I want to use R in Jupyter in windows 7. I have installed anaconda and tried to install "R Essentials" following the directions given in this link. But I am getting "SSL verification error, package not found error" as shown in the screenshot. . I have been using R in Jupyter in windows 8,10 and Mac. I am not sure why it is failing in windows 7.

I set conda to not verify following this answer as shown below and everything worked fine.
conda config --set ssl_verify false
conda update requests
conda install -c r r-essentials


Jupyter notebook issues -Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64

jupyter notebook or jupyter-notebook
gives error --> Script file 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook-script.py' is not present.
Don't have \.jupyter folder in %users%
No shortcut in windows startup created.
machine details: Windows 10 - 64 bit
conda version --> 4.6.11
Python version -->3.7.3
jupyter version --> 4.4.0
pls help me resolve it.
It seems that you have not installed correctly yet how have you installed jupyter. Since you have anaconda try this first in your cmd.
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
Then run jupyter notebook again in your cmd and see how it goes

Set Jupyter R kernel to environment version, not to system default

Today I'm setting up an R environment in Anaconda on my Linux machine. The goal is to run a specfic version of R that can handle the dependencies of a bioinformatics pipeline.
So far, I have:
downloaded and installed Anaconda (v 4.5.4), and created and activated an environment for R:
conda create --name r_3.5.1
conda activate r_3.5.1
Searched for and downloaded a specific version of R and R-essentials in the activated environment:
conda search r-base
conda install -c conda-forge r=3.5.1
conda search r-essentials
conda install -c r r-essentials=3.5.1
However, when I open a jupyter-notebook while in this environment, start a new R notebook, and check the version, I'm running version 3.2.3. This old version appears to be what's in my /usr/bin/r, while the R version I want is in /home/me/anaconda3/envs/r_3.5.1
How can I specify that when I open or create a jupyter-notebook for R in a particular environment, that it opens with the specific version of R I want?
Opening a Jupyter notebook in the environment was not sufficient to begin using the specified version of R.
To fix the problem, I installed jupyter while in my environment:
conda install jupyter
Then I opened a prexisting jupyter notebook that had previously been using the wrong R kernel, and ran in a cell:
and confirmed with version in a different cell that I was running the correct version.

How to uninstall r-essentials using conda?

Recently, I installed r-essentials using conda command: conda install -c r r-essentials as it is described in this url: https://anaconda.org/r/r-essentials. However, when I try to run a new R Kernel, ii fails according to this error:
...Anaconda3\R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I want to remove R folder that was created after installation But I cannot find a way to remove that folder.
I tried:
conda uninstall r-essentials
conda remove R
Last one, according to this answer on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/rstats/comments/57zh19/help_removing_anaconda_r_and_using_system_r_with/
Any of those have removed R folder.
Is there an specific command to remove it?
r-essentials is a metapackage, and therefore cannot be uninstalled this way.
Try running conda uninstall r-base to uninstall Anaconda R, and then install R regularly. Then, run which R to make sure that it works. You should now see the path to the system R, instead of the Anaconda R.
I recommend then following the instructions here - this installation worked for me: http://irkernel.github.io/.
to remove r packages, run the conda prompt as an administrator. then execute this command
conda remove r-*
conda uninstall r-base >> jupyter notebook has something file and button
I think you can try $conda list | grep r // see r package files
$conda uninstall r-* // delete all r package

Anaconda Jupyter R install

Hi I tried to install R for my Jupyter notebook (Anaconda) and used the below command in my Anaconda prompt "conda install -c r r-essentials". But there is an error like below: any suggestions (especially missing package).
(C:\Anaconda3) C:\windows\system32>conda install -c r r-essentials
Using Anaconda Cloud api site https://api.anaconda.org
Fetching package metadata ...Could not connect to
Could not connect to https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/win-64/
Could not connect to https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/pro/win-64/
...Could not connect to https://conda.anaconda.org/r/win-64/
.Could not connect to https://conda.anaconda.org/r/noarch/
.Could not connect to https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/noarch/
Solving package specifications: .
Error: Package missing in current win-64 channels:
- r-essentials
You can search for packages on anaconda.org with
anaconda search -t conda r-essentials
(C:\Anaconda3) C:\windows\system32>
Try this alternative. It worked on my colleague's machine:
conda create -n my-r-env -c r r-essentials
Another approach would be to reinstall Anaconda and execute
conda install -c r r-essentials
Let us know if it worked.

How to install wordcloud in python3.6?

I installed wordcloud via conda in Windows 64
conda install -c conda-forge word cloud
but that is python 3.4.
I want to install word cloud in python 3.6
but i did search the google.
but it is not effect. so please teach me....
Anaconda Python 3.6 version
For Windows
==== Installation of wordcloud package ====
download wordcloud‑1.3.2‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#wordcloud
Copy the file to your current working directory
Open command prompt from Tools
python -m pip install wordcloud-1.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
It should work now
pip install wordcloud
There is a solution, you can download a third party package for Python 3. Following the below steps helped me solve the problem.
Download wordcloud‑1.3.2‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#wordcloud
Copy the file to your current working directory
Open command prompt from Tools
Python -m pip install wordcloud-1.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
This will work:
1. create virEnv: conda create -n yourenvname python=3.5 anaconda
2. source activate yourenvname
3. conda install -c conda-forge wordcloud
Install wordcloud from the following page:
Note: command: pip install wordcloud
Note: run the above command in Anaconda cmd prompt
Pre-requisities for instaling wordcloud is to install Visual C++(I got this error to install. So, you may give a try).This requires almost 4GB space. Once installed, restart your machine and then try the 1st step. It should be successful this time.
Ok. I solved my issue using wheels. Here are the steps:
Download the .whl file compatible with your Python version and your windows distribution (32bit or 64bit) from here https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#wordcloud
cd to the file path
Run this command python -m pip install
