Running an instance of node.js using command prompt -

am trying to learn 5 and I am following a tutorial in that is a beginners course. There is module of how to create an aspnet web template on a local machine and getting it running. Right now am stuck on running the instance using the *commmand promp***t to get the local server running. would like help for you fellas. the "dnx web" command is outputting this error below:
*running the dnx web commnand***
while trying to run the command that comes with creation on the site: dotnet run brings me this message below. enter image description here
kindly help


dump_sys.exe google breakpad for mingw not working

I am trying to integrate google breakpad with my qt application in order to generate the dump file. this is working fine. dump file is getting generated whenever application is crashing but next step is to generate the symbol file for that exe.
to accomplish this dump_sys.exe is provided by the google breakpad, but whenver I am running that dump_sys.exe. I am getting the following error.
CoCreateInstance CLSID_DiaSource {4C41678E-887B-4365-A09E-925D28DB33C2} failed (msdia*.dll unregistered?)
I tried to install visual studio 2013 and registered all the needed msdia*.dll but still getting the same error. Please tell me how to resolve this. I am stuck at this from quite a time now.

vc-storefront on IIS deployment

I am trying to deploy vc-storefront on IIS server. I am following the YouTube tutorial given in below URL
It works fine till I run publish command. The publish command runs successfully and the files gets generated in given folder. The command ran to publish the video is "dotnet publish -o "
In video, right after they ran this command they open a URL "http://localhost/admin" , which does not work in my case. Can someone please help me to get rid of this roadblock ? I am stuck at this point and don't know how to proceed.
Note: If you feel this is not right place to ask this question, please suggest where can I get some help regarding this.

Why does WebAssembly fail to build on fresh Uno Platform template

When I attempt to build and run my Uno WebAssembly on Ubuntu 20.04, it fails. The error cites a file or directory that doesn't exist.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Ubuntu 20.04 platform
Install .NET Core SDK 3.1.403
Follow the "Getting Started on VSCode" tutorial here
When you attempt to start the app with the .NET Core Launch configuration, note that the build fails.
Error Details:
/home/<user>/.nuget/packages/uno.wasm.bootstrap/1.3.4/build/Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap.targets(126,2): error : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory [/home/<user>/Projects/uapp/uapp.Wasm/uapp.Wasm.csproj]
What I've tried
My knowledge of Uno Platform is approximately 1 day old. I'm not sure I understand enough about it to even know what to try, but I have done these things:
Run dotnet run from within the uapp.Skia.Gtk, which successfully opened the window I expected to see.
Run dotnet run from within uapp.Wasm, which resulted in the error described above.
Look on the documentation for clues on why the file might not be found on a fresh template that's not been modified (I could not find anything)
What should I be doing differently to get the Web Assembly to build and display the app correctly?
EDIT: The file in the error does exist, precisely in the path in the error.
You're hitting an error that may happen when building with some native components, like SQLite or Skia.
To fix this, you'll need to execute the installation script which is not yet run automatically.
This script installs .NET Core, mono and ninja, on ubuntu-alike systems.

ASP.NET exceptions in AWS Linux

When I run ASP.NET 5 in Windows, and it throws an exception, I can view the entry in the Windows Event Viewer. I have deployed my site in a Docker container to Amazon's ECS, so it's running in Linux now. Where should I look in Linux to similarly view such entries?
I am trying to troubleshoot an error when I communicate with RDS, but it only occurs when I'm looking at it Linux, not when I run the site in the Visual Studio debugger.
As it turns out, the Docker log can be viewed with the following command
docker logs ad7629ef8bc | less
where ad7629ef8bc is your desired container ID. less redirects the output to a scrollable UI. To exit the UI, and return to the prompt simply press the q key. I also found a lot more documentation on less and other output options at
You can find a list of all Docker commands at docker --help.

Error MSB3025: using - Builds fine from command prompt

I'm hoping someone has seen this error before. I'm using MSBuild with CruiseControl.Net to run the build for this project. When i run the build from the command prompt it actually builds without errors, but when i run it with i get the following error:
error MSB3025: The source file "C:\PE\PE-DEV\UIProjects\FolderName\" is actually a directory. The "Copy" task does not support copying directories.
6 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:01:50.07
I have been doing a search and nothing with that error number shows up in google. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
<buildArgs>/p:Configuration=DeployDev;BuildMode=DRYRUN;CreatePackage=true /fileLogger /verbosity:normal</buildArgs>
<logger>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
This task works fine in other projects... If i use command prompt and run msbuild it works fine as well.
If it works when you run it from the command prompt (runs using your user account and permissions) and fails when running under CC (runs under whatever service account cc is running) it might be a permission issue. Try changing the account that runs under to your own account and see what happens.
This one was a tricky one, i was able to make the project work. The issue was the deploy build xml file had a typo somewhere and i was able to find the bug and fix it and now the project is building as it should.
