 AZ Arizona 01779777
# 4 05 AR Arkansas 00068085
# 5 06 CA California 01779778
# 6 08 CO Colorado 01779779
baddata <- data.frame(stateabbr = c("AL", "AK", "22"))
# stateabbr
# 1 AL
# 2 AK
# 3 22
Base R
fixeddata <- merge(baddata, FIPS[,c("STATE", "STUSAB")],
by.x = "stateabbr", by.y = "STATE", all.x = TRUE)
# stateabbr STUSAB
# 1 22 LA
# 2 AK <NA>
# 3 AL <NA>
fixeddata$stateabbr <- ifelse(is.na(fixeddata$STUSAB), fixeddata$STUSAB, fixeddata$stateabbr)
fixeddata$STUSAB <- NULL
# stateabbr
# 1 22
# 2 <NA>
# 3 <NA>
left_join(baddata, FIPS[,c("STATE", "STUSAB")], by = c("stateabbr" = "STATE")) %>%
mutate(stateabbr = coalesce(STUSAB, stateabbr)) %>%
# stateabbr
# 1 AL
# 2 AK
# 3 LA

Obtaining back incidence data from cumulative data?

I have a dataframe for which I have date data and cumulative counts.
I am trying to do a reverse of cumsum to get the daily counts but also getting the counts per group.
I am trying to go from dataframe A to dataframe B.
I am using R and tidyr.
Here is the code :
df <- data.frame(cum_count = c(5, 14, 50, 5, 14, 50),
state = c("Alabama", "Alabama", "Alabama", "NY", "NY", "NY"),
Year = c(2012:2014, 2012:2014))
Dataframe A
cum_count state Year
1 5 Alabama 2012
2 14 Alabama 2013
3 50 Alabama 2014
4 5 NY 2012
5 14 NY 2013
6 50 NY 2014
Dataframe B
cum_count state Year
1 5 Alabama 2012
2 9 Alabama 2013
3 36 Alabama 2014
4 5 NY 2012
5 9 NY 2013
6 36 NY 2014
I have tried using the diff function :
df <- df %>%group_by(state)%>%
mutate(daily_count = diff(cum_count))
But I get
Error: Column daily_count must be length 3 (the number of rows) or one, not 2
Let me know what you think.
diff returns length one less than the original length and mutate requires the output column to have the same length as the original (or length 1 which can be recycled). We can append a value possibly NA or the first value of 'cum_count'
df %>%
mutate(daily_count = c(first(cum_count), diff(cum_count)))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: state [2]
# cum_count state Year daily_count
# <dbl> <fct> <int> <dbl>
#1 5 Alabama 2012 5
#2 14 Alabama 2013 9
#3 50 Alabama 2014 36
#4 5 NY 2012 5
#5 14 NY 2013 9
#6 50 NY 2014 36
Or for this purpose, use lag and subtract from the column itself
df %>%
mutate(daily_count = replace_na(cum_count - lag(cum_count), first(cum_count)))

How to create a loop for sum calculations which then are inserted into a new row?

I have tried to find a solution via similar topics, but haven't found anything suitable. This may be due to the search terms I have used. If I have missed something, please accept my apologies.
Here is a excerpt of my data UN_ (the provided sample should be sufficient):
country year sector UN
AT 1990 1 1.407555
AT 1990 2 1.037137
AT 1990 3 4.769618
AT 1990 4 2.455139
AT 1990 5 2.238618
AT 1990 Total 7.869005
AT 1991 1 1.484667
AT 1991 2 1.001578
AT 1991 3 4.625927
AT 1991 4 2.515453
AT 1991 5 2.702081
AT 1991 Total 8.249567
BE 1994 1 3.008115
BE 1994 2 1.550344
BE 1994 3 1.080667
BE 1994 4 1.768645
BE 1994 5 7.208295
BE 1994 Total 1.526016
BE 1995 1 2.958820
BE 1995 2 1.571759
BE 1995 3 1.116049
BE 1995 4 1.888952
BE 1995 5 7.654881
BE 1995 Total 1.547446
What I want to do is, to add another row with UN_$sector = Residual. The value of residual will be (UN_$sector = Total) - (the sum of column UN for the sectors c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")) for a given year AND country.
This is how it should look like:
country year sector UN
AT 1990 1 1.407555
AT 1990 2 1.037137
AT 1990 3 4.769618
AT 1990 4 2.455139
AT 1990 5 2.238618
----> AT 1990 Residual TO BE CALCULATED
AT 1990 Total 7.869005
As I don't want to write many, many lines of code I'm looking for a way to automate this. I was told about loops, but can't really follow the concept at the moment.
Thank you very much for any type of help!!
PS: (for Parfait)
country year sector UN ETS
UK 2012 1 190336512 NA
UK 2012 2 18107910 NA
UK 2012 3 8333564 NA
UK 2012 4 11269017 NA
UK 2012 5 2504751 NA
UK 2012 Total 580957306 NA
UK 2013 1 177882200 NA
UK 2013 2 20353347 NA
UK 2013 3 8838575 NA
UK 2013 4 11051398 NA
UK 2013 5 2684909 NA
UK 2013 Total 566322778 NA
Consider calculating residual first and then stack it with other pieces of data:
agg <- within(merge(aggregate(UN ~ country + year, data = subset(df, sector!='Total'), sum),
aggregate(UN ~ country + year, data = subset(df, sector=='Total'), sum),
by=c("country", "year")),
{UN <- UN.y - UN.x
sector = 'Residual'})
final_df <- rbind(subset(df, sector!='Total'),
agg[c("country", "year", "sector", "UN")],
subset(df, sector=='Total'))
final_df <- with(final_df, final_df[order(country, year, as.character(sector)),])
row.names(final_df) <- NULL
Rextester demo
# country year sector UN
# 1 AT 1990 1 1.407555
# 2 AT 1990 2 1.037137
# 3 AT 1990 3 4.769618
# 4 AT 1990 4 2.455139
# 5 AT 1990 5 2.238618
# 6 AT 1990 Residual -4.039062
# 7 AT 1990 Total 7.869005
# 8 AT 1991 1 1.484667
# 9 AT 1991 2 1.001578
# 10 AT 1991 3 4.625927
# 11 AT 1991 4 2.515453
# 12 AT 1991 5 2.702081
# 13 AT 1991 Residual -4.080139
# 14 AT 1991 Total 8.249567
# 15 BE 1994 1 3.008115
# 16 BE 1994 2 1.550344
# 17 BE 1994 3 1.080667
# 18 BE 1994 4 1.768645
# 19 BE 1994 5 7.208295
# 20 BE 1994 Residual -13.090050
# 21 BE 1994 Total 1.526016
# 22 BE 1995 1 2.958820
# 23 BE 1995 2 1.571759
# 24 BE 1995 3 1.116049
# 25 BE 1995 4 1.888952
# 26 BE 1995 5 7.654881
# 27 BE 1995 Residual -13.643015
# 28 BE 1995 Total 1.547446
I think there are multiple ways you can do this. What I may recommend is to take advantage of the tidyverse suite of packages which includes dplyr.
Without getting too far into what dplyr and tidyverse can achieve, we can talk about the power of dplyr's inline commands group_by(...), summarise(...), arrange(...) and bind_rows(...) functions. Also, there are tons of great tutorials, cheat sheets, and documentation on all tidyverse packages.
Although it is less and less relevant these days, we generally want to avoid for loops in R. Therefore, we will create a new data frame which contains all of the Residual values then bring it back into your original data frame.
Step 1: Calculating all residual values
We want to calculate the sum of UN values, grouped by country and year. We can achieve this by this value
res_UN = UN_ %>% group_by(country, year) %>% summarise(UN = sum(UN, na.rm = T))
Step 2: Add sector column to res_UN with value 'residual'
This should yield a data frame which contains country, year, and UN, we now need to add a column sector which the value 'Residual' to satisfy your specifications.
res_UN$sector = 'Residual'
Step 3 : Add res_UN back to UN_ and order accordingly
res_UN and UN_ now have the same columns and they can now be added back together.
UN_ = bind_rows(UN_, res_UN) %>% arrange(country, year, sector)
Piecing this all together, should answer your question and can be achieved in a couple lines!
res_UN = UN_ %>% group_by(country, year) %>% summarise(UN = sum(UN, na.rm = T))`
res_UN$sector = 'Residual'
UN_ = bind_rows(UN_, res_UN) %>% arrange(country, year, sector)

Convert Dataframe to key value pair list in R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reshaping data.frame from wide to long format
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
How can I 'unpivot' a table? What is the proper technical term for this?
UPDATE: The term is called melt
I have a data frame for countries and data for each year
Country 2001 2002 2003
Nigeria 1 2 3
UK 2 NA 1
And I want to have something like
Country Year Value
Nigeria 2001 1
Nigeria 2002 2
Nigeria 2003 3
UK 2001 2
UK 2002 NA
UK 2003 1
I still can't believe I beat Andrie with an answer. :)
> library(reshape)
> my.df <- read.table(text = "Country 2001 2002 2003
+ Nigeria 1 2 3
+ UK 2 NA 1", header = TRUE)
> my.result <- melt(my.df, id = c("Country"))
> my.result[order(my.result$Country),]
Country variable value
1 Nigeria X2001 1
3 Nigeria X2002 2
5 Nigeria X2003 3
2 UK X2001 2
4 UK X2002 NA
6 UK X2003 1
The base R reshape approach for this problem is pretty ugly, particularly since the names aren't in a form that reshape likes. It would be something like the following, where the first setNames line modifies the column names into something that reshape can make use of.
setNames(mydf, c("Country", paste0("val.", c(2001, 2002, 2003)))),
direction = "long", idvar = "Country", varying = 2:ncol(mydf),
sep = ".", new.row.names = seq_len(prod(dim(mydf[-1]))))
A better alternative in base R is to use stack, like this:
cbind(mydf[1], stack(mydf[-1]))
# Country values ind
# 1 Nigeria 1 2001
# 2 UK 2 2001
# 3 Nigeria 2 2002
# 4 UK NA 2002
# 5 Nigeria 3 2003
# 6 UK 1 2003
There are also new tools for reshaping data now available, like the "tidyr" package, which gives us gather. Of course, the tidyr:::gather_.data.frame method just calls reshape2::melt, so this part of my answer doesn't necessarily add much except introduce the newer syntax that you might be encountering in the Hadleyverse.
gather(mydf, year, value, `2001`:`2003`) ## Note the backticks
# Country year value
# 1 Nigeria 2001 1
# 2 UK 2001 2
# 3 Nigeria 2002 2
# 4 UK 2002 NA
# 5 Nigeria 2003 3
# 6 UK 2003 1
All three options here would need reordering of rows if you want the row order you showed in your question.
A fourth option would be to use merged.stack from my "splitstackshape" package. Like base R's reshape, you'll need to modify the column names to something that includes a "variable" and "time" indicator.
setNames(mydf, c("Country", paste0("V.", 2001:2003))),
var.stubs = "V", sep = ".")
# Country .time_1 V
# 1: Nigeria 2001 1
# 2: Nigeria 2002 2
# 3: Nigeria 2003 3
# 4: UK 2001 2
# 5: UK 2002 NA
# 6: UK 2003 1
Sample data
mydf <- structure(list(Country = c("Nigeria", "UK"), `2001` = 1:2, `2002` = c(2L,
NA), `2003` = c(3L, 1L)), .Names = c("Country", "2001", "2002",
"2003"), row.names = 1:2, class = "data.frame")
You can use the melt command from the reshape package. See here: http://www.statmethods.net/management/reshape.html
Probably something like melt(myframe, id=c('Country'))

Long Format Function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
faster way to create variable that aggregates a column by id
I am having trouble with a project. I created a dataframe (called dat) in long format (i copied the first 3 rows below) and I want to calculate for example the mean of the Pretax Income of all Banks in the United States for the years 2000 to 2011. How would I do that? I have hardly any experience in R. I am sorry if the answer is too obvious, but I couldn't find anything and i already spent a lot of time on the project. Thank you in advance!
KeyItem Bank Country Year Value
1 Pretax Income WELLS_FARGO_&_COMPANY UNITED STATES 2011 2.365600e+10
2 Total Assets WELLS_FARGO_&_COMPANY UNITED STATES 2011 1.313867e+12
3 Total Liabilities WELLS_FARGO_&_COMPANY UNITED STATES 2011 1.172180e+12
The following should get you started. You basically need to do two things: subset, and aggregate. I'll demonstrate a base R solution and a data.table solution.
First, some sample data.
set.seed(1) # So you can reproduce my results
dat <- data.frame(KeyItem = rep(c("Pretax", "TotalAssets", "TotalLiabilities"),
times = 30),
Bank = rep(c("WellsFargo", "BankOfAmerica", "ICICI"),
each = 30),
Country = rep(c("UnitedStates", "India"), times = c(60, 30)),
Year = rep(c(2000:2009), each = 3, times = 3),
Value = runif(90, min=300, max=600))
Let's aggregate mean of the "Pretax" values by "Country" and "Year", but only for the years 2001 to 2005.
aggregate(Value ~ Country + Year,
dat[dat$KeyItem == "Pretax" & dat$Year >= 2001 & dat$Year <=2005, ],
# Country Year Value
# 1 India 2001 399.7184
# 2 UnitedStates 2001 464.1638
# 3 India 2002 443.5636
# 4 UnitedStates 2002 560.8373
# 5 India 2003 562.5964
# 6 UnitedStates 2003 370.9591
# 7 India 2004 404.0050
# 8 UnitedStates 2004 520.4933
# 9 India 2005 567.6595
# 10 UnitedStates 2005 493.0583
Here's the same thing in data.table
DT <- data.table(dat, key = "Country,Bank,Year")
subset(DT, KeyItem == "Pretax")[Year %between% c(2001, 2005),
mean(Value), by = list(Country, Year)]
# Country Year V1
# 1: India 2001 399.7184
# 2: India 2002 443.5636
# 3: India 2003 562.5964
# 4: India 2004 404.0050
# 5: India 2005 567.6595
# 6: UnitedStates 2001 464.1638
# 7: UnitedStates 2002 560.8373
# 8: UnitedStates 2003 370.9591
# 9: UnitedStates 2004 520.4933
# 10: UnitedStates 2005 493.0583
