Missing drush in OpenShift Drupal module - drupal
i have sshd into my OpenShift Drupal install with the intent of changing my Drupal admin password ..however the drush tool does not seem to be installed
[drupal-.rhcloud.com 56f94fb97628e12ab700005f]> drush --help
bash: drush: command not found
[drupal-.rhcloud.com 56f94fb97628e12ab700005f]>
i am using :
Drupal 7
is there something that needs doing to get that drush addition?
it seams openshift drush is not working for every bodies.its happened because of using old PHP version, which is not working by new composer, SO you need to make one DIY app in openshift and install manually drush and new version of php (php >=5.5.0 ).
Drush installing in Openshift RHC
So you could install drush manually by this codes:
mkdir ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer
curl -ss https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer
cd /tmp
rm -rf tt
mkdir tt
cd tt
#wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drush-7.x-5.9.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
mv * drush
chmod u+x drush/drush
#tar xzf drush-7.x-5.9.tar.gz && rm drush-7.x-5.9.tar.gz && cd drush && mv drush drush_my
mkdir ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/
mkdir ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush
mv /tmp/tt/drush/* ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush && cd ../..
rm -rf tt
export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush:$PATH
cd ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks
echo "export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush:$PATH
#export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer:$PATH" >> ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks/start
chmod 755 start
echo "export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush:$PATH
export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer:$PATH
alias drush='${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush/drush'
alias drush='/opt/rh/php54/root/usr/bin/php ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush/drush.php'" >> ~/app-root/data/.bash_profile
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush
php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
mv composer.phar composer.phar0
php composer.phar0 install
php composer.phar0 update
#composer config --global bin-dir /usr/local/bin
#composer config --global bin-dir /opt/rh/php54/root/usr/bin
composer config --global vendor-dir ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer
php composer install
php ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/composer/composer.phar --no-interaction --no-ansi --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader --working-dir=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush install
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush
# Drush settings
cp drush.php drush.php0
echo "\$options['uri'] = \$_ENV['OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS'];
\$options['root'] = \$_ENV['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'].'php';" >> drush.php
if [[ -f ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush/drush.php ]]; then
echo "$repo_top = getcwd().'/..';
$options['config'] = $repo_top . '/drush/drushrc.php'; "
echo "<?php
$repo_top = getcwd().'/..';
$options['config'] = $repo_top . '/drush/drushrc.php'; " >> drush.php
cat << EOF >>drushrc.php
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
if (array_key_exists('OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME', \$_SERVER)) {
\$src = \$_SERVER;
} else {
\$src = \$_ENV;
\$options['uri'] =\$src['OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS'];
\$options['root'] =\$src['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'].'php';
\$options['backup-dir'] = '/tmp';
echo " \$options['backup-dir'] = '/tmp';">> drushrc.php
#nano drush.php
drush status
#install mysql
: <<'end_long_comment'
cd /tmp
wget http://wiki.diahosting.com/down/lnmp/mysql-5.1.46.tar.gz
nohup sh -c "./configure --prefix=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql --enable-assembler --with-charset=utf8 --enable-thread-safe-client --with-extra-charsets=all --with-big-tables &&
make && make install"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/mysql_install.log /dev/null 2>&1 & tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/mysql_install.log
chown -R mysql:mysql ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql
cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
sed -i 's#\[mysqld\]#\[mysqld\]\nbasedir=/usr/local/mysql\ndatadir=/var/lib/mysql\n#' /etc/my.cnf
sed -i 's#log-bin=mysql-bin#\#log-bin=mysql-bin#' /etc/my.cnf
sed -i 's#binlog_format=mixed#\#binlog_format=mixed#' /etc/my.cnf
${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db --basedir=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql
cp ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/share/mysql/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysqld
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password $myrootpwd
chkconfig mysqld on
#ln -s ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/bin/myisamchk /usr/bin/
#ln -s ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/bin/mysql /usr/bin/
#ln -s ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/mysql/bin/mysqldump /usr/bin/
#CREATE USER druser#localhost;
#SET PASSWORD FOR druser#localhost= PASSWORD("password");
#GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON drupal2.* TO druser#localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php
chmod 755 . -R
rm -rf *
if [[ 1=2 ]];then
drush dl openpublic #--drupal-project-rename=folder_name
mv open*/* ./
cd pro*/openpu*
drush make --prepare-install build-openpublic.make openpublic
rm -rf ~/app-root/data/sites/default/settings.php
echo " \$options['backup-dir'] = '/tmp';">> ~/.drush/drushrc.php
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php
nohup sh -c "export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush:$PATH && drush dl openpublic"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_1.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_1.log
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php && mv */* './' && cd pro*/openpu*
nohup sh -c "export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/drush:$PATH && drush make --prepare-install build-openpublic.make openpublic &&\
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php &&\
drush site-install openpublic --db-url=mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/drupal2 --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-name='ss' --account-pass='ss' --yes"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_2.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_2.log
#drush site-install weebpal --db-url=mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-name='ss' --account-pass='ss' --account-mail='ss3#elec-lab.tk' --site-mail='ss3#elec-lab.tk' --yes
#nohup sh -c "drush site-install themebrain_profile --db-url=mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/drupal2 --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-name='ss' --account-pass='ss' --account-mail='ss3#elec-lab.tk' --site-mail='ss3#elec-lab.tk' --yes ">$OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_2.log /dev/null 2>&1 & tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_site_install_1_2.log
#drush site-install opendeals --db-url=mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-name='ss' --account-pass='ss' --account-mail=ss3#elec-lab.tk --yes
#drush site-install openpublic --db-url=mysql://druser:password#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/drupal2 --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-name='ss' --account-pass='ss' --yes
#drush site-install openpublic --site-name=${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME} --account-pass=$admin_pwd --db-url=mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD#$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME --yes
########DONE ##################
echo " \$options['backup-dir'] = '/tmp';">> ~/.drush/drushrc.php
### drush backup database###
drush sql-dump > /tmp/database-backup.sql
### drush restore database###
mysqldump -u USERNAME -p'PASSWORD' DATABASENAME > /path/to/backup_dir/database-backup.sql
drush sql-cli < ~/my-sql-dump-file-name.sql
drush bam-backup
nohup sh -c " wget -P ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php --mirror --user=u220290147 --password=ss123456"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/python_modules_install_1_1.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/python_modules_install_1_1.log
cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/repo/php/*
nohup sh -c "zip -r elec-lab.zip . "> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/zip.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/zip.log
mkdir ~/app-root/data/sites/all/libraries
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/sites/all/libraries/* ~/app-root/data/sites/all/libraries
mkdir ~/app-root/data/sites/all/themes
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/sites/all/themes/* ~/app-root/data/sites/all/themes
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/sites/all/* ~/app-root/data/sites/all/
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/sites/* ~/app-root/data/sites/
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/sites/all/modules/* ~/app-root/data/sites/all/modules
mkdir ~/app-root/data/downloads/drupal-7.34/profiles/themebrain_profile
mv -n /tmp/tmp/tb/profiles/themebrain_profile/* ~/app-root/data/downloads/drupal-7.34/profiles/themebrain_profile
mv ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/install_profiles/standard ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/install_profiles/standard1
mkdir ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/install_profiles/standard
mv -n /tmp/op/openpublic-7.x-1.x-dev/profiles/openpublic/* ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/install_profiles/standard
chmod 755 ~/app-root/data/sites/default/settings.php
rm -rf ~/app-root/data/sites/default/settings.php
chmod 755 ~/app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy
nohup sh -c "./app-root/runtime/repo/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy "> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/deploy.log /dev/null 2>&1 & tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/deploy.log
#tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/deploy.log
#nohup sh -c "wget http://dl1.sarzamindownload.com/sdlftpuser/92/07/10/Android.Bootcamp_Part2.rar "> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/zip2.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
#tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/zip2.log
rm drush_download.py
cat <<'EOF' >> drush_download.py
import subprocess
import ast
st1='"Nodeblock, Follow, Securepages, Addthis, Twitter_pull, Comment_notify, Context_field, Entity_autocomplete, Views_boxes, Delta, Delta_ui, Context_condition_admin_theme, Context_breadcrumb_current_page, Context_bool_field, Nodeconnect, Openpublic_splash, Phase2_profile, Openpublic_breaking_news, Openpublic_comments, Openpublic_base_fields, Openpublic_defaults, Openpublic_home_page_feature, Openpublic_most_popular, Openpublic_person, Openpublic_person_leadership, Openpublic_site_page, Openpublic_webform, Openpublic_editors_choice, Openpublic_captcha, Openpublic_media_room, Openpublic_menu, Openpublic_menu_utility, Openpublic_menu_footer, Openpublic_pages, Openpublic_accessibility, Openpublic_filters, Openpublic_comments_default, Openpublic_webform_defaults"'
st1='"Addthis, Openpublic_splash, Phase2_profile, Openpublic_breaking_news, Openpublic_comments, Openpublic_base_fields, Openpublic_defaults, Openpublic_home_page_feature, Openpublic_most_popular, Openpublic_person, Openpublic_person_leadership, Openpublic_site_page, Openpublic_webform, Openpublic_editors_choice, Openpublic_captcha, Openpublic_media_room, Openpublic_menu, Openpublic_menu_utility, Openpublic_menu_footer, Openpublic_pages, Openpublic_accessibility, Openpublic_filters, Openpublic_comments_default, Openpublic_webform_defaults"'
#print ss
print st
for module in ss:
st='drush dl '+module+' -Y ';print st
awk_sort = subprocess.Popen( [st ], stdin= subprocess.PIPE, stdout= subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
output = awk_sort.communicate()[0]
print output.rstrip()
print 'module '+module+' could not bin installed !!!'
#print "END"
#python drush_download.py
nohup sh -c "python drush_download.py"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_download.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/drush_download.log
#nohup sh -c "zip -rT9 ferdowsi-elec-labs_tk.zip '${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/tmp/.'"> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/python_ftp_sync_download.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
#nohup sh -c "cd ${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/srv/tmp/ && zip -rT9 ferdowsi-elec-labs_tk.zip ."> $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/python_ftp_sync_download.log /dev/null 2>&1 &
#tail -f $OPENSHIFT_LOG_DIR/python_ftp_sync_download.log
wso2 API Manager AutoScaling Group Not Creating
I've been trying to use the stock templates from the wso2 website to deploy wso2 to AWS. The CloudFormation stack fails to create because the auto scaler fails to create. I checked the EC2 instances and the actual instance is running and healthy. I SSH'ed to the instance and ran: grep -ni 'error\|failure' $(sudo find /var/log -name cfn-init\* -or -name cloud-init\*) to check the log files for errors or failures. I didn't find any. I then tried to run: /usr/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region} from the correct instance. I filled in the correct information manually when I ran the command on the instance. I pulled this command from the YAML file from the wso2 website. This command returned an Access Denied error for the stack. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm over looking something simple. I included the LaunchConfiguration and the template for the Auto Scaling group below if that's useful. Happy to provide other information. WSO2MINode1LaunchConfiguration: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration' Properties: ImageId: !FindInMap - WSO2APIMAMIRegionMap - !Ref 'AWS::Region' - !Ref OperatingSystem InstanceType: !Ref WSO2InstanceType BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: VolumeSize: '20' VolumeType: gp2 DeleteOnTermination: 'true' KeyName: !Ref KeyPairName SecurityGroups: - !Ref WSO2MISecurityGroup UserData: !Base64 'Fn::Sub': | Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="//" MIME-Version: 1.0 --// Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cloud-config.txt" #cloud-config cloud_final_modules: - [scripts-user, always] --// Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="userdata.txt" #!/bin/bash exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1 export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update apt install -y puppet nfs-common apt install -y python-pip apt install -y python3-pip pip3 install boto3 pip install boto3 sed -i '/\[main\]/a server=puppet' /etc/puppet/puppet.conf fi if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then yum install -y epel-release zip unzip nfs-utils yum install -y python-pip pip install boto3 rpm -Uvh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppet5/puppet5-release-el-7.noarch.rpm yum install -y puppet-agent echo $'[main]\nserver = puppet\ncertname = agent3\nenvironment = production\n\runinterval = 1h' > /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf fi pip install https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest.tar.gz export PuppetmasterIP=${PuppetMaster.PrivateIp} echo "$PuppetmasterIP puppet puppetmaster" >> /etc/hosts export MI_HOST=${WSO2APIMLoadBalancer.DNSName} export MI_PORT=8290 service puppet restart sleep 150 export FACTER_profile=mi if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then puppet agent -vt >> /var/log/puppetlog.log fi if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -vt >> /var/log/puppetlog.log fi sleep 30 service puppet stop sh /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/4.1.0/wso2mi-4.1.0/bin/micro-integrator.sh start if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then echo "/usr/local/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}" >> /home/ubuntu/cfn-signal.txt /usr/local/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region} fi if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then /usr/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region} fi echo 'export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "' >> /etc/profile.d/history.sh cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c DependsOn: - WSO2MISecurityGroup - WSO2APIMSecurityGroup - PuppetMaster WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' Properties: LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref WSO2MINode1LaunchConfiguration DesiredCapacity: 1 MinSize: 1 MaxSize: 1 VPCZoneIdentifier: - !Ref WSO2APIMPrivateSubnet1 - !Ref WSO2APIMPrivateSubnet2 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${EnvironmentName} WSO2MIInstance PropagateAtLaunch: 'true' CreationPolicy: ResourceSignal: Count: 1 Timeout: PT30M UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingRollingUpdate: MaxBatchSize: '2' MinInstancesInService: '1' PauseTime: PT10M SuspendProcesses: - AlarmNotification WaitOnResourceSignals: false DependsOn: - WSO2APIMNode1AutoScalingGroup - WSO2APIMNode2AutoScalingGroup Thank you!
/bin/sh: jar: command not found (inside nexus docker container) Nexus image: 3.34.0
When I try to run a command following snippet and getting the error like /bin/sh: jar: command not found RUN BASE_JAR=$(find /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/org/sonatype/nexus/nexus-base -name "nexus-base*.jar") && \ mkdir temp && cd temp && \ jar -xf $BASE_JAR static/css/nexus-content.css && \ echo ".nexus-header .product-spec { display:none }" >> static/css/nexus-content.css && \ jar uf $BASE_JAR static/css/nexus-content.css && \ cd .. && rm -rf temp Need a help/suggestions to solve this problem?
error while running a R script in a bash script
e made a bash script as follows: #! /bin/bash OUTDIR=".//DATA/share/pipelines/results/" INDIR="./DATA/share/pipelines/test_data/infile/" projectname=$1 input_bam=$2 bins=$3 mkdir OUTDIR || true of="${OUTDIR}" ind="${INDIR}" ./DATA/share/pipelines/script.R \ -b "${bins}" \ -c "${projectname}" \ -o "${of}" \ -i "${ind}" echo "first step is done" when I run the script using the following command: bash first.sh 30 beh I will get this error: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘OUTDIR’: File exists first.sh: line 17: ./DATA/share/pipelines/script.R: No such file or directory first step is done do you know how to solve the problem?
When you call bash first.sh 30 beh $1 holds 30, $2 holds beh and $3 is not defined. input_bam ist set to $2 but is never used. With [ ! -d ${OUTDIR} ] you should be able to test if the directory exists. #! /bin/bash #Please check if it should be # relative to the current working directory (starting with './') # or absolute (starting with '/') BASEDIR="/DATA/share/pipelines/" #"./DATA/share/pipelines/" OUTDIR=${BASEDIR}"results/" INDIR=${BASEDIR}"test_data/infile/" projectname=$1 input_bam=$2 #This is never used bins=$3 #This is not defined when callin >bash first.sh 30 beh< [ ! -d ${OUTDIR} ] && mkdir ${OUTDIR} #Think you would create ${OUTDIR} of="${OUTDIR}" ind="${INDIR}" ./DATA/share/pipelines/script.R \ -b "${bins}" \ -c "${projectname}" \ -o "${of}" \ -i "${ind}" echo "first step is done"
How do I deploy a artifact with maven layout using REST API?
I can do a normal deploy using the below command curl -i -X PUT -u $artifactoryUser:$artifactoryPassword -T /path/to/file/file.zip http://localhost/artifactory/simple/repo/groupId/artifactId/version/file.zip However, this will not resolve or update maven layout on the artifact. Is there a way I can upload without using the artifactory-maven plugin?
I found a solution to this question I had posted. Syntax Used: curl -i -X PUT -K $CURLPWD "http://localhost/artifactory/$REPO/$groupId/$artifactId/$versionId/$artifactId-$versionId.$fileExt" Ended up writing a script so that md5 & sha1 values are uploaded with the file, or else, I had to go in Artifactory and fix it manually. #!/bin/bash usage() { echo "Please check the Usage of the Script, there were no enough parameters supplied." echo "Usage: ArtifactoryUpload.sh localFilePath Repo GroupID ArtifactID VersionID" exit 1 } if [ -z "$5" ]; then usage fi localFilePath="$1" REPO="$2" groupId="$3" artifactId="$4" versionId="$5" ARTIFAC=http://localhost/artifactory if [ ! -f "$localFilePath" ]; then echo "ERROR: local file $localFilePath does not exists!" exit 1 fi which md5sum || exit $? which sha1sum || exit $? md5Value="`md5sum "$localFilePath"`" md5Value="${md5Value:0:32}" sha1Value="`sha1sum "$localFilePath"`" sha1Value="${sha1Value:0:40}" fileName="`basename "$localFilePath"`" fileExt="${fileName##*.}" echo $md5Value $sha1Value $localFilePath echo "INFO: Uploading $localFilePath to $targetFolder/$fileName" curl -i -X PUT -K $CURLPWD \ -H "X-Checksum-Md5: $md5Value" \ -H "X-Checksum-Sha1: $sha1Value" \ -T "$localFilePath" \ "$ARTIFAC/$REPO/$groupId/$artifactId/$versionId/$artifactId-$versionId.$fileExt"
Overwiting target directory in catch-all rule in GNU Makefile
Consider the following: SRCS = somefile.c util/someother.c ../src/more.c %.o : %.c $(GCC) -MD -c $< -o $# -Wp,-MD,.deps/$*.d #cp .deps/$*.d .deps/$*.P; \ sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \ -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < .deps/$*.d >> .deps/$*.P; \ rm -f .deps/$*.d -include $(SRCS:%.c=.deps/%.P) How would I change the above so that the .o files end up in ./? Currently they build in the directory the source file exists in and that's bad.
I'd do it this way: SRCS = somefile.c someother.c more.c %.o : %.c [same as before] -include $(SRCS:%.c=.deps/%.P) vpath %.c util ../src