Is posible install MariaDB v.10 on Qnap QTS 4.2? - mariadb

I need to have MariaDB v.10 on my Qnap NAS QTS 4.2, but I don't know how do it.
Is it possible ? How do it ?

I found solution.
Installing and using MariaDB on Qnap (QTS 4.2) is possible with Container Station (Docker) .


Error on compilation 'my_bool' - Droplet on DigitalOcean Debian 9.12

I've been following the installation guide from
During the compiling process, an my_bool error has occured and stopped the process.
From the github issues, I could only find that this could be related to incorrect MySQL, and the solution is to use MariaBD but I already use MariaDB.
Apparently the issue was using an outdated version of mysql/mariadb.
It's better to either use mysql 5.7 or 8.0 or latest mariadb version.

After installing xpack on Kibana 5.0, the app fails to load

Kibana works fine with elasticsearch until I install xpack. I am using kibana and elasticsearch 5.0 on both and I am installing the 5.0 package of xpack.
The screen that I get after installing xpack is this
I tried restarting kibana but then the app would not show up at all.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue the logs are not showing any issues.
You can try the solution here -
Had a similar problem and resolved by installing x-pack for both logstash and elasticsearch as well. I used below commands in windows 10 might be different depending on O/S
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/logstash-plugin install x-pack
Described here
This seems to be the problem with installation. If you are running on any linux machines, do make sure you install x-pack with the same user that you installed kibana/elasticsearch. It is an issue often.
If not, do follow the process in the link to uninstall and reinstall again. It is very striaght forward and should work fine.
Also, do check if we need to make any changes in the configuration files- kibana.yml/elasticsearch.yml. This maynot be the case for here but it could help in debugging.

MariaDB 10.1 and ODB from codesynthesis

Currently, I am working with ODB from codesynthesis and MySQL (Oracle) databases.
I want to switch to MariaDB. Is ODB from codesynthesis working with the latest version of MariaDB (10.1) or do I have to install the 5.5.45 version?
According to the official website:
MySQL runtime
Supports MySQL/MariaDB 5.0.3 and later.
So yes.

How to Setup Symfony 1.4 on Mac 10.8.3 /Xampp/

Please someone explain how to install symfony 1.4 on Mac 10.8.3 with xampp. i am new on Mac and dont know anything. If u dont mind expain it step by step please. Thank you
Install Apache or any webserver (e.g. nginx, lighttpd...etc)
Install php (min 5.2.4)
Install MySQL
You should also consider using Symfony 2 instead if you're starting anew.

MariaDB on Windows - what is this error when trying to start the database engine?

I am asking this question as an offshoot myself and another SO had from this other MariaDB question:
MariaDB on Windows - getting started help?
When I install MariaDB (v5.2.4), open the command window, navigate to the folder where the files are installed, and type in the following to start the database:
net start mysql
I get the following error:
the service name is invalid
I didn't do anything complex, just ran the installation and tried to get started.
Any ideas?
The error basically tells that installer did not create the service (it currently does not create services), thus you'll need to do it yourself.
start elevated command line
switch to directory of your MariaDB installation (C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.2.4, something like that)
bin\mysqld --install
and only then
net start mysql
Assuming that there is nothing that runs on port 3306, this will stat.
Alas, the server you will create this way would not be optimized at all.
It is better to create a configuration file my.ini (take a look at MySQL docs and .ini files in the installation directory for examples), and put with performance -related stuff here (innodb bufferpool size etc). With config file, you'll need a different command line to register service (step 3 above):
bin\mysqld --install MySQL --defaults-file=path\to\my.ini
Installer for 5.2.4 is basic indeed. It is being reworked though, new one is going to be better usable.
I installed MariaDB that comes with XAMPP on Windows 10. You will see only mysql in the XAMPP Control Panel. However, if you click Shell on the control panel you can access MariaDB monitor and MariaDB.
Here are some notes:
