Symfony2 and WebRTC, routing issue - symfony

So I use Pubnub for WebRTC in my Symfony 2 application, and all works well, apart from the showing of videos of other users. What happens is that when a user connects, an url gets generated like this one:
These url's are temporary, and the only purpose is to serve as a way to connect video streams. After the WebRTC session the do not exist anymore and they are impossible to predict.
Since the Symfony router cannot find a route to '', the stream is never showed ( is the url to the symfony application in this example).
What I could do is adapt the exisiting scripts so that all video streams look like '', but in that case any route with prefix /video/ should be left alone by Symfony.
Any ideas?

In the end I found a solution. As a last routing rule I added:
defaults: { _controller: Bundlename:Main:blob }
path: /{blob}
Then I created a function in the Main controller:
public function blobAction(Request $request)
$path = $request->getUri();
return $this->render($path);
Of course I need to do some filtering of the URL itself and check if it really is a stream, but for now I am happy it works.


Symfony redirect to dynamic route name

I'm using the Symfony CMF Routing Bundle to create dynamic routes (I'm using one example here):
$route = new Route('/dynamic-url');
$route->setDefault('_controller', 'AppBundle:MyRoute:getResponse');
$routeCollection->add('my-dynamic-route', $route);
The response is loaded from the getResponseAction() function inside the MyRouteController:
* No annotations here, because I want the url to be dynamic from the database
public function getResponseAction(Request $request) {
return $this->render('dynamic-page-template.html.twig');
When I go to '/dynamic-url', it works.
When in another controller, I want to redirect to this dynamic route, like this:
return $this->redirectToRoute('my-dynamic-route');
But I get this error: "None of the chained routers were able to generate route: Route 'my-dynamic-route' not found"
Also interesting: when I go to '/dynamic-url', the dev bar actually says that the Route name is 'my-dynamic-route'.
When I load all the routes, I don't see my dynamic route names:
I think they should be in this list.
Since it's a dynamic route, which wasn't saved anywhere (like routing.yml ) it will be only availabe for Request where it has been defined. So at the end of Request your app will immediately "forget" about new Route generated at runtime.
When I load all the routes, I don't see my dynamic route names:
I think they should be in this list.
Actualy No. It depends on where you call $this->get('router')->getRouteCollection();
Just try to call
right before the return statement in your Action where you're adding the my-dynamic-route route. I'm sure you'll see your my-dynamic-route in the list of routes, but if you call it anywhere else - you won't see it.
It's less about symfony rather about stateless nature of web (see Why say that HTTP is a stateless protocol?)
I started to think about this and pointed your question to an routing issue on symfony-cmf. You tagged with #symfony-cmf and i think this would be important feature for us.
I also think, when you persist your route with /my-route you should also ask the router for that name (or in case of the CMF with an content object with that a route.)
If you use the CmfRoutingBundle dynamic router, you should persist your routes to doctrine. The idea of dynamic here is that they can be created at runtime, e.g. in an admin interface or elsewhere by code. The DynamicRouter loads routes from the database.
If you use PHPCR-ODM, the route name is the repository id, typically something like /cms/routes/my-route and you can generate it with that name. If you have access to the route object loaded from the database, you can also generate from that, rather than the path. If you have to hardcode a path in your application, its an indication that probably a normally configured route would be better.
If you just add a route to the route collection on the fly, you would have to make sure that happens in each request, its only available when you add it. With the CMF ChainRouter you could register your own router that does that, but i would not know of a good use case for that. Either you know the route, then you can configure it in the routing.xml|yml|php config file. Or routes are loaded dynamically, in which point you should use DynamicRouter, potentially with a custom route loader.

How to configure emberjs routes in SpringMVC?

We have an Ember frontend and Spring Boot backend.
When Ember runs standalone on port 4200 and the Spring Boot backend on 8080, then everything works. But this scenario is somewhat unusual for production environments, not only because of CORS problem. The URL of the backend must be known already on build time (!) of the Ember application, because it's integrated within the compiled ember app. This is not possible for many projects. Therefore, we want to integrate the frontend Ember App in the Spring Boot backend, which is usual for e.g. SPA with AngularJS.
The Ember app (from /dist) is thus copied to src/main/resource/static. After adjusting the rootURL and with the Ember app that works very well.
The problem arises now, when a manual reload for an URL is made in the browser. Such a URL is now an Ember route. The http-request arrives at the Spring Boot backend which don't knows the route and we got a 404 error.
How should SpringMVC (as part of the Spring Boot backend) answers the httpRequest for such a route, so that the Ember app continue their work and handle the request ?
HTML Page request (by browser)
http://host/springBootAppContext/index.html => src/main/resource/static/index.html (ember app)
REST API request (by Ember App)
http://host/springBootAppContext/users => RESTController mapped for /users
Ember Routing (by Ember App)
http://host/springBootAppContext/user-list => ???
You can't provide a normal Spring MVC #Controller class because the ModelView response is interpretet as user-list.html or similar which doesn't exist
after tests with different solutions I came up with a really simple one.
Provide a normal, non-REST controller with request mappings for every route defined by the ember app. Every such request have to be answered with the view name of the ember app start page (index.html in most cases). The browser loads that html page and starts the containing ember app. The ember app detects the route (because the route was part of the http request) and work according all specified route configurations (template, model, controller).
No 404 NotFound any more.
public class EmberRouteController {
public static final String INDEX = "index.html";
#RequestMapping(value = "/ember-route-1", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String emberRoute1() {
return INDEX;
#RequestMapping(value = "/ember-route-2", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String emberRoute2() {
return INDEX;
The previous answer helped me a lot. But I was still thinking of better solution than creating backend APIs for each route. And I feel the better solution would be to put '#' in before ember route then ember routes serves the request rather than going to the backend server.
location: 'hash'
Ex: http://localhost:8008/#/first
Here first is my route. And I have put # in the URL, now reload of the page is working.
Hope this will help.

Html.RouteLink to a Web API Route - possible?

My site is largely a suite of web services exposed via the Asp.Net Web API. There are also pages, designed to support the webservices (testing etc), written in Razor (and implicitly Asp.Net MVC 4).
For the XML versions of the webservices I have a schema-export action (uses the XsdDataContractExporter) which is picked up by my standard API route (although note - I've flipped the precedence of the Web API and Pages):
//page routes
"Default", // Route name
"pages/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
} // Parameter defaults
//an additional route for my Schema controller action
routes.MapHttpRoute("XSD", "schema.xsd",
new { controller = "schema" });
//API Catch-all Route
routes.MapHttpRoute("APIMain", "{controller}/{id}",
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
Now on a razor page I want to emit a link to the 'friendly' schema URL ~/Schema.xsd. Anticipating issues with route discovery I immediately went for hitting the route directly by name:
#Html.RouteLink("Schema", "XSD");
However this just emits a link equivalent to ~/.
I've tried some other combinations of route values - but it appears MVC's HtmlHelper and UrlHelper simply don't want to pick up Web API routes.
I'm sure if I cracked open the source of Asp.Net MVC 4 I'd find the reason - but I'm hoping somebody already knows, and since I can't find another SO about such cross-linking I figured it'd be a good addition to the SO library.
I should add that browsing to ~/Schema and ~/Schema.xsd do correctly display the XML schema produced by the API action.
Post-RC a method was added to MVC's UrlHelper, HttpRouteUrl, which does exactly the same thing I suggest here in this answer. This is my discussion thread over on CodePlex where I was told this. So there is no need for you to use the magic string mention here in generating links to Web API routes.
Original answer
I've managed to get it to work - although it might not by the time MVC 4 is RTMd (disclaimer disclaimer!)
I changed my Html.RouteLink call as follows:
#Html.RouteLink("XML request schema", "XSD", new { httproute = true })
I didn't originally intend to answer my own question straight away - but having done some research I found an answer.
First I verified that the HtmlHelper's route collection is the same as the RouteTable.Routes collection (i.e. contained all routes).
Following the call-chain through, I remembered having trawled through the current Web API and page MVC 4 source code from CodePlex, that HttpRoutes (in System.Web.Http.Routing) need a 'hidden' route value to be added otherwise they will never match. Here's the source code from lines 21-25 of HttpRoute class (correct as of 8th June 2012 source):
/// <summary>
/// Key used to signify that a route URL generation request should include HTTP routes (e.g. Web API).
/// If this key is not specified then no HTTP routes will match.
/// </summary>
internal const string HttpRouteKey = "httproute";
A bit of further analysis of the code showed that it expects this route value to be a boolean.
Clearly, this is something that can be turned into extension methods - perhaps Html.HttpRouteLink (and Html.HttpActionLink) - with extra extensions on UrlHelper for hiding the magic string for the route data value.

ASP.NET Routing - GetRouteData does not work if path exists

I have a HttpModule which intercepts all requests and loads data from the database based on routing rules. However, I run into one problem all the time; GetRouteData only works if the path does not exist:
var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
Assuming a request comes in for the url http://localhost/contact, I get the correct routing data relating to that url if that path does not exist in the file system. The problem appears when I want to customize the page at that url which I do by creating an aspx page in the path ~/contact/default.aspx. Once I do that, GetRouteData return null.
I have even tried creating a new HttpContext object, but I still can not retrieve route data if the page exists.
Has anyone ever run into this problem? Is there a solution/workaround?
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Set RouteCollection.RouteExistingFiles to true.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
// Cause paths to be routed even if they exists physically
routes.RouteExistingFiles = true;
// Map routes
routes.MapPageRoute("...", "...", "...");
Beware though. IIS7 behaves a little differently than the server used when debugging within Visual Studio. I got bit by this when I deployed my application to the web. Check out this feedback I submitted to Microsoft Connection.

Best way to perform authentication on every request

In my mvc 2 app, I'm wondering about the best way to implement this:
For every incoming request I need to perform custom authorization before allowing the file to be served. (This is based on headers and contents of the querystring. If you're familiar with how Amazon S3 does rest authentication - exactly that).
I'd like to do this in the most perfomant way possible, which probably means as light a touch as possible, with IIS doing as much of the actual work as possible.
The service will need to handle GET requests, as well as writing new files coming in via POST/PUT requests.
The requests are for an abitrary file, so it could be:
Right now I've half implemented it using an IHttpHandler which handles all routes (with routes.RouteExistingFiles = true), but not sure if that's the best, or if I should be hooking into the lifecycle somewhere else?
I'm also interested in supporting partial downloads with the Range header. Using
as I am now means I'll have to do that manually, which seems a bit lowlevel?
Many thanks for any pointers.
I think having a custom handler in the middle that takes care of this is exactly how you should be doing it.
TransmitFile is the lightest-weight programmatic way to serve a file that I am aware of.
However, you might not need to write your own HttpHandler. You can use the MVC handler and just dedicate a controller action to the job. Something like:
...routing to...
public FilesController
public ActionResult Download(string id)
//...some logic to authenticate and to get the local file path
return File(theLocalFilePath, mimeType);
The File() method of controller uses TransmitFile in the background, I believe.
(PS, If you want shorter URLs, do it via custom routes in global.asax.)
