Woocommerce shop manager can't see previous media files - wordpress

I have just created a shop manager role inside my site. I want someone else to upload my site content like product details and images. But right now this role can't see the old product images in media library. When i open media library, i see empty.

To view all images login back from admin account. Shop Manager is a role you can give someone to manage the shop without making them an admin. They’re granted the capabilities:
If you wish to modify roles and capabilities, use a third-party plugin such as Capability Manager or Capability Manager Enhanced


Wordpress user roles restrictions plug in

Hi is there any plug in that admin can share posts on each user? And only when a user log in on page can see their relative posts and updates of them?
You can use Advanced Access Manager plugin and you can manage everything in your site with this plugin from the admin panel.

How to change or update password if registered into a site through social media

I have placed social media login/registration into my WordPress site, but I noticed that users who register through this channel cannot change/update password or their profile on my site. It seems that my site is always dependent of these social medias and users cannot break free.
How can I enable these users to update their profiles on my platform?
Many thanks, and Happy Holidays!!
This is a function of the plugin you are using. Try using a different one. What happens to the user when you turn off the plugin? Does your plugin store email addresses in your own database?

Posting in behalf of Wordpress "Contributor" user

I have a news website belongs to old school, and I am receiving articles/opinions through email, and I manage adding theme my self.
I am planning now to switch to Wordpress and until I can enable all writers to post their articles by giving them "Contributor" role, is there any Wordpress plugin that enable Admin/Author to post an article in behalf of any "Contributor" user?
Your editors don't need a plugin for this. On the admin page in which you edit posts (or pages) near the bottom there's a dropdown list from which your editor can select the post's author. The selected author shows up as the post's author on the front end.
Your contributors will be able to write and edit their own posts. But, only an editor or administrator can publish them: make them visible on the front end.
That's handy: it lets you have contributors you don't trust completely. Editors vet their work before it shows up on the site.
But, if your editors aren't diligent, your contributors will never see their work published. On a volunteer site (such as your application) they'll become discouraged and stop writing stuff.
You may want to err on the side of letting people publish stuff, then removing it if you don't like it, or if it's spam, or whatever. To do that you make people "editors" rather than contributors.
Yes , learn here about the editor role , you can create as many as editors from wp-admin panel and editors can create and modify the posts via their provided login or their created login.
Editor capabilities : https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#Editor
You can also manage their capabilities by using : User Role Editor plugin
I don't know of any such plugins but if the number of articles posted by contributors are less than you can simply write that article and publish it. Once publish you can than change the author to any contributor from the list on the posts page.

Product management for wordpress

Hi I wanted my wordpress site putting user role for product I want the user1 can only see and count the product he uploaded and he cannot see the other product uploaded by the other user is there a free plugin for that in wordpress ?
try to use this
this allow to add various capability to the user, may it will help?

How to isolate(seperate) Orders section in Wordpress WooCommerce?

Orders Section is located in Admin Panel which means that Order Manager has access to everything like Pages, Products, Settings etc. Is there a way to limit Manager Abilities?
Yes, you can use plugins available to increase/decrease user capabilities. ex. User Role Capabilities.
