No matching provisioning profiles found for xcode8, - provisioning-profile

1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/bc/2b1r9_015p726bd9jqjls91r0000gn/T/75C9788F-B9DE-4AF6-8396-7570A3825B13/1144919352.itmsp -
Error Messages: ERROR ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature.
The bundle 'Bundle ID' at bundle path 'Payload/App' is not
signed using an Apple submission certificate."

You need to have a distribution certificate to upload a build for distribution. You can have a distribution certificate by enrolling in Apple Developer program w/o which you would not be able to do so.
This is exactly what your error message is trying to say.
Read this for more information:


How to resolve gargle error when reading a Google sheet into R?

I'm trying to read a Google sheet in RStudio and even though the authentication goes through without a hitch, I keep getting a gargle error:
✖ Request failed [503]. Retry 1 happens in 1.9 seconds ...
Error in `gargle::response_process()`:
! Client error: (400) INVALID_ARGUMENT
• Client specified an invalid argument. Check error
message and error details for more information.
• Request contains an invalid argument.
1. googlesheets4::read_sheet("sheet link")
2. googlesheets4:::get_cells(...)
3. googlesheets4::gs4_get(ssid)
4. googlesheets4:::gs4_get_impl_(as_sheets_id(ss))
5. gargle::response_process(raw_resp)
Here is my initial code:
read_sheet("sheet link")
Is it OK to cache OAuth access credentials in the folder
~/Library/Caches/gargle between R sessions?
1: Yes
2: No
Selection: 1
The httpuv package enables a nicer Google auth experience,
in many cases.
It doesn't seem to be installed.
Would you like to install it now?
1: Yes
2: No
Selection: 1
I've explored different documentation online but can't seem to find a solution.

Setting up TPM2 in Ubuntu: tpm2-abrmd error "insufficient buffer to get handle"

I am trying to setup an encrypted drive using the TPM2.0 module on a NUC7i5 on a new installation of Ubuntu server 18.04.
I compiled from sources and installed tpm2-tss (1.3.0), tpm2-abrmd (1.2.0) and tpm2-tools (3.0.2), and I tested some of the tpm2_* utilities and they seem to work. I also installed clevis v10.
I generated a secret using tpm2_getrandom 32 -o secret.key, and then tried to encrypt the secret using the TPM using the following command:
cat secret.key | sudo clevis encrypt tpm2 '{"pcr_ids":"7","pcr_bank":"sha256"}' > secret.jwe
When I do that however, I get the following error:
CreatePrimary Failed ! ErrorCode: 0x9a2
ERROR: Unable to run tpm2_createprimary
Creating TPM2 primary key failed!
When checking the status of the tpm2-abrmd service (systemctl status tpm2-abrmd.service), I get this error:
tpm2-abrmd[1308]: tpm2_response_get_handle: insufficient buffer to get handle
I tried different options for the clevis encryption, tried different ways to generate the secret, but I still can't figure out what the issue is.
The TPM module is a SLB9665 from Infineon Technologies.
I tried with and without taking ownership of the TPM, and always with a clear TPM every time.
Has anyone ran into that issue?
So, apparently the issue was that I shouldn't have taken ownership of the TPM.
After resetting the TPM, the clevis command works.

NoSuchAlgorithmException when using migration tool

I am trying to use the migration tool utility from within PingFederate but I keep getting the following error:
List adapters... Downloading adapter index from source... ERROR:
Unable to download from source. E rror constructing
implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class:$DefaultSSLContext) Done.
From the configcopy.log:
Caused by:
Caused by: Error constructing implementation
Caused by: Invalid keystore format
Windows 7 Professional SP1
java version "1.8.0_144" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
1.8.0_144-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
PingFederate: 8.4.2
I am attempting this because we want to automate a deployment process which has currently been manual. I am only trying to use the listadapters.conf template and have set the source.conf to output to a file. The command I am entering is:
configcopy.bat -Dconfigcopy.conf.file=configcopy_templates\\source.conf;configcopy_templates\
and I am running this from the <PF_HOME>/bin directory. The contents of the two files I mentioned are:
source.conf =
<my local install url on port 9999>/pf-mgmt-ws/ws/ConnectionMigrationMgr = Administrator =
OBF:JWE:eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoibGJhaGtDZlNiSiIsInZlcnNpb24iOiI4LjQuMi4wIn0..ryNLCcpzwEx6KGzXi1FboA.34NbypXUud45R77TLwMvjg.dQFNb9NpbDY_EWIePb9hMA = C:\Program Files\Ping
output.file = c:\temp\pf-config.txt
The Administrator is the default one from install with all three roles added to it and the password was obfuscated using obfuscate.bat in the bin directory.
select.adapter.role = idp
Even though it doesn't look like it above all backslashes are escaped that just hasn't come through here.
I have tried:
removing the path to the keystore altogether
ERROR: Unable to download from source. : PKIX path building failed: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target Done.
Setting the path to cacerts in jre/lib (same error as above)
I have installed the from the and that is the only set up on this PC. (my dev box)
The integration kit puts two certificates (maybe the same one twice, not sure) that can be viewed through
Server Configuration > Trusted CAs
Server Configuration > SSL Server Certificates
And I have also added one into
Server Configuration > SSL Client Keys & Certificates
The kits certs show as RSA1024 and the one I created shows as RSA2048.
Why does the error state algorithm:default (key store format?)
Is there a setting I am missing that would change it from default
Does anyone know of any docs other than the admin manual (almost know
it by heart now)
Why is pf.jwk the wrong format
Any other ideas at all please.
[update] Dam, I have been trying to use the migration utility but as I am on a version over 7.2 I should be using the administrative API. Back to the drawing board. Still looking for advice though!
The pf.jwk file is an encrypted Java web key. The truststore is a standard jks file that you add PingFed's SSL key to, or its signing CA's public key.
However, as you have found, you should use the admin API. Configcopy is no longer being developed.

Package installation on RStudio / R ver 2.11.1

I have recently installed R ver. 2.11.1 and RStudio ver. 1.0.143 and tcl/tk ver. 8.5.9 on my Mac (Mac OS 10.7).
When RStudio is launched I get the following "warning" message (in RED font):
"WARNING: You are configured to use the CRAN mirror at This mirror supports secure (HTTPS) downloads however your system is unable to communicate securely with the server (possibly due to out of date certificate files on your system). Falling back to using insecure URL for this mirror."
When I try to install a package using the GUI Install -> Package , I get the following Error message:
a. Error in read.dcf(file = tmpf) :
Line starting '
When I try to use the Console (by double-clicking on the previous command executed (in the "History" pane) and hitting Enter [the Console shows the command "install.packages("")], the following error message is received:
a. Error in install.packages : Line starting '
If the same command is manually entered (i.e. install.packages(""), I get an error as follows:
a. R code execution error
b. Error in normalizePath(dir, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE) :
unused argument(s) (winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
As suggested in the opening "warning" message (No. 1 above), I have tried the following (after each action rebooted system and tried RStudio):
A. Check if the date and time is set properly. Found correct. Also check box "Set date time automatically" is checked TRUE.
B. Checked firewall setting. Deleted (actually renamed) file "". On rebooting and starting internet, found that a new file with the same name is created by the system (which I assume is the correct behavior).
C. Created / rebuilt network connections (with a new location name).
D.Cleared certificate management database caches with command (sudo rm /var/db/crls/*cache.db).
E. Turned off OCSP and CRL services in keychain access utility preferences.
F. Checked root certificates in system roots keychain and everything was found ok (apparently so as I did not find any item withthe Blue Plus sign).
Even after the above mentioned steps the situation remains the same as at step 1.
Kindly suggest a way around or possible reason so that I may explore further.

connecting to gazebo model database

I'm using gazebo simulator on Ubuntu 14.04.4.
I'm having problem to connect to the model database.
while I run gazebo I get the following errors:
Warning [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds.
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
Error [] Unable to download model[model://sun]
Error [] File or path does not exist[""]
Error [] Unable to find uri[model://sun]
Warning [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds.
Msg Connected to gazebo master #
Msg Publicized address:
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
Error [] Unable to download model[model://ground_plane]
Error [] File or path does not exist[""]
Error [] Unable to find uri[model://ground_plane]
[ INFO] [1462749167.054486531, 0.024000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1462749167.150879357, 0.095000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
I tried looking up for the errors but I got no helpful answer.
In the "Insert" tab I see "conneting to model database..."
You can download all the models here:, then save all the model files in ~/.gazebo/models.
Then two problem about manifest and database.config are left. In fact i don't know how to solve it, but it seems that it just doesn't matter.
