How to use a class to create the SQLite table and ignore the fact that it is a List<ChildrenObjectModel>? - sqlite

I'm using a class to generate an SQLite table, but I also want to use it as ItemSource for a two levels ListView (A listview with sub items).
This works for the ListView:
public class ParentModel:List<ChildrenModel>
public string uid { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string attributeA { get; set; }
public ParentModel() {
But when I do mySQLiteConnection.CreateTable<ParentModel>(); it throws an Exception because the Object is a List<>.
I can [Ignore] attributes, but is there a way to ignore the fact that the the class is a List<>?
I can also create a List variable inside the model and [Ignore] it, but this wouldn't work for the ListView.
The only solution I can think is creating two classes with the same attributes, one being a List<> and the other one not.
But I really don't like this idea.

Not sure why you want to inherit from List<ChildrenModel>. You should make the ChildrenModel class a class that can create a table, and then that table would have all of the ChildrenModel items. Then in ParentModel you could have a public property of type List<ChildrenModel> which you can load from the ChildrenModel table. You would want to ignore that property as SQLite can not store a List. You can then access your populated List through the public property for the List<ChildrenModel> in the ParentModel class. That's what I would do anyway.


SQLite.Net-PCL CreateTableAsync add column

I am using the SQLite.Net-PCL library to manage the SQLite database in my UWP app. The documentation says that calling CreateTableAsync is able to add columns to the table if a properly is added to the data model. However, when I add a property, the application throws an exception that says the table does not have a column named . This means that the new column was not created automatically. I am calling CreateTableAsync in the constructor of the class that manages database calls for the table with a repository design pattern.
I think you missed decorations [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement] for your class model. Please check the following DataTemple class.
public class DataTemple
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int Id { get; set; } //primary key
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
For more detail you could also refer this sample.
I pulled out all of my CreateTableAsync calls from the repository class constructors and moved them into separate Init Tasks so I can properly await. Now I can add columns to any table without problems.

When to use BindAttribute?

I'm learning mvc and wonder when we need to use BindAttribute.
The first case (using Bind):
public class Book
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create([Bind(nameof(Book.Name), nameof(Book.Author))] Book model)
return Ok();
The book Id would be generated on server side. So, client side has nothing to do with it, every actions try to change/make the id is prevented.
The second case (not using Bind):
public class BookViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create(BookViewModel model)
return Ok();
Because the second model doesn't contain Id property, we don't need to prevent from creating or changing.
I prefer the second. It's easy to manage model.
Is there a case we must use Bind attribute?
We use bind when we want that some properties of complex property are ignored when received on server. It could be for safety or other reasons.
When this action is executed the MVC model binder will use the request parameters to populate the user parameter's properties, as you may already know. However, the Bind attribute tells the model binder to only populate properties with names specified.
So in this case only the Username, FullName and Email properties will be populated. All others will be ignored.
See here for more details:
If you have situation when you only have to ignore one parametar from binding you could use Exclude property:
public Entity Name {get; set;}
Bind is used to increase security and unauthorized data to be posted on server . In your model class , suppose you have content property also. if the content property is not needed in the future. Then it would be difficult for you to remove all the occurrences of that property. Here you can use bind property like this
or you can bind only selected properties to be posted on server by including the properties like this
public ActionResult create([Bind(Include = "Name,Author")] Modelclass modelclass)
//Do something here
You can learn more about it here
Second approach is more suitable instead writing all the properties and bind them but there are some situations where you must bind user like you have a roles property or IsAdmin property in your model then you might not want that user somehow posts the IsAdmin or roles properties to the server . That's where you can use Bind attribute

How to preserve input ids when editing lists in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 4, but I on't think that matters for the purpose of this question.
I have a relatively complex model for my edit view. Like this:
public class Recipe_model
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Recipe_Ingredient_model> Ingredients { get; set; }
where Ingredients is
public class Recipe_Ingredient_model
public int RecipeID { get; set; }
public int? UnitID { get; set; }
public double? Quantity { get; set; }
public Ingredient_model Ingredient { get; set; }
which itself contains the Ingredient model.
When I make a form for this, the built-in Html.EditorFor() doesn't work for anything past the properties of the Recipe_model, so I'm using partial views to display the editor for each of the sub-models.
That works fine as far the interface goes, but when I submit the form to the controller and try to bind to the Recipe_model automatically using
public ActionResult Edit(Recipe_model model)
return View(model);
it fails because the ids of the input elements in the partial views do not conform to the correct pattern (I think ParentModel_Property).
Short from hard-coding the ids in the partial view or binding manually from the FormCollection in the controller, is there some way to get the correct ids generated in the partial view so that the model will bind automatically on submit?
This is common problem. Instead of simple partials, use EditorTemplates (special folder for models) and binding will work automatically.
For example look at this question: Updating multiple items within same view
in addition to the answer given by #WebDeveloper
you can also try and create a custom model binder though a little more complex but will add to the ease of posting and binding form value to the objects in long run
have a look here
you will have to manually take all the form values and bind them to the model once and then you will be able to use the #HtmlFrom methods on the razor to do anything and you will get all the value inside the objects inside the action methods as you like.

Databinding to the DataGridView (Enums + Collections)

I'm after a little help with the techniques to use for Databinding. It's been quite a while since I used any proper data binding and want to try and do something with the DataGridView. I'm trying to configure as much as possible so that I can simply designed the DatagridView through the form editor, and then use a custom class that exposes all my information.
The sort of information I've got is as follows:
public class Result
public String Name { get; set; }
public Boolean PK { get; set; }
public MyEnum EnumValue { get; set; }
public IList<ResultInfos> { get; set; }
public class ResultInfos { get; set; }
public class Name { get; set; }
public Int Value { get; set; }
public override String ToString() { return Name + " : " Value.ToString(); }
I can bind to the simple information without any problem. I want to bind to the EnumValue with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, but when I set the DataPropertyName I get exceptions saying the enum values aren't valid.
Then comes the ResultInfo collection. Currently I can't figure out how to bind to this and display my items, again really I want this to be a combobox, where the 1st Item is selected. Anyone any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
Before you bind your data to the grid, first set the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.DataSource like this...
combo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(YourEnum));
I generally do this in the constructor after InitializeComponent(). Once this is set up you will not get an exception from the combo column when you bind your data. You can set DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.DataPropertyName at design time as normal.
The reason you get an exception when binding without this step is that the cell tries to select the value from the list that matches the value on the item. Since there are no values in the list... it throws an exception.

Slim version of Large Object/Class

I have a product class which contains 11 public fields.
The number of fields may grow with attributes for more specific product tyes. The description may contain a large amount of data.
I want to create a slim version of this product class that only contains the data needed. I'm only displaying 4 of the 12 fields when listing products on a category page. It seems like a waste to retrieve all of the data when most of it isn't being used.
I created a parent class of ProductListing that contains the 4 fields I need for the category page
Then created a class of Product that inherits from ProductListing containing all product data. It seems backwards as "ProductListing" is not a kind of "Product" but I just started reading about inheritance a few months ago so it's stil a little new to me.
Is there a better way to get a slim object so I'm not pulling data I don't need?
Is the solution I have in place fine how it is?
I personally do not favor inheritance for these kinds of problems because it can become confusing over time. Specifically, I try to avoid having two concrete classes in my inheritance hierarchy where one inherits from the other and both can be instantiated and used.
How about creating a ProductCoreDetail class that has the essential fields you need and aggregating it inside of the Product class. You can still expose the public fields by declaring them as public fields and proxying them to the nested ProductCoreDetail instance.
The benefit of this model is that any shared implementation code can be placed in ProductCoreDetail. Also, you can choose to define an additional interface IProductCoreDetail that both Product and ProductCoreDetail implement so that you can pass either instance to methods that just care about code information. I would also never exposed the aggregate instance publicly to consumer of Product.
Here's a code example:
// interface that allows functional polymorphism
public interface IProductCoreDetail
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string ShortTitle { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public string Img { get; set; }
// class used for lightweight operations
public class ProductCoreDetail : IProductCoreDetail
// these would be implemented here..
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string ShortTitle { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public string Img { get; set; }
// any additional methods needed...
public class Product : IProductCoreDetail
private readonly ProductCoreDetail m_CoreDetail;
public int ProductId { get { return m_CoreDetail.ProductId; } }
public string ShortTitle { get { return m_CoreDetail.ShortTitle; } }
public decimal Price { get { return m_CoreDetail.Price; } }
public string Img { get { return m_CoreDetail.Img; } }
// other fields...
public string LongTitle
public string Description
public int Length
public int Width
public int Depth
public int Material
public int Colors
public int Pattern
I agree with LBushkin that inheritence is the wrong approach here. Inheritence suggests that TypeB is a TypeA. In your case, the relationship is not quite the same. I used to create classes that were subsets of a large entity for things like search results, list box items, etc. But now with C# 3.5's anonymous type support and LINQ projections, I rarely need to do that anymore.
// C#
var results = from p in products
select new {
p.Img };
Dim results = From p in products _
Select p.ProductId, p.ShortTitle, p.Price, p.Img
This creates an unnamed type "on-the-fly" that contains only the fields you specified. It is immutable so the fields cannot be changed via this "mini" class but it supports equality and comparison.
But when I do need to create a named type, I typically just create a separate class that has no relationship to the main class other than a lazy-loaded reference to the "full" version of the object.
I wouldn't use a separate class or inheritance.
For your slim version, why not just retrieve only the data you need, and leave the other fields empty? You might have two queries: one that fills all the fields, and another that only fills the slim fields. If you need to differentiate between the two, that's easy if one of the non-slim fields is NOT NULL in your DB; just check for null in the object.
