Reading binary file of lake depths in R - r

I am trying to open a file in R, which is binary and written in Fortran. The file is called GlobalLakeDepth.dat and is available at:
The instructions specify that to open GlobalLakeDepth.dat (in Fortran), one would need to do the following:
An example of opening the binary file in FORTRAN90:
-- open(1, file = 'GlobalLakeDepth.dat', form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=2)
An example of reading the binary file in FORTRAN90:
-- read(1,rec=n) LakeDepth
-- where: n - record number, INTEGER(8);
LakeDepth - mean lake depth in decimeters, INTEGER(2).
My question is: Given these instructions in Fortran, how can I open this file in R? That is, is there an 'R way' of doing this?
I've been following the instructions at, but, am still not any closer to getting anything from the data file. All I need is the information provided on the measured lake bathemetry for 36 large lakes.

You can use readBin to read a binary file. For this file, I think the correct command is
lk <- readBin("GlobalLakeDepth.dat", n = 43200 * 21600, what = "integer", endian = "little", size = 2)
This makes a very long vector that could be made into a 43200 * 21600 matrix.


How Can I Download and Use a Matrix from Matrix Market?

I am trying to write code to store a matrix to a variable directly from Matrix Market's website. Below is a sample URL that I'd use:
The example URL will download a bcsstk01.mtx.gz file. I need to extract the bcsstk01.mtx file. Then I need to use MatrixMarket.mmread() so I can save to a variable.
I first tried saving the downloaded file (or URL location) to a variable A = HTTP.get(), but lack of online resources and lack of knowledge led to no results. Then I used and got the .mtx.gz file, but I can't unzip it. And finally, MatrixMarket.mmread() cannot read .gz files. So I'm stuck with a downloaded file I can't do anything with unless I manually unzip it.
Using the info from link in the comments and some fiddling, I managed to get the following:
using TranscodingStreams, CodecZlib
using Downloads
stream = PipeBuffer()
openstream = TranscodingStream(GzipDecompressor(), stream)"", stream)
for line in eachline(openstream)
This prints:
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric
48 48 224
1 1 2.8322685185200e+06
5 1 1.0000000000000e+06
6 1 2.0833333333300e+06
7 1 -3.3333333333300e+03
which I suppose is the desired data.

Failure of unz() to unzip from a zip file offset of more than 2^31 bytes

I have been obtaining .zip archives of genome annotation from NCBI (mainly gff files). In order save disk space I prefer not to unzip the archive, but to read these files directly into R using unz(). However, it seems that unz() is unable to extract files from the end of 'large' zip files: <- "file_location/"
files <- unzip(, list=TRUE)
gff.files <- files$Name[ grep("gff$", files$Name) ]
## this works
gff.128 <- readLines( unz(, gff.files[128]) )
## this gives an empty data structure (read.table() stops
## with an error saying no lines or similar
gff.129 <- readLines( unz(, gff.files[129]) )
## there are 31 more gff files after the 129th one.
## no lines are read from any of these.
The zip file itself seems to be fine; I can unzip the specific files using unzip on the command line and unzip -t does not report any errors.
I've tried this with R versions 3.5 (openSuse Leap 15.1), 3.6, and 4.2 (centOS 7) and with more than one zip file and get exactly the same result.
I attached strace to R whilst reading in the 128 and 129th file. In both cases I get a lot of lseek towards the end of file (offset 2845892608, larger than 2^31) to start with. This is where I assume the zip directory can be found. For the 128th file (the one that can be read), I eventually get an lseek to an offset slightly below 2^31, followed by a set of lseeks and reads (that extend beyone 2^31).
For the 129th file, I get the same reads towards the end of the file, but then rather than finding a position within the file I get:
lseek(3, 2845933568, SEEK_SET) = 2845933568
lseek(3, 4294963200, SEEK_SET) = 4294963200
read(3, "", 4096) = 0
lseek(3, 4095, SEEK_CUR) = 4294967295
read(3, "", 4096) = 0
Which is a bit weird since the file itself is only about 2.8 GB. 4294967295, is of course 2^32 - 1.
To me this feels like an integer overflow bug, and I am considering to post a bug report. But am wondering if anyone has seen something similar before or if I am doing something stupid.
Having done what I should have started with (reading the specification for the zip64 format specification), it's actually clear that this is not an integer overflow error.
Zip files contain a central directory at the end of the archive; this contains amongst other things the names of the compressed files and the offset of the compressed data in the zip archive. The offset (and file size fields) are only given 4 bytes each in the standard directory field; when the offset is larger than this it should instead be given in the extra fields section and the value in the standard field should be set to 0xFFFFFFFF. Since this is the offset that gets used when reading the file it seems clear that the problem lies in the parsing of the extra field.
I had a look at the source code for R 4.2.1 and it seems that the problem is due to the way the offset specified in the standard offset field is tested:
if(file_info.uncompressed_size == (ZPOS64_T)(unsigned long)-1)
changing this == 0xFFFFFFFF seems to fix the problem.
I've submitted a bug report to R. Hopefully changing the check will not have any unintended consequences and the issue will be fixed.
Still, I'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across the same issue. Seems a bit unlikely that my experience is unique.

No extension exist for r:eval

I'm trying to run the RScriptSample present in the samples in the Stream Processor.
I've followed the steps given here.
I have installed R and rJava, and set R_HOME and JRI_HOME accordingly.
#App:description('Use a R script to process events and produce aggregated outputs based on the provided input variable parameters and expected output attributes.')
define stream weather (time long, temp double);
define stream dataOut (time long, temp double, c long, m double );
#info(name = 'query')
from weather#window.lengthBatch(2)#r:eval("c <- sum(time); m <- sum(temp)", "c long, m double", time, temp)
select * insert into dataOut;
The code does not compile. I'm getting this error in the last line.
No extension exist for r:eval
What am I doing wrong?
Since this extension is under GPL extension, it is not copied to the pack by default. Add the jar to {SP_HOME}/lib folder and try out the sample.
Compatible Version: 4.x.x

Looking for algorithm to do long pair wise nucleotide alignments

I am trying to scan for possible SNPs and indels by aligning scaffolds to subsequences from a reference genome. (the raw reads are not available). I am using R/bioconductor and the `pairwiseAlignment function from the Biostrings package.
This was working fine for smaller scaffolds, but failed when I tried to align as 56kbp scaffold with the error message:
Error in QualityScaledXStringSet.pairwiseAlignment(pattern = pattern,
: cannot allocate memory block of size 17179869183.7 Gb
I am not sure if this is a bug or not ? ; I was under the impression that the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm used by pairwiseAlignment is an O(n*m) which I thought would imply the computational demand to be on the order of 3.1E9 operations (56K * 56k ~= 3.1E9). It seems the Needleman-Wunsch similarity matrix should as well take up on the order of 3.1 gigs of memory as well. Not sure if I'm not remembering big-o notation correctly or that is actually the memory overhead that would be needed to build the alignment given the overhead of the R scripting environment.
Does anybody have suggestions for a better alignment algorithm to use for aligning longer sequences? An initial alignment was already done using BLAST to find the region of the reference genome to align. I am not entirely confident BLAST's reliability for correctly placing indels and I have not yet been able to find an api as good as that provided by biostrings for parsing the raw BLAST alignments.
By the way, here is a code snippet that replicates the problem:
scaffold_set = read.DNAStringSet(scaffold_file_name) #scaffold_set is a DNAStringSet instance
scafseq = scaffold_set[[scaffold_name]] #scaf_seq is a "DNAString" instance
genome = read.DNAStringSet(genome_file_name)[[1]] #genome is a "DNAString" instance
#qstart, qend, substart, subend are all from intial BLAST alignment step
scaf_sub = subseq(scafseq, start=qstart, end=qend) #56170-letter "DNAString" instance
genomic_sub = subseq(genome, start=substart, end=subend) #56168-letter "DNAString" instance
curalign = pairwiseAlignment(pattern = scaf_sub, subject = genomic_sub)
#that last line gives the error:
#Error in .Call2("XStringSet_align_pairwiseAlignment", pattern, subject, :
#cannot allocate memory block of size 17179869182.9 Gb
The error does not happen with shorter alignments (hundreds of bases).
I have not yet found the length cutoff where the error starts happening
So I use Clustal as an alignment tool. Not sure about the specific performance, but it has never given me issues when doing multiple sequence alignments of large quantity. Here is a script that runs a whole directory of .fasta files and aligns them. You can modify the flags on the system call to suit your input/output needs. Just look at the clustal documentation. This is in Perl, I don't use R too much for alignments. You need to edit the executable path in the script to match where clustal is on your computer.
use warnings;
print "Please type the list file name of protein fasta files to align (end the directory path with a / or this will fail!): ";
$directory = <STDIN>;
chomp $directory;
opendir (DIR,$directory) or die $!;
my #file = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my $add="_align.fasta";
foreach $file (#file) {
my $infile = "$directory$file";
(my $fileprefix = $infile) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
my $outfile="$fileprefix$add";
system "/Users/Wes/Desktop/eggNOG_files/clustalw-2.1-macosx/clustalw2 -INFILE=$infile -OUTFILE=$outfile -OUTPUT=FASTA -tree";

Logfile analysis in R?

I know there are other tools around like awstats or splunk, but I wonder whether there is some serious (web)server logfile analysis going on in R. I might not be the first thought to do it in R, but still R has nice visualization capabilities and also nice spatial packages. Do you know of any? Or is there a R package / code that handles the most common log file formats that one could build on? Or is it simply a very bad idea?
In connection with a project to build an analytics toolbox for our Network Ops guys,
i built one of these about two months ago. My employer has no problem if i open source it, so if anyone is interested i can put it up on my github repo. I assume it's most useful to this group if i build an R Package. I won't be able to do that straight away though
because i need to research the docs on package building with non-R code (it might be as simple as tossing the python bytecode files in /exec along with a suitable python runtime, but i have no idea).
I was actually suprised that i needed to undertake a project of this sort. There are at least several excellent open source and free log file parsers/viewers (including the excellent Webalyzer and AWStats) but neither parse server error logs (parsing server access logs is the primary use case for both).
If you are not familiar with error logs or with the difference between them and access
logs, in sum, Apache servers (likewsie, nginx and IIS) record two distinct logs and store them to disk by default next to each other in the same directory. On Mac OS X,
that directory in /var, just below root:
$> pwd
$> ls
access_log error_log
For network diagnostics, error logs are often far more useful than the access logs.
They also happen to be significantly more difficult to process because of the unstructured nature of the data in many of the fields and more significantly, because the data file
you are left with after parsing is an irregular time series--you might have multiple entries keyed to a single timestamp, then the next entry is three seconds later, and so forth.
i wanted an app that i could toss in raw error logs (of any size, but usually several hundred MB at a time) have something useful come out the other end--which in this case, had to be some pre-packaged analytics and also a data cube available inside R for command-line analytics. Given this, i coded the raw-log parser in python, while the processor (e.g., gridding the parser output to create a regular time series) and all analytics and data visualization, i coded in R.
I have been building analytics tools for a long time, but only in the past
four years have i been using R. So my first impression--immediately upon parsing a raw log file and loading the data frame in R is what a pleasure R is to work with and how it is so well suited for tasks of this sort. A few welcome suprises:
Serialization. To persist working data in R is a single command
(save). I knew this, but i didn't know how efficient is this binary
format. Thee actual data: for every 50 MB of raw logfiles parsed, the
.RData representation was about 500 KB--100 : 1 compression. (Note: i
pushed this down further to about 300 : 1 by using the data.table
library and manually setting compression level argument to the save
IO. My Data Warehouse relies heavily on a lightweight datastructure
server that resides entirely in RAM and writes to disk
asynchronously, called redis. The proect itself is only about two
years old, yet there's already a redis client for R in CRAN (by B.W.
Lewis, version 1.6.1 as of this post);
Primary Data Analysis. The purpose of this Project was to build a
Library for our Network Ops guys to use. My goal was a "one command =
one data view" type interface. So for instance, i used the excellent
googleVis Package to create a professional-looking
scrollable/paginated HTML tables with sortable columns, in which i
loaded a data frame of aggregated data (>5,000 lines). Just those few
interactive elments--e.g., sorting a column--delivered useful
descriptive analytics. Another example, i wrote a lot of thin
wrappers over some basic data juggling and table-like functions; each
of these functions i would for instance, bind to a clickable button
on a tabbed web page. Again, this was a pleasure to do in R, in part
becasue quite often the function required no wrapper, the single
command with the arguments supplied was enough to generate a useful
view of the data.
A couple of examples of the last bullet:
# what are the most common issues that cause an error to be logged?
err_order = function(df){
t0 = xtabs(~Issue_Descr, df)
m = cbind( names(t0), t0)
rownames(m) = NULL
colnames(m) = c("Cause", "Count")
x = m[,2]
x = as.numeric(x)
ndx = order(x, decreasing=T)
m = m[ndx,]
m1 = data.frame(Cause=m[,1], Count=as.numeric(m[,2]),
subset(m1, CountAsProp >= 1.)
# calling this function, passing in a data frame, returns something like:
Cause Count CountAsProp
1 'connect to unix://var/ failed' 200 40.0
2 'object buffered to temp file' 185 37.0
3 'connection refused' 94 18.8
The Primary Data Cube Displayed for Interactive Analysis Using googleVis:
A contingency table (from an xtab function call) displayed using googleVis)
It is in fact an excellent idea. R also has very good date/time capabilities, can do cluster analysis or use any variety of machine learning alogorithms, has three different regexp engines to parse etc pp.
And it may not be a novel idea. A few years ago I was in brief email contact with someone using R for proactive (rather than reactive) logfile analysis: Read the logs, (in their case) build time-series models, predict hot spots. That is so obviously a good idea. It was one of the Department of Energy labs but I no longer have a URL. Even outside of temporal patterns there is a lot one could do here.
I have used R to load and parse IIS Log files with some success here is my code.
Load IIS Log files
setwd("Log File Directory")
# get a list of all the log files
log_files <- Sys.glob("*.log")
# This line
# 1) reads each log file
# 2) concatenates them
IIS <- "rbind", lapply( log_files, read.csv, sep = " ", header = FALSE, comment.char = "#", na.strings = "-" ) )
# Add field names - Copy the "Fields" line from one of the log files :header line
colnames(IIS) <- c("date", "time", "s_ip", "cs_method", "cs_uri_stem", "cs_uri_query", "s_port", "cs_username", "c_ip", "cs_User_Agent", "sc_status", "sc_substatus", "sc_win32_status", "sc_bytes", "cs_bytes", "time-taken")
#Change it to a data.table
IIS <- data.table( IIS )
#Query at will
IIS[, .N, by = list(sc_status,cs_username, cs_uri_stem,sc_win32_status) ]
I did a logfile-analysis recently using R. It was no real komplex thing, mostly descriptive tables. R's build-in functions were sufficient for this job.
The problem was the data storage as my logfiles were about 10 GB. Revolutions R does offer new methods to handle such big data, but I at last decided to use a MySQL-database as a backend (which in fact reduced the size to 2 GB though normalization).
That could also solve your problem in reading logfiles in R.
import argparse
import csv
import cStringIO as StringIO
class OurDialect:
escapechar = ','
delimiter = ' '
quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--source', type=str, dest='line', default=[[''' - - [01/Apr/2015:13:39:22 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 173 "-" "curl/7.41.0" "-"'''], [''' - - [01/Apr/2015:13:39:22 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 173 "-" "curl/7.41.0" "-"''']])
arguments = parser.parse_args()
with open(arguments.line, 'wb') as fin:
line = fin.readlines()
line = arguments.line
header = ['IP', 'Ident', 'User', 'Timestamp', 'Offset', 'HTTP Verb', 'HTTP Endpoint', 'HTTP Version', 'HTTP Return code', 'Size in bytes', 'User-Agent']
lines = [[l[:-1].replace('[', '"').replace(']', '"').replace('"', '') for l in l1] for l1 in line]
out = StringIO.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(out)
writer = csv.writer(out,dialect=OurDialect)
writer.writerows([[l1 for l1 in l] for l in lines])
Demo output:
IP,Ident,User,Timestamp,Offset,HTTP Verb,HTTP Endpoint,HTTP Version,HTTP Return code,Size in bytes,User-Agent, -, -, 01/Apr/2015:13:39:22, +0000, GET, /, HTTP/1.1, 502, 173, -, curl/7.41.0, -, -, -, 01/Apr/2015:13:39:22, +0000, GET, /, HTTP/1.1, 502, 173, -, curl/7.41.0, -
This format can easily be read into R using read.csv. And, it doesn't require any 3rd party libraries.
