I got a error when I uninstall a package on Atom. Now I have the version 1.8 but I get this problem from a long time. So today I decided to uninstall all my atom for reinstall it and start new but I get the same message.
When I deleted a package I received
Uninstalling “linter-coffeescript” failed.Hide output…
Failed to delete linter-coffeescript: Does not exist
But yes the packages uninstall but I need all the time to restart Atom.
I didn't touch nothing on the core of Atom that's why I don't understand. I can lived with but ....
I had the same issue today. Just in case that anyone has the same issue, I would like to share my solution.
I found this discussion after googling around.
I checked if the package in question existed in ~/.atom/packages. In my case, it did not exist there.
$ atom ~/.atom/packages
I checked the version of my Atom editor.
$ atom --version
Atom : 1.8.0
Electron: 0.36.8
Chrome : 47.0.2526.110
Node : 5.1.1
I just updated my Atom editor and it solved the problem in my case. Good luck.
I am currently facing a problem installing a jupyterlab theme that is called rahlir/theme gruvbox.
Since I have installed the jupyterlab extensions and numerous other custom themes I thought that this shouldn't be a
Although, after many tries, I haven't managed to install it.
The message im getting is this:
Dependency confliction
I have tried using the instructions straight from the github repo but didn't seem to work.
First I tried to install via pip in the command prompt like that:
jupyterlab extension install #ahlir/theme-gruvbox
Unfortunately this didn't work!
After that I tried installng via the extension manager from jupyterlab itself but unfortunately I got the same message!
Note that I have already installed the latest version of jupyterLab and also I have recently update all the packages in my
Anaconda distribution and anaconda itself!
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I just installed R3.5 (and RStudio) on a new computer that has not previously had R on it. I then installed the devtools package, and when I went to install a package off of github, I realized (when prompted!) I had forgotten to install Rtools, so I followed the prompts to do so. Interestingly, this R tools installed to the directory of C:\RBuildTools by default and with no prompts for setting path variables as I had recalled in previous versions.
When I reloaded R, I was prompted to install Rtools again. My path contained no reference to Rtools (or the Rbuildtools directory), and remembering that my past installations had used the dir C:\Rtools, I decided to uninstall C:\RBuildTools and installed a fresh version off http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ ( installed version 3.5) into C:\Rtools. In installation I had the path variable option checked.
I reloaded RStudio and checked to make sure Rtools was found:
> devtools::find_rtools()
Error in system(full, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = quiet, ...) : running command '"C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-35~1.0/bin/x64/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD config CC' had status 2
However, rtools appears in my PATH:
> Sys.getenv("PATH")
[1] "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.5.0\\bin\\x64;C:\\Rtools\\bin;..."
So this doesn't appear to be an issue with Rtools not being added properly to my Path variable. Google searches have turned up seemingly related errors but nothing so far that solves my issue. I have tried both suggestions here and neither have worked. I wonder if this could be related to RStudio.
I had a similar problem with RTools 3.5.
The installer did add C:\RTools\bin to the PATH, but it did not add
C:\RTools\mingw_64\bin which apparently did cause some confusion.
After adding C:\RTools\mingw_64\bin to the PATH, everything was fine.
My symptoms were a bit different though: RStudio reported an error when trying to "Install and Restart" my package that RTools were not found, while devtools::find_rtools() reported them to be present.
I have a comprehensive answer here for rtools not being recognized thru use of pkgbuild
`devtools::install_github(repo)` keeps installing rtools35.exe
The code snippet acknowledges the github comment this is posted (helped by r-sig-finance citizens)
However, (I can't comment) the error of find_tools() has disappeared but remains in devtools::install_bitbucket() for the new code that was the ultimate target and is in a src/master on BB cloud.
I unloaded the devtools and installed with remotes
As I said the problem with find_tools is taken care of by pkgbuild loading all items
Try updating RStudio to the latest version.
I had this problem after updating Rtools to 3.5 and found that updating RStudio to 1.1.447 fixed it.
If that doesn't work, Can you run rstudioapi::versionInfo()$version from inside RStudio and share the output?
If this isn't your problem I found that RStudio keeps a log - and it helped me isolate this issue. In my case the file was located in, "C:\Users\my_windows_username\AppData\Local\RStudio-Desktop\log\rsession-my_windows_username.log"
I found this warning in the log time that corresponed to the error in RStudio
WARNING Unknown Rtools version: 3.5; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::r_util::scanRegistryForRTools(HKEY, bool, std::vector*) C:\Users\Administrator\rstudio\src\cpp\core\r_util\RToolsInfo.cpp:269
This indicated that RStudio didn't recognize 3.5, which led me to check for an updated version of RStudio.
I am trying to install Anaconda (Anaconda2-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64) but I could not install it. I am using windows 10 64 bits. As I tried to install I got error saying "Error opening file for writing". Please see uploaded image for reference
When I downloaded and Installed Anaconda3
My FIREWALL or ANTI-VIRUS is turn off
If you have any, try to disabled it then reboot/restart your computer
and then try again. Here some link for downloading anaconda3 and some repo steps for installing properly the anaconda3, chillax and find another suitable answer for your question.
I'm pretty much new to Atom editor, but setup some nice packages like Atom Beautify. After using it in a html / php file I'm getting the error "Could not find 'php-cs-fixer' . The program may not be installed. The strange thing is, I did install the package php-cs-fixer but nothing happens.
Anyone got an idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance,
OK, for the not programmers here:
I installed php-cs-fixer via Brew for mac . Brew enables (wget) command lines via terminal. After installing brew, type brew install homebrew/php/php-cs-fixer in terminal and it will install the PHP-CS-Fixer .
After installing Aptana Studio3 (version 3.3.2) in my Ubuntu 12.10 I find out that the preview button did not work properly. Meaning, I was not able to see the preview in the opened tab. As if internal browser was not working.
Instead of that , I obtained a copy of my index.html which is the doc I am trying to preview.
I find out that Xulrunner was not instaled in my system and therefore I suspect this could be the issue.
Downloaded XULrunner version required by Aptana, with
wget -O xulrunner.deb http://launchpadlibrarian.net/70321329/xulrunner-1.9.2_1.9.2.17%2Bbuild3%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
But when I tried to install this package I obtained a dependency error asking for ibhunspell-1.2-0
xulrunner-1.9.2 depends on libhunspell-1.2-0
I will appreciate your help to put some light over this issue.
Am I missing something/s here?
Eventually, suggest where to obtain the missing package (libhunspell-1.2-0 ppa or whatever reliable source) and any specific installing instructions if necessary.
Many thanks in advance
Packages installed but problem remains.
I obtained the libhunspell-1.2-0_1.2.11-1_amd64.deb from debian.org
Once succesfully installed I proceed to install the xulrunner.deb
Everything Ok as well!
Now they are all there...but... Internal browser still doesn`t work
If anybody from Aptana or with any experience about this matter, is in the neighborhood , please help.
It is a reported issue of Aptana 3.2.2 (actual version March 2013)
Solution: revert to 3.2.x version or wait until 3.4.x is available (where is already fixed)
Detailed Info
After several checkings and research , I find out that there is a reported issue with the actual version 3.3.2
Issue labeled as:
Aptana Studio APSTUD-7636
Cannot show preview (embedded WebKit browser)
This can be seen here at appcelerator issue tracker where states the following
Expected Result:
Preview should be opened exactly as in previous versions of Aptana. Preview worked without errors in Aptana 3.2.X before updating to 3.3.1.
This was corrected for version 3.3.4 which at present (march 2013) I am not able to obtain. So I reverted to 3.2.2 which I downloaded from appacelerator wiki
Full package name: Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_64_3.2.2.zip
I installed and the preview is working as it should
So: Until version 3.4.x is not available ill keep this old one 3.2.2
I hope that my research will be useful to someone else.