In Android M, I used code in How to create wifi tethering Hotspot in Android Marshmallow? to create hotspot, but it is not working.
I get error.:
java.lang.SecurityException: android.tutorial.hotspotcreation was not granted either of these permissions: android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS.
If I use that hotspot code.
The recommended way, is to use an intent:
startActivity(new Intent(WifiManager.ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK));
Is there a way to create hotspot via code, without user-intervention?
As your error message clearly shows, you will have to add two permissions to your Manifest (or ask for them interactively on 6.0+):
getting NETWORK_COMMUNICATION when calling coreRouter.calculateRoute
not sure what url is't trying to reach ,
so can not test connection issue.
coreRouter.calculateRoute(routePlan, new CoreRouter.Listener() {
public void onCalculateRouteFinished(List<RouteResult> list,
RoutingError routingError) {
the routingError returns NETWORK_COMMUNICATION .
Using phone to test and am connected to the wifi network and can view webpages via the chrome browser
NETWORK_COMMUNICATION with SDK usually indicates a connectivity issue with HERE Servers, the connectivity issue could occur
if there are issues accessing HERE Servers by the SDK, make sure all * are whitelisting if you device is using any proxy or
The map data on the device is very old and it is not being maintained anymore and make sure the device map is updated using the corresponding method in SDK MapLoader.checkForMapDataUpdate() and MapLoader.performMapDataUpdate()
I have gone through the link which explains getting SSID without private library. This works for devices below iOS 12.0.1. From iOS 12.0.1 onwards, the same library is not beneficial anymore. My code snippet is:
CFArrayRef myArray = CNCopySupportedInterfaces();
CFDictionaryRef myDict = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(myArray, 0));
NSString *networkName = CFDictionaryGetValue(myDict, kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID);
These lines crash in Xcode 10 and above. myDict is returned nil. Is the library changed? Any other way to achieve this task?
Additional settings are reqiured in iOS12 for getting Wifi SSID.
Summary is that Apple qoutes:
To use this function in iOS 12 and later, enable the Access WiFi Information capability for your app in Xcode. When you enable this capability, Xcode automatically adds the Access WiFi Information entitlement to your entitlements file and App ID.
Thus, Enable Access WiFi Information for the Bundle ID in developer account. Reenable the associated provisional profiles.
In Xcode, under Targets -> Capabilities -> Access WiFi Information -> Enable it to ON.
I start my qt application in the user's .profile file (not root) to make the app start on boot. Sometimes when my application start, it reports an warning as below:
"No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' on object at path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1"
I searched on google but did not find a explanation.
It seems my app is still working fine, but I want to locate the problem.
The application is running on ubuntu and using Qt5.
Thanks in advance.
I tried to debug dbus based on Eligijus Pupeikis's help with running:
gdbus introspect --system \
--dest org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \
--object-path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection
it returns:
node /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection {
node 0 {
So, this means there is no such object just as the error message said, right?
And also, this gns3 team member says this problem is about Qt and Ubuntu.
Does this mean I don't need to solve it? I not familiar with the relationship between dbus and qt.
Most likely there is no such object "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1" and because of that it can't find 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' interface.
From documentation org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active :
Objects that implement the Connection.Active interface represent an attempt to connect to a network using the details provided by a Connection object. The Connection.Active object tracks the life-cycle of the connection attempt and if successful indicates whether the connected network is the "default" or preferred network for access. NetworkManager has the concept of connections, which can be thought of as settings, a profile or a configuration that can be applied on a networking device. Such settings-connections are exposed as D-Bus object and the active-connection expresses this relationship between device and settings-connection. At any time a settings-connection can only be activated on one device and vice versa. However, during activation and deactivation multiple active-connections can reference the same device or settings-connection as they are waiting to be activated or to be deactivated.
You can't know that that ActiveConnection object with specifically index 1 exists so you need to check by reading ActiveConnections property from /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager object's org.freedesktop.NetworkManager interface.
To have better visualize and understand how it looks I suggest D-Bus debugger. If you are using Gnome check out D-Feet.
I am trying to create a QT based application that scan and connect WiFi networks. I am using this example as a reference code.
Is it possible to assign static IP for the WiFi connection using QNetworkConfiguration or any related class ?
How to authenticate the networks that are password protected ?
thanks in advance......
I have created a net work session using the below code set..
void BearerMonitor::createNewSessionFromQml(QString ssid)
QList<QNetworkConfiguration> allConfigurations = manager.allConfigurations();
while (!allConfigurations.isEmpty()) {
QNetworkConfiguration config = allConfigurations.takeFirst();
SessionWidget::SessionWidget(const QNetworkConfiguration &config, QObject *parent):QObject(parent)
session = new QNetworkSession(config, this);
No you can't. At least not with just Qt APIs.
Please read this and in particular this. QNetworkConfiguration is just a facility to manage network configurations. Editing such configurations is demanded to native code / OS interactions. From the second link:
Note that the QNetworkConfiguration object only provides limited information about the configuration details themselves. It's main purpose is to act as a configuration identifier through which link layer connections can be created, destroyed and monitored.
Even the "start/stop network interfaces" claim is not entirely true since such a feature is available only in certain OSs (not the mobile ones). See the "Platform capabilities" section of the second link for more details about that.
The same reasoning applies to the password question. Once a network is registed in the OS with the corresponding password (because of native code or the user physically registering it) a new configuration is available to the NetworkConfigurationManager, granted that the list of configurations is updated via updateConfigurations(). The new configuration contains the password but you can't edit it from Qt APIs.
Native code is the only solution, as said. Still, Apple does not want you to mess up with WiFi programatically since private APIs for that cannot be used in iOS > 5.1 (the oldest version supported by Qt as for Qt 5.4).
Can anybody please tell me the registry setting(s) that are affected in Windows Mobile 6.1 when a user selects Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi and then changes the value of the "My network card connects to" drop down list on the "Network Adapters" tab?
I have a device that seems to default this to "The Internet" when in fact the Wi-Fi connects to the corporate network and I would like to be able to change this programatically rather than expecting 250+ users to have to do it manually every time they reboot their devices.
I'm not certain that it is a registry change, but if it is, it's easy to determine.
Use the remote registry editor and attach to the device
Save the entire registry to a file
Change the network settings
Save the registry again
Use your favorite diff program to compare the two files
I think you should be able to change this setting using provisioning xml, either via DMProcessConfigXML api, or by making a setup cpf with the xml in it and running it on the device. This post details how to build the xml into a cpf.
The CSP you would be interested in is the Wifi CSP
The 'Work Network' and 'The Internet' are metanetworks that are specified in the xml by guid, usually in the DestId parm. My answer to this question details the xml you can use to pass to DMProcessConfigXML to read the settings on the device to see what they are. Then you can build some xml to just set the right setting. I suspect that you would just need to set the DestId parm of the appropriate wifi entry to the 'Work Network' guid.
According to my registry comparison on WM5 (HTC Touch HD), corroborated by values in, this setting is specified in the registry key:
"{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" (default) The Internet
"{A1182988-0D73-439e-87AD-2A5B369F808B}" Work
I also tried a CE2003 device (Motorola MC50), but couldn’t detect any registry changes. The key above does not exist in the registry on this device.