Wordpress based website blocked by commercial proxy policies - wordpress

I have developed quite a number of sites using wordpress, many of which are not blogs and wordpress is only being used as a CMS although I am finding more and more that sites powered by wordpress are being blocked as they are categorised as "blogging/social". The sites in question are neither a blog nor social related.
Has anyone come across this before and if so is there any solution?

There are a number of sites using WP outside the blog/media realm. Obsfucate that you're using WP by restricting IPs into wp-admin. In addition, you could rename wp-content to something else.
This however alone isn't certain to change the classification of existing sites.


What is the best way to handle some hidden sites in wordpress?

Web newbie. I'm setting up a family website for sharing photos, etc. I plan to purchase my own domain name and will rent space on some hosting platform. I'm thinking ahead and will eventually want to create two more websites (another family website for my father's side of the family and a personal one for me). The frugal side of me would like to limit the number of domains and hosts I have to purchase/rent.
I want the family websites to be hidden as much as possible (no SEO and requiring a login just to get to the main page), but I want my personal website to be public.
So far, what I've read says the above is difficult or cumbersome to do with wordpress multisite. If this is true, then is it safe to assume separate wordpress installs are more appropriate? Or, should I consider a new/different domain for my personal website?
I would:
Buy one domain example.com
Buy one hosting (shared or VPS if you have the skills)
Create multiple independent Wordpress, and use subdomain site1.example.com, site2.example.com
protect some websites with Htaccess (some free plugin may also do the trick, but with htaccess you are sure Crawler (like Google) won't access it.
There is a plugin called My private site which allows you to achieve what you are looking for:
A full detailed step by step (blogpost) tutorial on how to make your site private is published here:

WordPress hosting posts on one domain and pages on a different domain

What I want to do is have a seamless website using two domains. One domain for the homepage and internal pages, contact etc. One domain strictly for posts. Such as
http://wp-pages.c0m (for home/pages)
http://wp-posts.c0m (Only for posts)
My permalink structure is like this for a post:
And like this for a page:
Basically identical when it comes to permalinks. But I'd like to host pages on http://wp-pages.c0m and posts on http://wp-posts.c0m
I'm looking for the most efficient seamless way to do this with two different servers, domain resolving to a different IP for my testing purposes. Ideally creating posts and pages from http://wp-pages.c0m and it pushing the posts to http://wp-posts.c0m while retaining the pages being created.
There isn't a single reason for doing this it's a multitude of reasons such as for seo testing purposes etc. I'm not here to go back and forth questioning why this would be needed or why someone would want to do this.
A very specific and even technical answer would be appreciated, I'm comfortable around basic server setup.
Any help would be really appreciated.
This isn't possible, without having two seperate Wordpress installations on said different subdomains.
UPDATE: Or, thinking about it you might be able to achieve something like this using Wordpress Multisite (https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network).
You then may be able to use subdomains to have what are essentially separate sites, but link them together. E.g.
blog.domain.com - for your blog posts
page.domain.com - for your pages
(I don't fully know how Multisite works, but I believe it allows you to control content for multiple sites within one WP Admin interface).
This could be a viable option.

Wordpress Multisite - Is this a good idea?

I'm being tasked at my company to work out a plan to handle 50 new clients that we're about to bring in. Each client is directly related and under an "umbrella" company that owns them all. All 50 sites will be pretty similar, each is for a different company so the themes may vary across them all.
We're planning to give them 10 themes to pick from for all 50 sites. So some of them will be very similar, some won't be at all.
Is Wordpress the best path? I'm very familiar with Wordpress. I've worked with Expression Engine before but am not as savvy as I am with Wordpress and I understand Expression Engine also has a multi site functionality.
So my question, is Wordpress Multi Site the best path for this? What would you do in my situation?
Also, if we wanted to create a user that has access to 10 of the 50 sites, is that possible? We'll need to narrow permissions.
Also, each site will need its own domain name. Is that possible?
Thanks guys!
Yes, Multisite can handle this easily.
To run Mapped Domains, using the MU Domain Mapping plugin cited by #Calle, you need to set up the network as sub-domains (opposed to a directories set up). And the mapped domains must be set as Parked Domains pointing to the directory of the WordPress Multisite installation.
Multisite user management can be a little tricky.
If some site of the network has really special requirements for its user's management, maybe you'll have a hard time.
All users of the network are given Subscriber status in all sites (this can be masked). You can easily assign one user as Administrator of 10 sites, give Super Admin access to others, use a network role management, etc.
You can have a couple of parent themes with the corporate identity and create child themes to accomodate specific needs.
Useful info:
Multisite 101, introduction to MS by one of its wizards, don't forget the tip jar if it's useful to you ;)
This ebook strives to pull it all together, explain you what skills you need to get started, and move you to the next step: running your own Network. Think of it as a basic tutorial in running your own Multisite.
Multisite Rationale, real case study for implementation of a MS Network, if you can find a document like this for Expression Engine, then you can make your choice pretty fast.
Wordpress Multisite can either be path based (www.domain.com/site1, www.domain.com/site2), or domain-based (www.site1.domain.com, www.site2.domain.com). I believe each of these sites have separate users; I'm not sure about your question about setting up a user that only has access to a certain number of the sites, but you can set up a "master user" that has access to all the sites on the network. If you use a domain based network for MS, you can then go into each of your domains you have bought for your 50 sites and forward them using DNS/.htaccess to the individual Wordpress Multisites.
I hope that makes sense :)

Moving wordpress from self-hosted into wp hosted

I was using self-hosted wordpress for a while and now I want to move all posts, settings to my wordpress.com account. I mean I want create free wordpress hosted account and move all data from self-hosted account into it. Is that possible? if yes, how? please explain
Although this isn't the usual direction to move, WordPress has documented it here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/moving-a-blog/
Megatron, I've seen a few of your posts about this hack. Its an up-to-date Wordpress install with very few plugins. By the sounds of things (and I may well be wrong here), I doubt you have done a huge amount of customisation yourself which could have introduced a vulnerability.
It could well be your theme but frankly my money is on your hosts themselves. Wordpress is so prolific that when a hosting company running many shared servers gets hacked there are inevitably loads of Wordpress sites that get compromised as a result and Wordpress gets the blame. The hosting company certainly don't own up to it.
Before you go to .com, switch hosts. Clean install, plenty of guides out there on resurrecting a Wordpress site - you've said yourself on other threads the site is only a week old so it'll be very easy to do. My 2p.

Which CMS or blogging engine supports multiple sites?

Dont know if SO is the appropriate place to ask this question, but anyway ...
I have some sites running Wordpress and maintaining/managing them is a pain. Is there any CMS or blogging platform out there that support multiple sites/blogs in one codebase ? I know there are some hacks for Wordpress but they are quite ugly and do not scale (i need 100-1000 blogs supported). WPMU AFAIK run with subdomains only.
Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly certain you can use WordPress MU in a sub directory versus a sub domain.
WordPress Hive is an alternative to WordPress MU. I'd imagine you're going to have to do some more research and reading before you make a decision.
Wordpress 3 - scheduled for release this month - combines the code bases of Wordpress and Wordpress MU and supports mutliple sites, multiple domains, etc., out of the box: Version 3.0 Project Schedule « WordPress Development Updates
WPMU will support multiple sites, but it's a bit tricky to implement on some hosts. WP 3.0 will roll in WPMU's multi-site features sometime very soon.
In the meantime, I use a WordPress plug-in called Hive to manage multiple installations. I have some sites set up as subdomains pointing to the same WordPress installation and some sites that are completely separate domains pointing to the same thing. It's a great way to use one WordPress codebase to manage multiple sites (one set of plug-in upgrades, on set of themes, etc).
