Post to 2 (two) Wordpress websites at the same time - wordpress

I'm running two Wordpress websites on two different servers with two different domain names.
Sometimes I would like to be able to post on one website and have that post push to the other Wordpress website too so I don't have to copy-paste again.
I've tried searching but there's nothing concrete that came up. Is there a solution to this issue? If it's a paid plugin that works, that's even better. I would prefer a paid plugin over a hack since updating it for every Wordpress update is going to be a pain.


sync content from 2 sites in wordpress

I have two sites and i wanted to sync them so that whenever I change a product or page in one site the other one would also change. I tried many plugins in wordpress but some nedeed the pro version to work or other didn't had a automatic version.
Could anyone help me? Thanks!

Migrating from Joomla to Wordpress advice

This is my first time migrating a website from Joomla to Wordpress. The website:
1- I am worried that the website will not transfer well or that I will loose functionalities.
Can I duplicate the code and just transfer that version to Wordpress? (Keeping the website live via Joomla and creating in parallel a new website in wordpress to test things out?)
The website has to be live 24h/7 and It can't just break. How can I make sure the inventory will be uploaded correctly and the website will look as it looks now?
2- Once transferred. If I want to change the appearance of the index.php can I simply upload a newly designed index page on Wordpress? How can I go about it? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
I recently transferred one of my sites from Joomla to Wordpress and I can say, that it's not just one-click action. Both frameworks have their own structure, you can't transfer content and users directly.
In short, for transfer you need to create a simple plugin which will take all require info from Joomla (articles, users, etc.) and inject it into Wordpress database, converting prior to that, if necessary.
And no, you CAN NOT do this on 24/7 running site. Don't even think about it. Duplicate your site, convert its database to WordPress, check, that everything works properly, and only then put it online.
It's not an easy process and it requires some knowledge. Even if some kind of Joomla-Wordpress converter exists, you'll have a lot of things messed 100% guaranteed. I've made a lot of transfers in my life, so I'm pretty sure of it.
Providing you have a required knowledge of database management and PHP, just be patient and spend some time. If you don't - hire a professional. There's no easy way here, because Joomla and WordPress are like car and bike. Both are a transport, both run fast, but you can't convert one into another without any effort.

WordPress hosting posts on one domain and pages on a different domain

What I want to do is have a seamless website using two domains. One domain for the homepage and internal pages, contact etc. One domain strictly for posts. Such as
http://wp-pages.c0m (for home/pages)
http://wp-posts.c0m (Only for posts)
My permalink structure is like this for a post:
And like this for a page:
Basically identical when it comes to permalinks. But I'd like to host pages on http://wp-pages.c0m and posts on http://wp-posts.c0m
I'm looking for the most efficient seamless way to do this with two different servers, domain resolving to a different IP for my testing purposes. Ideally creating posts and pages from http://wp-pages.c0m and it pushing the posts to http://wp-posts.c0m while retaining the pages being created.
There isn't a single reason for doing this it's a multitude of reasons such as for seo testing purposes etc. I'm not here to go back and forth questioning why this would be needed or why someone would want to do this.
A very specific and even technical answer would be appreciated, I'm comfortable around basic server setup.
Any help would be really appreciated.
This isn't possible, without having two seperate Wordpress installations on said different subdomains.
UPDATE: Or, thinking about it you might be able to achieve something like this using Wordpress Multisite (
You then may be able to use subdomains to have what are essentially separate sites, but link them together. E.g. - for your blog posts - for your pages
(I don't fully know how Multisite works, but I believe it allows you to control content for multiple sites within one WP Admin interface).
This could be a viable option.

How to link 2 wordpress websites

Is there any way or pluggin to link 2 wordpress websites together which means when i publish a post in the first site, the second one publish the same post automatically.
notice that 2 sites on the same host.
thanks in advance.
I have looked into this few months ago for a project which one of the requirements was to automatically duplicate posts between Wordpress sites, short answer is yes, but out of the box you can't.
Long answer:
Yes, you can have three different scenarios:
You can clone posts manually through different blogs sitting in a multi-site installation using the Multisite Post Duplicator plugin, this however requires you to move both websites within a single installation of wordpress and make them run into multi-site mode. Also, you will need to manually duplicate them.
You can install on the second website a WPAuto plugin (there are few options out there, so I am not going to link every single one) which allows you to import automatically some RSS feeds into your second website. However RSS feeds must be enabled on the first website to make these plugin fetch correctly the content, on top of that the content won't be created instantly but it will be fetched after a certain amount of time, (5/10 mins interval, maybe more, according to the plugin and host settings)
You can develop something custom, you can open up a REST endpoint on the second website and through the Wordpress APIs create programmatically a new post for each request received. On the First website you need to hook your Publish post function to send the data across to the second website to process it. As far as I am aware there are no plugins which does that so you'll have to do something on your own, requires a bit of time and you need to keep in considerations all the security implications in doing that.
Needless to say that I strongly hope you have access to both websites and the content you are trying to clone is yours or you have been authorized to republish it from the original author.

Moving wordpress from self-hosted into wp hosted

I was using self-hosted wordpress for a while and now I want to move all posts, settings to my account. I mean I want create free wordpress hosted account and move all data from self-hosted account into it. Is that possible? if yes, how? please explain
Although this isn't the usual direction to move, WordPress has documented it here:
Megatron, I've seen a few of your posts about this hack. Its an up-to-date Wordpress install with very few plugins. By the sounds of things (and I may well be wrong here), I doubt you have done a huge amount of customisation yourself which could have introduced a vulnerability.
It could well be your theme but frankly my money is on your hosts themselves. Wordpress is so prolific that when a hosting company running many shared servers gets hacked there are inevitably loads of Wordpress sites that get compromised as a result and Wordpress gets the blame. The hosting company certainly don't own up to it.
Before you go to .com, switch hosts. Clean install, plenty of guides out there on resurrecting a Wordpress site - you've said yourself on other threads the site is only a week old so it'll be very easy to do. My 2p.
