Mobile Application Network Requests Logs - networking

I am after some help.
I have a mobile application that I would like the ability to log all network requests made to our internal APIs.
For our websites we use Splunk to log all network activity and this is great for doing investigations. my issue is that I need to engage with other teams to get these logs to do my investigations. We have App Dynamic, but this doesn't give me what i want.
For example. we might have an issue with users not being able to log into out sign on API. I would like to be able to have a tool that would allow me to tack the user in question and see what was sent to the API and what the response was.
Could you please let me know a tool that would help me with this? is there a way to create a server that all requests pass though, that i could install Splunk on? is there a better approach?
Thanks in advance

AppDynaics logs every network request and crash if you implement the mobile component. Did you test the Mobile components for AppDynamics?


Does Google publish IP addresses used for Play Store app testing?

I have an app in Google's Play Store that had an update rejected recently and the app subsequently pulled. We've corrected the issues, at least I think we have, but Google can't test the app because they keep receiving access errors. I believe these are due to the fact that the application testing is being done from an IP/subnet that we have blocked, perhaps mistakenly, for previous suspected fraudulent activity. I've tried filing appeals and asking for the IP info but have had no success.
Does Google maintain a list of IP addresses they use for testing so I can whitelist them on my servers? If not, is there a better way to contact Google and ask for this information?
Thanks for whatever help you can provide! Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this, I am not actually the developer but having to troubleshoot this on behalf of the developer so I'm not as knowledgeable on the community or resources.

Can i propagate applications insight clientside telemetry through the webserver?

I realize a similar question has been asked here. Although it talks specifically of a custom domain, whereas i would want to send the data from the clients to the webserver where the serverside SDK is running and then send it from there. Is there any way to do this? We have PCs which will be stripped of direct internet access, however the webserver will not.
I think the answer from #John Gardner applies here - you need:
1. Send data from your app to your server/web server
2. In web server send data to Application Insights

HTTP POST from GOOGLE ASSISTANT to PRIVATE SERVER and convert response in voice

I want use Google Assistant from my phone to send HTTP POST command to my server. I have a simple webnms app running over it, this server support REST API and now I want to use Google Assistant to shoot GET or POST command to that server and return my output.
Is it something possible? I am not full time developer.
Yes, as #Prisoner says it is possible. It is not what you asked - but have you seen these ways that Google provides to get skills published without requiring a lot of developer savvy?
I don't speak for them, but IMO Google's target audience for Action building apart from the above is those who have at least some familiarity with the JavaScript language and its "run-time" Node.
There is also this - which I haven't tried by the way.
In case it is not obvious, Google Actions are essentially websites that interact with Google's assistant running on a Home device or a smart phone, say. Think of the Assistant as a browser initiating requests and your Action as serving them. If you can (build and?) deploy a server that handles POSTS over HTTPS on a publicly addressable URL, and if you can understand the JSON payload that the Assistant sends and respond with appropriate JSON to carry out you application then you are good to go.
Where you don't have a public IP address - e.g. in testing - you can use a tool like ngrok ( ) to reverse proxy requests emanating from the Assistant to your server.
I have slides for a presentation I did targeting fledgling developers who had never built an Action here
and the code that goes with it here
On the upside the code is about as simple as it gets. On the downside it does almost nothing. In particular, it doesn't try to understand language. As #Prisoner says you'll likely need a tool like Dialog Flow for that.
Yes, it is possible.
Your server will need to implement the Actions on Google API. This is a REST API which will accept JSON containing what the user is intending to do and specific information about what they have said. Your server will need to send back JSON indicating the reply, along with additional information about how to continue the conversation.
You will likely also want to use a tool such as Dialogflow to handle building the conversational script and converting a user's phrases into something that makes sense to you. You'll also need to use the Actions on Google console to manage your Action and provide additional details about how users contact your Action. All of this is explained in the Actions on Google documentation.
Simple Actions are fairly easy to develop, and can certainly be done by a developer as a hobby. Good Actions, however, take a lot more thought and planning. Google offers you to the tools - it is up to you to best take advantage of them.
I've found the solution.
In the "Action" console
Go to menu "Webhook", click "Change fulfillment method", and then select "HTTPS endpoint"

How can I make a direct person-to-person chat widget for my website that doesn't use server resources?

I would like to add live text chat to my website, but without using too many server resources or a third party application. I'm not concerned about keeping a chat log/history at this point. How would I go about making a website chat widget (preferably WordPress friendly) that would only use server resources to establish the initial connection between 2 logged in users, but that would essentially let them chat live without relaying the message through my server? Is this technically feasible? Does a product like this exist already? I've searched could not find any one-time-fee live chat solutions that don't route through my server or through a third-party server.
This has been addressed here, but that is from 2011/2012.
A quick googling seems to suggest WebRTC might be a good choice for this sort of thing.
A few more minutes of research yields this, a javascript library for working with WebRTC.
Even better: here is an example of a php chat server using WebRTC. This is probably what you'll want, seeing as WordPress is PHP.
Hopefully this is enough info to get you started. Good luck!

Integrating an issue, feature request and bug tracking system into an existing ASP.NET Web App

I have an existing application that is currently in production for more than 3 years now. That application was developped based on internal and user requirements. That application is also using Google Analytics to detect different usage metrics to understand more what users are doing and which part of the system is most requested. But... we understand now that we are not so well connected to client's need's and more importantly, we don't receive a lot of feedback from them and when we receive feedback, that feedback is sent to many different people so most of the time they are lost or missing some valuable informations. Here is my question: is there some free (or paid) products that can be incorporated into an existing application that can provide the following functionnalities:
For my users:
Send feedbacks
Log bugs
Submit feature request
Ask questions
Be able to follow an issue, bug or feature and subscribe to it
Be able to rate answers
Be able to include attachments
Be able to vote for issues to prioritize them
For me:
Respond to all of these issues and be able, in some way, to see and analyze all of this data to properly populate our product backlog with what user needs
My real need will be to have something like Telerik has implemented. Is there something that can be incorporated into an existing application?
Thanks in advance
What about User Voice? It's a great system to collect user feedback. Not sure if you'd get the integration you're looking for. For the rest of your requirements it seems it would work really well.
