MariaDB 10.1 and ODB from codesynthesis - mariadb

Currently, I am working with ODB from codesynthesis and MySQL (Oracle) databases.
I want to switch to MariaDB. Is ODB from codesynthesis working with the latest version of MariaDB (10.1) or do I have to install the 5.5.45 version?

According to the official website:
MySQL runtime
Supports MySQL/MariaDB 5.0.3 and later.
So yes.


Why Ant Media Server doesn't support Centos 7?

Ant Media Server v2.2.1 version doesn't support Centos7. Why Ant Media Server doesn't support Centos7?
We are using apr-devel libva-devel libva libvdpau libcrystalhd packages on Centos. Centos 7 already have these packages, but these packages do not have an updated version. You need to found latest version of these packages. For example, while centos7 uses libcrystalhd1, Ant Media Server version 2.2 uses libcrystalhd2. If you still want to use Centos 7, you need to compile these libraries manually.
We are recommending to use Centos 8 for the latest version(2.2.1).

Error on compilation 'my_bool' - Droplet on DigitalOcean Debian 9.12

I've been following the installation guide from
During the compiling process, an my_bool error has occured and stopped the process.
From the github issues, I could only find that this could be related to incorrect MySQL, and the solution is to use MariaBD but I already use MariaDB.
Apparently the issue was using an outdated version of mysql/mariadb.
It's better to either use mysql 5.7 or 8.0 or latest mariadb version.

rdf_loader_run stuck and Virtuoso server doesn't respond to queries

I've run these commands:
ld_add('/path/datasets/dbpedia/2015-04/dbpedia_2015-04.owl', '');
ld_dir_all('/path/datasets/dbpedia/2015-04/importedGraphs/', '*.*', '');
That all ran successfully, but then I ran:
It's been 48 hours on a CoreI7 machine with 24GB ram, Virtuoso server is not using any CPU, and it doesn't respond to queries such as:
select * from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST; another instances of isql-vt. The size of files in /var/lib/virtuoso-opensource-6.1/db/ are not increasing.
The problem was I was using an old version of virtuoso, by upgrading to 7.2 as suggested in comments it solved. I didn't have this problem on my macbook, so seems that while homebrew installs latest version by default, apt-get doesn't do so in Ubuntu and you need to install the latest version.

Downgrade MariaDB data to earlier version

I recently went from 10.0.21 to 10.1.8 MariaDB. All testing went well but there were some minor pieces that were over looked. So I need to downgrade/migrate data from MariaDB 10.1.8 to 10.0.21. I was thinking I could migrate the data to a fresh install of 10.0.21 but was wondering if MariaDB inserted some extra stuff during a version upgrade.
Is there a true method to Grab the data from an upgraded version of MariaDB and move it to a lower version of MariaDB?
You can use mysqldump to dump the database from the higher and import it into the lower MariaDB version. This works as it uses SQL statements.
Usage and examples:
Backup and Restore Overview ("data can be restored on other […] MariaDB versions"):
You can see the installed version with
dpkg -l |grep mariadb-server-10|grep ii|xargs|cut -d" " -f3
I have 1:10.3.31-0+deb10u1 installed. To Install an older version replace the number and install with
apt install mariadb-server-10.3=1:10.3.25-0+deb10u1 mariadb-server-core-10.3=1:10.3.25-0+deb10u1
You should set the version on hold afterwards with
apt-mark hold mariadb-server-core-10.3 mariadb-server-10.3 mariadb-client-10.3 mariadb-client-core-10.3 mariadb-common
Note: Here I run mariadb-common in the installed version 10.3.31 and -server in 10.3.25, which works fine

Configuring Cloudera Connector for MicroStrategy

I have installed ClouderaHiveODBCSetup_v2_00 on my windows XP and I am following instructions as per the following page
I am get the following error
the setup routine for the cloudera ODBC driver for APACHE hive ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 127
What could be the problem . I have tried with all privileges as an admin
Cloudera had updated the Hive ODBC driver. Have you try their latest version of the driver? The latest version runs fine on XP.
Here is the download link:
